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Posts posted by lamradio

  1. It's very true that digital effects don't hold a candle to pure, analog effects, but a lot of people use effects processsors for convenience, price, and the simple fact that most of the audience is never going to tell the difference between digital and analog. Many processors, if used right can sound pretty darn good.. If you run them through the effects loop and stay far away from the distortions, then you can get a descent sound out of them..

  2. By dancing...do you mean full-on hippie dancing? That would annoy the crap out of me. Wilco's not a band that I would consider dancing to, though I was on the floor, standing and bobbing my head quite a bit.


    Ha yeah, I guess you could say it was full-on hippie dancing.. It wasn't bad though because I could still see the band.. I didn't really pay attention to her..

  3. My wife and I sat on the second row to the right side of the stage and the staff was very strict.. At least until the end of the show.. There was a girl in front of us that danced a lot and anytime she would get a few feet infront of her chair, the staff would tell her to back up... But it was great, after the first encore, people started going up to the front of the stage, and the staff didn't care..


    But wow.. what a great show.. It's cool how the video of Jeff dancing with the little girl is already posted on you tube:


  4. what really weighs Green down is that there is practically a formula for each song - same type of solo, etc. the only ones that break that mold are the singles. i have read that Rivers studied Kurt Cobain's songwriting trying to write the perfect song, and he numbers them all, so it's sort of like he manufactures them and cranks them out like an assembly line.


    That's a perfect description of Green.. It does have some good songs on it though "Simple Pages" "Photograph".. But it does have that assembly line feel.. I was quite impressed with Maladroit though.. You can tell that Rivers worked hard on that album.. It doesn't have the feeling and soul that Pinkerton or Blue have, but you can tell he put some work into it, unlike Green.. But yeah, Make Believe is just bad... The only song that I kind of like on that album is "The other way".. All the others are just.. almost laughable..


    I really hope that Rivers tries to go back to his old style and put some soul into the new album.. They almost lost me as a fan with Make Believe, but I think I'll give them another chance..

  5. At this point, the only thing that could get me interested in a new Weezer album would be the return of Matt Sharp.


    Right on... When he left, the band was never the same.. Green album was OK, Maladriot was OK.. Maybe even a hair better than The Green Album, and then Make Believe was garbage.. I think RockStarism just went to Rivers Cuomo's head and he doesn't put his soul into writing anymore... Sad because I used to be the biggest Weezer fan in the world...

  6. Yeah, I thought the set flowed very well in Charlotte. I was expecting them to play a lot of new songs, but hell, the new album rocks so I don't have a problem with that at all. I think they played plenty of old songs.. Several off of AGIB.. And California Stars.. I mean, who would have guessed that? War On War.. Always In Love.. And what could have been better than opening with Sunken Treasure?

  7. I'm Always In Love getting played in the encore after I make the thread saying how awesome it is. Coincidence? or does someone in the band check the boards?


    I would bet that at least someone from the band checks this board from time to time.. This is definitely the most popular Wilco board on the web.

  8. I left the concert with such a high (and it wasn't from the pot smoke in the air).. Wilco just put on an amazing show and you could REALLY feel their chemestry. They looked like they had a great time and it really showed.. It was also nice to hear Low say that this was the best audience they had played for in a long time.


    Wilco is truly in their prime right now.

  9. I'm driving from Charleston SC (it's about a three hour drive).. How's the traffic around Charlotte? Is the auditorium downtown? If so, I suspect the traffic will be pretty bad around rush hour.. I plan to get there around 6 so I can stop and have dinner (and a few :beer of course).

  10. Another firefighter tragedy...nine lost last night :no


    We had to endure six lost here in an abandoned warehouse 7 1/2 years ago...I feel for their brothers, families, friends and civilians that they were working to protect...

    My Sympathy and Prayers


    I live in Charleston SC a few miles from the site, so this has definitely hit home with me.. My brother in law is also a fireman.... Thanks for the kind words.

  11. I disagree with this (in a friendly way), I think they fit in rather well. Wilco must dig them because they are doing this entire leg of the tour.




    I guess it's hard to find a band that is a perfect fit to open for Wilco but I guess if you look at it in a certain way, Low can fit in well.. If you're like me, I don't think about the style of music of an opening band or wether they fit in.. All that matters is if I enjoy the music or not.

  12. sorry posted already my bad i missed it .. i am stupid


    No problem.. It happens.. I was watching Rescue me too though and they played it on every break! I almost got tired of it... almost...

  13. what should i be listening to from Low's catalog to get ready for the upcoming shows? are they playing all newer stuff or a mix. i am completely unfamiliar with Low's music so any guidance would help.

    was at that show...it was awesome


    I would recommend their latest album "Drums and Guns".. I assume they will be performing many songs off of it live. It's pretty unique music.. Slow, dark, moody, electronic music with haunting vocals.. I may be way off, but for some reason it reminds me of Bjork.. atleast the music does..


    They are kind of out of place opening for Wilco, but I'm looking forward to seeing them.

  14. I love the drone in Less Than You Think... It inspired me to have drone moments when I'm performing.. Even though the rest of the band (and most of the time the crowd) kind of looks at me funny because it's not often your hear drone in a classic/southern/bar-rock band, but I sure get a kick out of it....

  15. I know it's just over a week ahead of time, but I thought I'd go ahead and post.. Who's going to the Charlotte show? My wife and I will be there.. Anyone know of any good places to eat before the show?

  16. i'm still around. I still have all those songs. Do you need any in particular or just want the whole pack?


    The whole pack if you don't mind... :thumbup



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