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laminated cat

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Everything posted by laminated cat

  1. I'm pretty much in love with this album. I really hope that doesn't mean I'll hate it in three weeks.
  2. Oh man, this is really good. Doesn't bode well for my IB physics exam at 7:30 tomorrow...
  3. Oh man, I love Hate it Here... perfect bad day song. Wilco the Song is cool too though I guess.
  4. okay I'll probably stay on for another 15 minutes before I get off and listen to it... if anyone wants it, it's crazybrit4967@gmail.com. (oh and thanks to everyone that aided in sharing this!)
  5. well I feel bad but crazybrit4967@gmail.com!
  6. hey I'd absolutely love it if someone could sent it along to me, even though I don't exactly post here that much... it's crazybrit4967 at gmail dot com.
  7. I know One Wing and Sunny Feeling (wait... Sonny Feeling??) have been, and Wilco (the Song) was on the Colbert Report.
  8. well, if it did then google has failed me.
  9. just to clarify, I voted for leak but I will buy it when it comes out...
  10. Yeah, see - that right there, more useful than like 5 weeks of sessions.
  11. Yeah, I guess that's my main problem. We just learn scales for each chord, I guess it comes from modal jazz originally but I haven't learned about any of the cool bebop stuff from the 40s and that was only like 60 years ago now. It seems like I get glared at when I don't play the notes in the scale, it doesn't exactly encourage originality. And yeah, I don't mind my thread being derailed as long as no one minds that this shows up on the Just a Fan forum.
  12. hmm, I guess it's kind of weird that my second ever post here is a rant about jazz education... but yeah, hi, everyone!
  13. Yeah, here's another article about it. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle4914661.ece I thought this was interesting especially:
  14. This might have been mentioned here before, but for anyone that likes the Bad Plus... or Wilco (are there any of those fans here? hmm), it should be pretty cool. https://www.relix.com/Features/Daily_News/T...0811193413.html
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