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Posts posted by junkiesmile

  1. You know, the Old 97's have sucked my ass ever since Rhett Miller decided to try to fill the void Leif Garrett left in pop music. Do I miss them? Kinda, but I listen to everything up through Satellite Rides regularly. Do I bitch and moan? No, because some people (at least 10) still like their output. Bands change, and tastes generally stay the same. Go explore the world; there's tons of great music for the listening.



    There was a discussion going on on this thread as well Speed Racer and you basically just told me to "stop bitchin" ;)

  2. Oh hurray for Summerteeth hate. *rolls eyes*


    Candyfloss is a great pop tune, with a great melody and an arrangement that rewards repeated listens. To me that's the definition of a great song (Though I'm not saying things without those things can't be great songs.) I seriously can't understand how anyone can not like that song.


    I guess now I know how people feel when I say "Red-Eyed and Blue" or "Forget the Flowers" are nothing special.

    Yeah that got me in the BT thread. I love those songs.

  3. I actually bought it this past Tuesday on official release day, but just haven't been able to watch it until tonight.

    It's AMAZING and captures Jeff and the current lineup on and off stage so perfectly...it's artistic in approach, but doesn't skimp on offering a nice collection of new songs and some old favs.


    Thumbs WAY up for this one.


    That's all.

    New songs?

  4. just get rid of the sesame street version of outtasite and leave it as it is!

    Hell no.



    By the way, I still need that march 5th Tweedy show you were raving about in the live show thread Froggie.

  5. I guess I'll have to weigh in with my opinion although as of late I've been getting some shit from people on this forum. After careful consideration I think my list will have to be








    W (TA) ( it's last on my list because it's not out yet)

  6. Oh hell yeah. Sylar is now Nathan who thinks he's Nathan. Peter has Sylar's powers and Matt Parkman is in on all of it. Claire has no idea and neither does Peter. Angela and Claire's dad are masterminding the whole thing and Hiro's power is taking it's toll. Man, this shit is off the hook. Oh yeah, and Wilco's new album. Something.

  7. I'm sure I'll like this new album because I've liked every project Jeff has been involved in, some more than others, but to me none of them suck. I just have the same reservations about Wilco as I do about myself. I wrote much better songs when I was younger, less satisfied with life and more driven to shake things up and challenge people's preconceptions. I too like the fact that every Wilco album has been different from the one before. I just think the last album happened to be the most tame. Now that could be because of the addition of an accomplished jazz guitarist, or because Jeff is in a more comfortable place, or because I needed more from them at the time of this albums release. Maybe I needed reassurance that my favorite band and I were not getting old. There was always something about the previous albums that pissed people off in an anti-establishment way. The last album just seemed to piss people off because it was so conventional. Not that I give a shit, I just kind of agree with the conventional part. It makes me uncomfortable when my mom wants me to burn her a copy.

  8. Just for the record I never said I didn't like SBS. I just think Wilco made engaging albums before extended Nels solos came along. You don't need to be a guitar god to create an interesting solo. Sometimes proficiency=sterility.

    That's why I'm not a Satriani fan.

  9. I remember a few albums where Wilco created very entertaing songs without having to fall back on killer guitar solos to make them interesting. Like maybe the first five (with a few glorious exceptions).

  10. All right. I like Nels in the band. I had to get used to him and there are other incarnations of the band that I like just as well, but I like him. With that said, I am tired of reading these reviews that say he's the best part of the band. He's not the best part. This band was great before him and it will be great after him. If Nels was the best part then Jeff would be in his band not the other way around. Wilco's best albums imo were made when Nels was nowhere around. No hate on Nels I just hate to hear Jeff being marginalized.

  11. I was under the impression that it was a live concert film. At least that's how it was advertised on the Wilco website. It even reads "Wilco live" on the cover of the DVD so I wasn't expecting an Oscar caliber documentary on the Walmartization of America or an in depth story on the disappearance of small town life or even much insight into a rock band's creative process. I was expecting to see live concert footage and this film delivers that in spades. I am grateful to Wilco for allowing this film to be made. It captures a great american band in it's prime.

  12. Okay, had a few beers so I'm shootin' from the hip. Got the DVD Thursday but just watched it tonight so my wife and I could watch it together. She's a bigger Wilco fan than I am(I'm a big one)just not masochistic enough to subject herself to a Wilco forum. I swear I had a grin a mile wide the whole time I was watching it. It felt like I was at a concert with no beer lines. Man what a great representation of the miracle that is music. Someone stated earlier that it was light? Considering the fact that we got all of the audio from this DVD and a bonus full concert? My God, what wealth. My wife and I have seen them many times live and this was just as exciting(well almost). I've been in a few bands and I know how good it feels when everything is clicking. It's ecstasy. Man, I just watched twenty songs worth of ecstasy. I'll admit I was one of the doubters when Nels joined the band, but he has settled in like a worn out pair of jeans. I remember thinking last year in Houston(drove from Austin, can't claim Houston)when they were playing "Airline to Heaven" that this is the greatest band in America right now. I felt that way tonight watching this DVD. What beauty. What life affirming intensity. These guys work hard and deserve all of the long overdue praise that is being heaped upon them. I've been a fan since "Being There" and have long held them close to my heart. I have at times been resentful(jealous) of all of the "mainstream" recognition that they have received. I felt like the secret was out for the hounds to sully. I still feel that way at times. They are now being judged by people who are unworthy to judge. But man, they are thriving. God bless them(a figure of speech). I'm about to order Glen's album(That guy is incredible), I have a renewed respect for John( I'm going to buy all of the Autumn Defense albums), and I can't wait for the new Wilco album. Jeff is a true troubadour for our generation(as cliche as it may sound). Anyway, to wrap it up, I can't wait to watch it again. Long live Wilco and I thank them for their generosity. Sorry, I know that this post is a bit to long to read but I am pumped.




    p.s. I didn't think that the scene between Jeff and his dad was awkward at all. It just seemed that Jeff was a little uncomfortable with all of the praise that his dad was throwing his way(calculated humbleness, another endearing quality of Jeff's).

  13. boo hoo - quit your wining. you sound like a fool. it will be up soon enough. after everything thing this band gives us you really feel you should be bitching about when you get your free tracks. you do not deserve to use the name clint eastwood - maybe you should change it to the french term for 'showering'.... douche !

    Damn girl. :rotfl

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