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Posts posted by bigshoulders

  1. Hey there!

    Last I heard the date was March 2011, but now I find this...

    Whenever the date, we better get our hands on a copy fast! :thumbup Though, I'm afraid to even think about what the price will be.




    Ooh... that looks *nice*! Probably looking at at least 100-120 clams. Here's hoping for another tour, too!

  2. Thanks, Dr. Phil. It must have hurt to pass that hardback book. That must be the origin of your avatar picture. :blush

    I didn't come here for relationship advice, nor to have this anecdote analyzed and dissected. I simply wanted to share a Christmas gripe, that's all. I'm over it.


    Let's hear some more stories of lousy gifts. I know you've got 'em.

  3. Did they give each other lots of really great gifts?

    In this particular case, yes. It was somewhat uncomfortable, watching the whole spectacle unfold. Each person unwrapping multiple gifts. I know I wasn't exactly a member of the family... but I wasn't exactly the boyfriend-of-the-week, either. We were a serious couple at that point. As an epilogue to the original story, the next Christmas we spent together yielded a bag of jelly beans, I kid you not. I was somewhat prepared for the letdown, but still... it hurt.


    I'm no longer dating that girl, but not due to any of this. I'm not that superficial.

  4. I spent a fair bit of time last night and today going through all the shows I've seen this year (about 240 or so total performances), and came up w/ my top 22 and honorable mentions...click on the pic to see more




    Nice list!

    Aside: I found the text very difficult to read on your blog post. I quit trying to make out what it said and just looked at the pics.

  5. It doesn't have to be from 2010.


    I'd been dating this girl for about 18 mos. By the time Christmas rolled around, I'd met the entire family at various birthday dinners, get-togethers, Thanksgivings during the year. We all got along really well. No animosity, nothing like that. At Christmas, I got each of her brothers and sister— even sister-in-law-to-be— gifts, as well as her parents. I put thought into each person's gift and wanted it to be special. For my efforts, I received a single present in return from her parents: one box of chocolate-covered cherries. The adult in me was indeed gracious and thankful, but the kid in me just wanted to cry. I know deep down: "It's the thought that counts" but in this case, I felt as if they honestly didn't care about me, and it cut me deep.


    Let's hear your worst Christmas present stories.

  6. A group of us are meeting at The Box, a noodle joint within a block or two of the Paramount, before and after the show. A VCer, jerrycray (not his real name) has gotten himself booked into this place to play, solo acoustic I think, both before and after the main show. I used to live in C'ville but it's been several years ago, so I haven't been to this place, but there's a website (http://theboxcville.com/) where you can check it out. We're arriving between 6-6:30 and I assume we'll be eating and drinking there. If not, there are lots of great places to eat right on the downtown mall, which is where the Paramount is located. Hope to see you there!


    I saw "jerrycray's" original post but theboxcville music calendar didn't list him (or anyone else for that matter) for tomorrow night. :dontgetit Regardless, that seems as good a place as any to meet folks that are going to the show, so I'll plan on being there around 6:30 or thereabouts.



  7. I'm traveling solo, so would love to meet up w/ some fans before or after the show. Preferably before... since most likely I'll be pointing the car back down South soon after the show and want to be a responsible driver, y'know. :cheers


    Also, does anyone know of any good eats close by the Paramount?




  8. @ bigshoulders RE: Chasing Amy - I don't agree with you on that one. I think that is probably my favorite Kevin Smith film and was quite a good story to tell and obviously very connectable for people of that generation.

    Maybe I need to revisit it. I saw it not long after it came out, and promptly forgot about it. I think my initial knee-jerk reaction was that it wasn't funny, in the way his other previous films hooked me: Clerks and Mallrats. Perhaps it would speak more to me now than it did then, but I won't know until I see the film again, if I ever do. There's too much to watch already. :blink

  9. What GtrPlayer said and the fact that Wes Anderson has Satanic Cult footage of the "good" people over at Criterion, since he's batting a thousand.

    Seriously, all of his films are featured as part of the collection. Fantastic Mr. Fox is due out sometime next year.


    And don't forget that some films somehow slipped under the radar and weren't double checked: The Rock, Robocop, and Armageddon. :blink

    That's good news on Fantastic Mr. Fox! I wasn't aware of it, but have been putting off purchasing the blu until I heard if it was going to be released. I didn't go overboard on the B&N sale. Just 2 titles: Bottle Rocket on blu and the 23 Films by Jean Painleve on DVD. I look forward to watching that one over the Thanksgiving holidaze. It was a blind buy but I found it pretty intriguing-- and the soundtrack for some of them is by none other than Yo La Tengo. :thumbup


    To name another film that "slipped under the radar" Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy. Never understood why that got the Criterion treatment.

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