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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. That's nice news about the Celtics! I feel like i'm back in college again with the whole Celtics/Lakers thing.

    5th grade for me, those were some great B ball days. The kids for the Lakers, the old man cheering for the Celtics. Generational battle. Not so much like that now, but still looking forward to it. Hope the Celtics stay awake for all 4 quarters.


    Kobe is the best player in the history of the NBA.


    I haven't kept up on Bball much, usually just watch the playoffs. How is Kobe better than Jordan?

  2. I believe this was the working title of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot at one point.


    I remember that Rod Stewart story circulating back in the day. It was around the same time as the Frank Zappa drinking a goblet of audience members spit, or was it puke, or urine? I can't remember anymore...


    Any of the above is powerful stuff. There is definite power in messing with body fluids. We gathered 3 gallons of urine at our party a couple weeks ago, and boiled it over the fire. It was grrrrrrrrrooosssss. Ended up looking like antifreeze.

  3. I agree. While we are at it, I am tired of Shot in the Arm. They need to put a different song in that spot.


    Me too. Like a Nirvana cover?


    > I agree. While we are at it, I am tired of Shot in the Arm. They need to put a different song in that spot.


    When you wake feeling old!



    they should end their shows with it like the ended the album version :thumbup


    That song is the best. I love it.

  4. Here is an excellent source for seed from around the world that has adapted to the midwest climate, although they have customers nationwide. There is a ton of info in their forum, as well. http://rareseeds.com/


    If you are in the Northeast this is a company that fights the power. Their artwork and slam on Monsanto et al. is refreshing. http://www.fedcoseeds.com/


    Someone mentioned garlic, yeah I am going to try that as well. Half the education of gardening seems to be learning that it is a year round experience.

  5. i know i said i wasn't going to comment anymore, but this is very well put and something i think we all can agree on. :yes


    I don't know that we can all agree on all of it. I do appreciate oceanman's offer to have a drink and have a little discourse at the next show if the planets should align. I must admit Wilco is the only band I have picked up on in the last few years. Most of my favs are dead or too old to sing. We just get psyched to see Wilco. I don't think I'll apologize for anything we did, I might seek out the wild bunch the next time I go to make sure we are all in the same vibe.


    And to the dude who said I can't come to Tulsa, was that not a good f'n show? I can't remember a more lively crowd/band interaction.

  6. You obviously missed some of the discussions between security and fans around the same time.


    As for the recording, can't say I care. You're mighty quick with the assumptions for someone preaching compassion. I was more concerned about the fact that someone was rude enough to interrupt the concert for others.


    Uh, yeah, I was kindof watching the show, not talking to fans or security, which itself could be considered a distraction. Isn't that what the root problem is, a distraction from your connection to the band?


    I apologize for assuming that you desire a clean recording. Not being a smartass, I really mean it.


    As for rude, it was an misunderstanding between 4 people. Tweedy said, hey chill, that was it. Were there any other problems after that?

  7. No, this isn't about a couple of brushes to the arm. This is about a level of obnoxious shrieking that was bad enough to cause the band to stop the show and issue a warning. Bumping into people is one thing that's to be expected at a sold-out show, and I don't recall anyone in this thread complaining about such contact. I was sitting by the sound board, and my complaint (along with that of the sound guys) was 100% with the shrieking.


    The shrieking occured during one song and it was for Patmylump not for hatin on neighbors. Maybe this about ownership of a recording to add to your history/archive proof of existence. Tweedy looked down and said chill due to the fracas, not the screaming.


    What is going to happen when the Rage fans meet the Wilco fans at some festivals this summer?

  8. i grew up on pete seeger. probably saw him 20 times. learned to harmonize as a kid going to pete seeger shows in NYC. inspirational guy. hell of a player too


    thanks for the heads up!!


    We had a fellow in our small town that embodied the Seeger persona, even looked a lot like him. It was truly sad to see him go. These people are dying breed. Johnny Cash, rip. I almost wish others like Dylan and Willie would croak to get it over with. I fear the future when I think of the loss of these people and others like them.


    Who else protests the man? Rappers do it consistently, but their message is so common its become marginalized. Rage had its run. Bruce has some time left, that's good. Fogerty too. Neil. Eddie Vedder tries but after watching Charlie Rose w/ Sean Penn I determined he likes the smoke too much to think beyond 3 seconds. Anyone else I should seek as a beacon, cuz Toby Keith and Miley Cyrus ain't cuttin it.

  9. I had to pay for one babysiter that night, now two? If you can't take care of yourself, please stay home. Please don't make this into another band I can't go see because people are out of control. I have been that guy before, I have gotten punched in the face, I have got kicked out of shows. I know what it is like on both sides, I would kick my own ass if I saw myself acting like shit head. I never wan't to be that guy ever again. I still drink..............and yet considerate of others. How does that work? It's not that cool being THAT GUY.


    What happened Friday did not warrant face punching and removal by security, it was a couple of brushes from arm to arm. We are aware of 'those' people although, that is still part of a show sometimes and doesn't mean 'that' person is evil or should be executed or that the drink is to blame, merely a contributing factor. Shit, maybe you were going through some things that made you want to let loose when you were 'that' guy. We are all water and dna, etc. have some compassion.

  10. He's working on living forever and a day....bless him. Listening to him with Bob Edwards was really nourishing and encouraging.


    .....and listening to him this morning prompted me to accept an invite to a "Peace and Justice Song Circle" event tonight that Graham was encouraging me to go to with him.


    Social anxiety be damned. :lol


    I just finished watching the documentary and thought this was worth sharing to the Vietcong


    But the overarching theme is his unique approach to music. For Seeger, music is a tool to bring people together, and that, as much as the singing, is the point. As we see him leaving the stage of Carnegie Hall at the end of a concert when he was 84, he says in voiceover,

  11. Any rationalizations about just "letting loose" or "hey, it's a rock show" or "I don't get out much" are just that. Rationalizing. And like most rationalizing it's making excuses for bad behavior.


    Rationalization is another term for our perception of the situation. As I reflect upon events, I see it through my lens. Now if I am subconsciously altering my perception to protect my ego then you could call that rationalization, as it is a protective mechanism. Many stoners can rationalize days, months, away.


    The discussion of why we attend rock concerts used to be universal. We seek meaning through a group experience. We intend to get lost in the moment as the performers manipulate our senses. Perhaps the new crowd, which I am evidently not assimilated to, desires an individual grasp of achievement. They seek digital pictures without others heads in the way, unadulterated bootleg files, 5 minute youtube clips without the floor seemingly bouncing up and down, discussion in the head of who you met from an internet site, etc. And this is why I felt like quitting this scene. Then I realized I belong at a Wilco show just as much as anyone, whether they are a 'cherry ghost' or whatever the top showing of VC experience is. Whether I listened to Jeff and Jay in their garage in Belleville or whether I heard them on a Vdub commercial. So I'll keep my eye on the tour calendar and if you go to show, see if you can watch out for me instead of looking at Pat's lump in his pants and scold me. I don't care...I have rationalized it away...as, say, a stoner would.

  12. And so one either has to be intoxicated and annoying to their neighbors or stand like statues?


    I really think there's middle ground to be found here.


    I'm all for the middle ground, herein lies the problem...the statues and the dancers aren't finding it.


    I am also thinking getting drunk has different effects for each individual. For instance, I am a German, I get jolly and dance, my wife is Scottish, she gets evil. I am starting to believe the drink will soon follow the stoge in terms of regulation if the VietCong had their way.


    The particular incidents I have been referring to are us moving around a bit, I really wouldn't call it dancing, then ever so slightly brushing up against someone and I am being totally honest about this. I think some people fear others and their excitement for the band. The point I am failing to make is 'why get into any type of crowd, whether it's rock n' roll or waiting to get into a sports event if you hate people to touch you...it's gonna happen eventually.'

  13. Like their other albums they have their place for the times of your life. About a month ago SBS was my personal Jesus. I think I am in moratorium now with the talk of a new album. Still jonesin for the SBS tour video.

  14. My mom listens to conservative talk radio. It's not dead on there. They did like six hours on it yesterday.


    My dad was into that shit during the Clinton years, which hopefully will remain in the past. That shit drove me insane. Continued w/ the onset of O'Reilly, even bought us kids his book, which my sister, embarrasingly traded into a bookstore. She is still upset about that. Thankfully, he now watches the other grandstander, Olbermann.

  15. Dear Fathead,

    I guess you won't be seeing this since you are't looking at this site anymore. But just in case, I am from Tulsa and have been to 2 Wilco concerts at Cains Ballroom and one Jeff Tweedy solo tour. I have also been to several Wilco concerts in KC, Wichita, Springfield Mo. as well as 2 in St. Louis.

    I hate to tell you, anywhere there is alcohol served, there are going to be people who do stupid things. There is nothing more offensive to a sober person than a drunk. I personally go to a Wilco show to enjoy the music not kill brain cells or hear dog whistlers. Please don't come to Tulsa and bring your loving entourage with you. Us uncouth hicks enjoy concerts here for the music not the "firewater".


    Point taken. Now I can only see Wilco in KC and ? Anyone else drunk haters? Hey, shit, some folk have few chances to have fun, to let loose. I keep thinking back to the good old days when people got rowdy at shows. To me the good old days are the 90's. I really have not been to many shows in the last 8 years or so. When I first began to attend Wilco shows in 06 I loved the crowd contagion. It seems lately things are becoming possessive. Like in Lawrence, some douchebag buffoon claimed he owned a spot on the lawn because he was there since 6.30. Come on. You can't expect to own a 3' diameter spot throughout a show, whether there are drunks around or not. So my bud got excited during I'm a Wheel, a pretty fast fuckin roustabout song...makes you wanna jump and the guy got testicular cuz his arm was brushed and lost some of his spray on tan. And StL, I am trying to forget. The whole 'scene' started cuz an earplugger did the same thing to two different people. This was even more bizarre because we were right up front. At least the bunghole scene in Lawrence was like 20 rows back.


    I agree, a drunk is annoying to the sober...maybe have a drink or two or ignore us and watch Pat?

  16. We all apologize for trying to show Wilco that we love them. I was part of the troublesome entourage. After the show we discussed our situation w/ the band and they seem to understand what happened and were cool about it. I suppose we'll avoid the poopy venues...sticking closer to the 'uncouth' venues, e.g. KC, Tulsa, you know, where the hicks and cowboys roam. I seem to recall Jeff emphasizing how great those crowds were and hey, we were there, yelling, screaming, having a good whisky soaked time. And, more for me than you, this is my last post and look at this mutha board. There are some cool folk here, but damn, this is turning into a 'fans ruining the music', kind of like when frat boys started listening to the Dead. Most of all, I will miss Analogman. His dedication to keeping the peace here and discussion of torrents is primo. Happy trails.

  17. Just wanted to thank Paul, Tim, Peter ("the apostles") and friends for being so awesome and raising funds for our wedding! It was great to meet you guys Friday night, you really made the evening that much better. We are going play a Wilco song at our wedding and dedicate it to you guys! We may go for California Stars, but we are open to whatever you would like played in your honor. Hope you had a great time in Hermann yesterday. Thanks SO much again!


    Josh and Val


    Rockin. We were glad to pitch in for the wedding fund and help w/ the Wilco orientation. I'll have to ask the other 'apostles' what song to play. This is a really important decision, you know.


    Yeah, Hermann was great. We intended to recover by sipping wine but ending getting sloshed at the beer tent while dancing to polka. Yeah, we danced our arses off there, as well.

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