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Posts posted by fatheadfred

  1. Get a place near the Airport. It's only like a 5 minute drive from there.


    Thnx, I'll check out the airport shacks. Some of the high dollar joints near U City were booked. Must be graduation or they can tell I am connecting from a white trash IP address and was blocked.

  2. - corporate "fat cats" in the front rows; trailer trash in the very back.




    Are those the folk that complain when people (disparaging goat fuckers) sing and dance?

  3. So I'm some poor trash from the west side of the state. With the venue being near Wash U, I assume the digs are pricey. Any ideas on nearby dives that aren't too divey? thnx.

  4. The world needs people to say boo hiss to Nels to balance out the people like me who adore him. Otherwise his ego would get too big, and it would wreck the band.


    The dude seems pretty grounded knowing that he can fuck it up. Ergo, he doesn't have a complex. Super nice fella.


    And, tell yer friend he sux.


    It is nice to see a band continue for 10+ years. How many people do you work with that long? Not many, people change, people move on. Why would we expect a band not to do the same? If they didn't they would get stagnant. I am guessing someone will provide a band that defies this, but it is very rare.


    If the band readz this bulldoo, they prolly laugh. They are probably aware of the professionalism required to fill a role. Jay Bennett's name comes to mind when I think of someone who didn't understand this concept. But, perhaps, this opinion is formed from watched the documentary.


    Oh, yeah, Nels rulz (again). Please enjoy this setup before they morph again. Ten years from now peeps'll be bitchin and longing for Nels once he is gone and Miley Cyrus is in the band they'll bitch about her style.

  5. good things will come to those who wait... ;)


    'cept, I looked on here last week and someone posted the show before it happened. That is how good and how friendly Wilco is w/ tapers. They played the show for the tapers only, before the 8th. wow.

  6. A psychiatrist will use medications to alleviate short term, alter chemical imbalance, and provide example behavior. Some of us have used drugs and we understand how it makes us feel, pot for instance, is a sensitizer for me. I can use the example of how I felt when I was using it and implement the behavior, if I choose, while not using it. It is cognitive restructure.


    Some conditions require long term medication, some don't. It is scary to note that the abrupt discontinuation of anti depressant sends individuals into chaos. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this was evident in the Virginia Tech and N. Illinois campus shootings?

  7. Going to the Tulsa show. Any recommendations on brewskies and decent food?


    Yes, I am white. I do not eat meat at restaurants. I eat my own animals. Does this preclude me from nutrients in Tulsa? And for beer, I mean good beer. Not corn/rice swill.

  8. You'd be surprised how far back a lot of the "kool-aid drinking" members of this board go with Tweedy. I can claim 1990, and so can a number of others. Some of us love the new album, some of us don't.


    quoted also-->Our long tenure doesn't make us "better at Wilco" than anyone else. It just means we found out about them early on. Some of the most knowledgeable, devoted Wilco fans I know are people who only came on board after hearing Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. That doesn't make them bad Wilco fans, it just means they weren't exposed to the band until then.


    Yeah, take that, and some of us weren't old enough mentally to get Wilco or UT back then. I had some of their albums but they collected dust while Nirvana and Soundgarden were providing the fuel for my angst. I am much calmer now and, therefore, Wilco and UT are the bands of choice. Judging from some of the recent angst, maybe you all should pull out some Nirvana and SG and tear up your room a little, you know, get it out of your system.

  9. I have a friend that is (insert ethnic group here)


    Yeah, #67, not at Wilco show (most of them) or geez, in the 90's, white crowds were insane. NIN, Metallica, Rage, PJ, Watt, Horton Heat, B Boys, Blues Explosion, Beck, to name a few where most were going nutso. But if this is upper middle class SES, then yeah, John Tesh followers prolly have their fingers up their arses.

  10. i was in the 5th row center...and the sound was totally superb. it couldn' have sounded any better. we didn't have anyone talking around us (small miracle) but...it really was a sit down thing, unfortunately. the negative was that it was turned into a sitting show for the most part. also - i am from philly and well, i have seen lots of shows here and in other cities, and the philly audiences really do seem to be among the worst. i hate to say it since i am from here....but it just seems that way. always talking. always. and yelling stuff too. and security is rough. the same security guys work multiple venues so you'll see them at the tweeter and electric factory as well. maybe i'm mistaken, but sadly i understand the posts from people who didn't have the best experience. it was meet to see some VC people before and after the show!!! sara


    After seeing these dudes 4x's I still can't see how some crowds don't stand. I can understand it if you are up top, but right in front of them. geez. I wonder what they think when the audience remains seated? I do recall, I think a Nashville recording where Jeff says, "... you don't have to stand, we wouldn't either..." or something like that. The dude is such a smart ass (in a good way) that it is sometimes hard to determine when he is being serious. He is a straight-face smartass. Tough to decipher.

  11. stay off the beaten path, traveling on interstate sux.


    eat lots of green chile...on everything.


    in april the buffalo river in Ar will be flowing fast, bring your flask cuz it's dry.


    a good drunken float can be had in southwest Mo in the Elk River area, camp too.


    might still be a little chilly


    hmmm, don't know much about OK, going to Tulsa to see Wilco, will report back


    New Mexico...Santa Fe, touristy but super cool architecture and, once again, green chile. Some of the in between dives are better though, 'specially if you see a pepper field in the back of the restaurant.


    we live near warrensburg if you're in the area, we have an unfinished house but plenty of solitude to camp.

  12. Hopefully you'll run into a couple instructors that enable you to see why being able to think is important. As I approach my mid-30's I am already thinking, "this country is going to hell". Is it because the college kids are oblivious to how to read a book instead of 10 second online jabs? Is it because a rare few have an idea of the primary candidates? Is it because few can formulate their own thought?


    Maybe it is psychological development continues to be delayed. Being 24 y.o. now is like being 18-19 in the 60's? Is this why we have unrealistic expectations of 'these damn kids nowadays'?


    I totally agree that some teachers suck. But hey, can you really expect everyone of them to be good? Is every band as good as Wilco? Hell no. None of them are.

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