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Posts posted by sweetheart-mine

  1. From what I've seen personally, it wasn't a media creation.

    what do you mean by "it"? do you mean the "rock star" label? the minute large crowds started turning out for obama, the pundits applied that label, which usually came across as "don't take this guy seriously." i noticed the media used that label no matter who could be seen in the crowds, including grandmas, grandpas, and babies.


    if you mean the excitement a whole lot of people felt when obama entered the race, i agree with you that it was no media creation. it was real.

  2. at the beginning of his campaign, much of the support seemed unfounded and highly overhyped. I don't think it holds weight now, but at the beginning, with the whole change thing and all that, it's not a stretch to say many did lionize him.

    i can see why the support might have come across that way in the beginning, because (1) a lot of people actually were on the ecstatic side to find a kind of opposite-of-bush politician of all things stepping up, and (2) the media created the "rock star" label, which was ridiculous. the label lasted far longer for obama than it did for palin, which is kind of unfortunate for obama.

  3. That's pre slicely why I posted that pic. I am a bit tired of my political intelligence being chalked up to some Obama-mania I've been inflicted with. I need an overpriced useless drug prescribed by a Dr. I can't afford to help get the Obama outa me.

    oh i understood that, truly. :yes

  4. it's curious how often non-obama-supporters paint obama as a substitute for jesus or other religious character, as if obama supporters are delusional and see in him a pie-in-the-sky savior or messiah rather than just a politician who might not be quite as selfish, greedy, and lacking in integrity as the average politician. it's not exactly complicated to get, when you look at the last eight years and consider why people might be looking for a decent human being to lead the country. who needs some idealized figure? compared to what we've had, an intelligent and fresh human leader with a non-neocon vision is hardly far out. not that i'm trying to convince anybody, but that savior stuff gets downright silly.






  5. Yea, good one...that's how I feel about my old friend who is going McCain....



    when you first mentioned your friend, i was one of at least a few who thought you might regret letting the election get in the way of a long-term friendship. idealistically, i still feel that way, but as more and more mucked up issues pop up by the day, i can see how the friendship situation must become more and more difficult. this election is about so many fundamental beliefs in what democracy (or freedom) means, and so much is at stake not only personally but for the country and the world, that possible reasons for your disappointment become clearer all the time. at this point i think some differences of opinion wouldn't have to drown a friendship of mine, but i'd at least want to know -- have to know -- that a real dialogue is taking place or . . . possible, and that the values behind the conflicting opinions overlap in some positive way. anyway, i wish you well with this situation. (i'd be in it myself right now if my best friend hadn't left her husband 8 months ago and taken a hard-left turn.)

  6. after exposing just about everyone i know to wilco since finding tweedy&co 15 months ago, i can claim exactly zero converts. i don't understand it. i mean, it can't be wilco; it can't be me; it must be them! thinking about putting an ad in the biggest state newspaper, calling all potential wilco lovers.


    edit: wait, my brother loves "war on war" and "california stars." but that's it.

  7. Coulter's a trip man. I love watching her wiggle around saying crazy stuff.

    ouch, still a painful trip, though, eh? of course, most talking heads have their unshining moments/hours/days/weeks/months/years, but she wins the prize. maybe i can't say that, having managed not to see or hear her for well over a couple of months now. active avoidance works sometimes.

  8. Not any more.....



    no doubt.


    and it's better anyway if presidential candidates don't drive anything, or even let themselves be seen in vehicles, while they're running. the stress of the road can impair their judgment, as it did dukakis's when he decided to ride in that tank in 1988. :lol

  9. Weed is also much stronger now than I was when I was a youngin.

    that's the truth. i went for decades without even missing it but recently tried it again for medicinal purposes (i'm not kidding :) )

    one inhalation caused stonedness; two knocked me on my ass.

    in the old days you'd spend an hour to get to some dim idea of highness.

    it's disorienting, not my favorite way to unwind.


    this whole wall street "bailout" going on -- i'm no expert by a long shot and not even in the stock market, but it smacks of living off us little people & main taxpayers in a much bigger way than usual, and the exploitation had already come across as very big before this. it's ugly.

  10. I'm looking forward to the new record and could care less if it didn't meet someone else's expectations.

    same here, and i'm especially excited because, having "discovered" tweedy and wilco in the summer of 2007, i've never had the experience of anticipating a new album from them. i've loved almost everything -- including SBS, most definitely -- so disappointment is very unlikely. can't wait, can't wait. :moo

  11. yes, pretty common. so is waking up a little combative. :punch

    If something weird occurs, they should give you a letter to pass on to any future healthcare providers. Especially if you were a difficult intubation. This is something you don't want to be, but if you've had a cervical (neck) fusion or jaw problems and can't open your mouth much, I would tell the anesthesia provider.

    thank you. and what a perfect emoticon!

  12. While you're anesthetized, they intubate you, meaning they put tube down your throat so you can breathe. They have to wake you up when they extubate you, so they can make sure you can breathe on your own.

    ah, thanks for the info.

    and is it common to have trouble catching your breath at first when you're waking up in recovery? (i'm hoping it was a fluke, for future reference.)

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