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Posts posted by sweetheart-mine

  1. nice birthday! and nice pic -- or apt, anyway. but look at those rays. if they can pull this off after too many years in the cellar, surely the Os' turn for a good season can't be too long away. some of us red sox fans still don't know how to behave like non-chronic-underdogs after the two series; it's weird, sort of like someone stops kicking the wind out of you and hands you a lollipop, and you can't figure out if it's safe to get up or not. good luck for 2012 -- hey, that'll be just in time for another election year! yippee! :frusty

  2. Forgive me for bringing race into it, but Obama's nonwhiteitude excites the exoticism of the left in way even Mrs. Kucinich can't.

    exotic? how about simply "refreshing" and "it's about time" and "finally possibly the ultimate representation for african americans after centuries of little to none"? all-white can get old after a couple of centuries plus here in the melting pot. i don't know why other people are voting for him, but i'll vote for him because he's the best one running in my book and yes, that he's not white is icing on the cake in some pretty meaningful ways.

  3. You know why are we arguing abotu the financial meltdown of the united states when we have good news to talk about? Good news like this...

    Toilet-paper researchers create 3-ply tissue Tue Sep 16, 7:36 PM ET

    i just hate that i'm late to this important discussion. people tend to rip the same length of paper off the roll no matter now many plies it has. this means that the use of two-ply is a waste of one whole ply; three-ply will waste double that. we can't help ourselves.

  4. Sort of late on this, but I just stumbled on this nugget at FJM:



    Interesting note from the latest Gammons piece:


    In Ramirez's first 40 games, the Dodgers had a run differential of plus-22 and averaged 4.55 runs per game, as opposed to 4.43 through July 31....It's hard to talk about the MVP Award for Manny when the team that paid the Dodgers to take Ramirez is 27-13 without him through Sunday and have seen their runs per game increase from 4.94 at the time of the deal to 6.22 since.

    # posted by Junior : 9/14/2008 8:34 PM


    wow, that's interesting. i suspect the sox clubhouse atmosphere was worse before the trade than anyone could say, despite numerous leaked hints.

  5. Thank IHVH Winston Churchill isn't alive anymore, or he might rethink the following: "Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

    ultimately, i think he's right, though no doubt it sometimes depends on just what our democratic government is doing.

  6. Do you drink? If not, you should start.


    totally off topic, but against my better judgment i saw an absolutely ridiculous movie last night out of desperation. it had only one good line. older mother and grown daughter met in a restaurant for lunch. the mother said "i know you don't drink in the afternoon, but you will, so why not start now."

  7. exhausting reading.


    many individual people were selfless and giving in countless ways both on the scene on 9/11 and for a long time afterward. this means that american people, like others in most countries, care enough about their neighbors to do something, whatever they can at the time, when tragedy hits. this describes a good portion of humanity the world over, period, and at those times the best that many people have to offer comes to the fore. it's moving. hell, i sometimes choke up when people actually forget their own personal road missions enough to automatically pull over when they notice an ambulance or rescue van coming up behind them trying to get through to someone in need.


    i would never take this for granted; it's to be cherished and encouraged.


    as some have pointed out, there is a huge difference between people helping others and how their government behaves in the world. countless individuals behaved heroically on 9/11 and do so when other kinds of tragedies strike also. our government has not behaved heroically since 9/11, including katrina but also in many smaller ways too numerous to count or even for some people to notice.


    there's a really disturbing disconnect here. when so many individuals are apt to step up and do the right thing on a personal level, why is it that they continue to elect governments that do the opposite? despite some election fraud, why is it that people who will bend over backwards -- and sometimes even put their own lives at risk -- to help their neighbors end up throwing their voting support behind politicians whose leadership they've either seen or suspect will not represent their best selves both at home and abroad? i don't understand this.

  8. verrry interesting -- with great pics, showing some protest signs with sparks. my favorite might be the young girl holding a big sign that says "THANKS BUT NO THANKS, SARAH! I DESERVE A BETTER ROLE MODEL."



    i don't get the oprah fuss. obama was on before he was a candidate, so none of the pres. or v.p. candidates since their announcing have been on oprah.


    if oprah were to change her policy about having candidates on her show this year and interview v.p. candidate palin, she might be obliged to have v.p. candidate biden on as well -- but not obama and not mccain. in any case, i think her decision not to interview any of them on her show was a wise one because she endorsed one of them.

  9. Dude, even al-Qaida has CNN. Their opposition to the Western way of life goes far deeper than any party's policy, but I would imagine they take a tactical interest in who's in charge over here. If I were Osama I would endorse Obama, so McCain would win and get more Muslims to hate America.


    and also, "it's the policy they care about." not any party's policy, u.s. policy in the middle east when it is based on desire for control over their resources.

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