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Posts posted by RaspberryJam

  1. She used to go to a daycare at a Methodist church in a really conservative area. There were a few occasions when I pulled into the parking lot with my windows down, listening to my usual choices of music without thinking about it. And yet, I was always surprised by the somewhat-mortified looks I got from some of the other moms. I guess everyone's supposed to listen to nothing but The Wiggles once her cervix has dialated beyond a certain point.


    teehee. witty.

    I, too, is known as the mom that will not listen to kids music in my car. As if being a stay at home mom isn't brain-numbing enough (don't get me wrong, I grateful to be able to be brain numbed). A friend of mine just took her kids to a Dan Zanes concert and acted like it was, you know, an actual concert. I believe she waved her cell in the air.

  2. Great thread.

    My extended family buys Vegimatics at garage sales and gives them to each other at christmas. The best one still had food from 1978 attached. When I got married, I gave one to my new sister in law thinking it was hilarious. Judging from her reaction, the hilarity was pretty one sided.

  3. I'm a bad mom. My 4 year old daughter is into "Back of the Bus" and "Booty Call" by G. Love and the Special Sauce. I'm just waiting for Child Protective Services to call.


    She was making my mom go throught the cds in the car and when my mom flipped through and say, "Wilco," Abbey said, "Oh, I like THEM."

  4. I know my sister in law got a Dublin poster for my husband for christmas. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it, though. It's so.....green. I don't mind really, its good to have something to remember those concerts and that trip with.

  5. As far as the Hartford-New Haven debate goes there is no debate. As someone who has worked in "downtown" Hartford for 18 years and who is also a resident of New Haven I can say without a doubt that New Haven blows Hartford away in every category. I agree with the comment here in that Hartford is one of the most boring cities on the planet earth. The only thing on the streets of Hartford after 5:00 are tumble weeds.


    Could not agree more. Hartford is the only place I know where the suburbs have more going on than the city.

  6. I'm glad to read this thread. My daughter turns 9 in February, and has been asking to go to a concert -- any concert. So yesterday I scored 3 tix for New Haven (center orchestra) and she'll be celebrating her 9th birthday with Wilco. I figure it's a great band to start with, and someday will impress the hell out of her own kids and grandkids.

    Excellent strategy, clumber! I'm hoping for another Pines Theater gig this summer to take my kids to! See you in New Haven!

  7. OK, I KNOW I'm inviting the wrath of the rock gods AND showing my age here. But I can't help myself.


    I've seen 25+ Greatful Dead shows, and I have to say, I've enjoyed every single Wilco concert more. Let me explain myself. With the Grateful Dead, I got into it late in the game, my first show was in 1985. All of the shows were in big auditoriums then and only got bigger-arena shows. Then, it was a crapshoot whether the concert was going to be good or not. Expectations were high, we had all heard "epic" concert bootlegs, and were hoping that this was going to be one of them. Then, it was freakin' exhausting. 15 minutes into a song, sure, they were jamming, but sometimes, I have to say the only word for it is "masturbatory." And also, it was such a scene. Too many people, many who were not there for the music.


    My husband and I get in this debate all the time. He says I didn't get it. He's wrong, I totally got it. I went to concert after concert, enjoyed myself immensely, the magic moments were, indeed, magic. There just weren't that many of them, per show.


    Now, Wilco. I get many magic moments, every show. I walk away invigorated, not exhaused. The music is amazing, they go those same places the Dead went, they go quicker, they come back cleaner, I'm talking to YOU, Nels. The shows are smaller, and the folks I meet there are real music fans.


    Now that I've exposed my true self, I'll crawl back into my cave, ashamed. May I burn in rock hell.

  8. I really don't understand why all the shows around us (CT show) have a pre-sale but we don't. Maybe it'll be posted later tonight or tomorrow?!?


    There were definitely some pre-sales added overnight last night to other shows. Hhmmm...

    I'm hopeful, WW, that since public sale is Saturday, presale info will go tomorrow. The others listed have public as Friday. Especially since it looks like the venue is assigned seating. Let's keep our collective fingers crossed.

  9. I haven't heard yet about presale stuff but would also like to know as I will be returning to my home state of CT for this party! Can't wait. I'll be hitting up Philly first though of course. What part of New England are you from?

    We are in Northern CT, which is great because it puts us in easy driving distance to NY, Boston, Northampton, Providence, New Haven, etc. We did make it up to the Shelburne Farms show this summer, my brother in law lives in Burlington.

  10. From the Schubert Theater, New Haven's website:




    February 24, 2008 8:00pm at the Shubert Theater

    Presented by Metropolitan Talent


    Tickets will go on sale Saturday, December 15

    Call 203-562-5666 or 888-736-2663 for information



    Does anyone know of any presale for any of those shows?

  11. Come to the SHOW man!!!


    Done! I never thought my husband would give up a pretty much free dream ski weekend for Wilco, but I am pleasantly surprised that he will!!! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the offspring!

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