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Posts posted by RaspberryJam

  1. I've had a lot of good times with Robin this summer, so I'm just going to nod and smile, even though I'm not sure which trip you're talking about :lol


    I'm a bit of a foodie, and I'm driving up to my friend's place in Northampton from Wilmington. I'm planning to spend part of Monday cooking up some good things to bring along. I also know where in Northampton to pick up some good beer!

    I do hope you are talking about the Northampton Brewery!


    Tip: The food coop there has Vosges bars for significantly less than I have seen them elsewhere. Like, a lot less. Which would make an excellent post concert pickmeup! I may grab some myself!

  2. I wish they were opening the gates a little earlier. I'm meeting some friends. We all have seats, but we're going to hang out in the back in the grass until Andrew Bird's set.


    No food or drinks in the shed, though? I've never been in there, so I don't know how it usually works.

    Same here. Some of my friends have lawn seats so I think I'll just stash my cooler with them. There is a cafe on site, so I would be surprised if there is totally no food or drink, I'm sure they don't want to cut down on their proceeds! There is a service too where you can get fancy food packed for you, and it would be weird if it were only for outside folks.


    PS Robin told me about the good time you had!

  3. For one year. I had him as a prof at New Paltz and he was the publisher of the Legislative Gazette, at which I interned. We used to have a weekly "seminar" with Alan, which was a group therapy session where he was the only one allowed to talk.

    I went to New Paltz too.


    Unfortunately, he controls all public radio from Utica to the Berkshires. You're only hope is to drive fast to get out of his range.

  4. While there's certainly a high-class element to Tanglewood, I think it's narrow-minded to write it off at that. It attracts a wide variety of people and gives people who might not get a chance to see the symphony during the rest of the year the chance to go, and to go several times since lawn seats are very reasonably priced. I have friends who live nearby who always get season tickets and take their kids to expose them to a wide variety of music. These are two of the most open-minded, culturally curious, fun kids I've ever met, so I'm going to say their summers at Tanglewood have been partially responsible for that (along with their parents, of course).


    Don't knock it until you've tried it.

    Cheers to that!

  5. anybody doing an up and back trip from nyc? already taking the L train to mccarren and haven't planned on Tanglewood, but the idea of back to back nights in such different places is making me itchy.

    I'm doing Radiohead in Boston the night after Tanglewood, so its pretty much out of the question for me to do McCarren too. Unless I can figure out a way to clone myself in under 3 weeks!

  6. OK, not that I'm nervous or anything, but I still haven't gotten these.


    On another note, would anyone want to trade their pair of center or Nels side tickets for my very close Pat side? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be in the 3rd row, but seem to have a better time on the other side. Any takers?

  7. My econobeer of choice is Genesee Cream Ale. Made in Rochester or Utica.


    I can clear this up.


    Genny Cream, a fine beer, is made in Rochester.


    Utica Club, an excellent cheap beer, is made in, you quessed it, Utica. My hometown beer, family owned since the 1800's, they also make the yummy Saranac line. Worth seeking out if you are in the upstate NY area, not so much if there is any chance is is less than fresh, since it has no preservatives, and when it goes bad, it goes REALLY bad.

  8. I went to my 20th last year. Had a great time, less fun though than my 10th. Fewer people at 20. It was fun, drank waaaayyyy to much gin the night before, went to the spa the next morning with my best friend (just what the Dr ordered!), and hung out at her pool for a few hours before the event. Nothing too fancy, thank God!. I ended up feeling pretty good about myself. I may be packing an extra 20, but at least I have all of my teeth! Not so for some! I suppose that shows how rural I really am.

  9. Ugh! I've done nothing! I had a pair of socks started for Mother's day, but only got one done, and guess what? I still only have one effing sock done. That's the thing about socks, you get one done and then have to do another!


    My lys is having a huge sale too, but I have no business buying any new projects. Blast!

  10. Not "at least once," the first time she asks. That will nip any similarly ensuing questions in the bud. Enjoy your weekend.


    Believe me, if I thought that would work, I would've done it years ago. Unfortunately, I know it would only open up questions like, "Which part of me do you think is the fattest?" The worst part is that she isn't even remotely overweight, just has an annoying combination of body dysmorphia and personality disorder. I, on the other hand, know EXACTLY how overweight I am.

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