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Posts posted by RaspberryJam

  1. We are going up to Maine to spend the weekend with the in-laws. We will all drink too much so that we can stand each other, have fox news on in the background ALL DAY, and listen to my sister in law ask me a hundred times if I think she is fat. My husband is taking off to play golf all day on Saturday, so I am on lifeguard duty, since apparently, no one thinks I mind watching all 8 children at the pool. Not to mention that my 2 are the only ones who can swim. Can't wait!

  2. "Moby - I have no opinion of whether or not you belong. But you are a tool, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to say so."


    I have to say this. Tool or no, he is a pretty impressive musician. I saw him at a private event a few years ago in NY and I was pretty blown away. I was assuming that since his recorded music is highly sampled and techno, that his concert would be too, but, he can really play guitar and rock too. He had great musicians backing him up and a really amazing female singer. And as a bonus, he played some of his own songs in multiple genres and covers too--2 of my favorite things!


    Let the insults fly.

  3. My best friend gave us a beautiful world atlas for our wedding 15 years ago. It is still on my shelf or table and is something I use often with fondness. It has been used for planning trips and for curiosity's sake. I now use it when our children want to learn something. Great and lasting gift. Beats the 5 peppergrinders we got from various people who hardly knew us.

  4. Brucellosis is a bacterial infection. Seriously, it has almost killed my friend at times, and has made her wish she was dead at others. It is pervasive, nasty, debilitating and pretty much impossible to get rid of. It was once cultured as a biological weapon. Fuck with it not.




    That said, I kind of agree with your theory of building up resistance. I just draw the line at unpasteurized dairy. I think unpasteurized apple cider does not carry brucellosis, so that's OK.


    Oh, and there is no substitute for pecorino romano, grated fresh.

    Yeesh that looks awful! Hope your friend is OK.

  5. Hey. Watch out for unpasteurized cheese. My reporter had some when she was in Spain and has come down with a really nasty case of brucellosis.


    I have a theory, which is in no way based in any actual scientific or medical fact, that if I eat a little of everthing, specifically things with active bacteria, then my body will be better equipped to put the nasty stuff in its place. Again, not based on anything real, it just seems to me that folks who are germaphobes and avoid anything that can make them sick, get sick more.


    That said, what the hell is brucellosis, and how bad is it. I may change my ways. Thank you for your concern though, It's always nice to have someone watching out for you! :cheekkiss

  6. I also enjoy the Humbolt Fog. In fact I will eat just about any cheese, especially the one's that have not been pasturized, you know, the ones that come from behind the counter when you ask if they have anything "special". One of my favorites is called Epoisses, from the Burgundy region of France. That stuff walks off the cutting board by itself.


    We have some neighbors now allegedly making goat cheese. I haven't tasted yet, but can't wait!

  7. I was one of them crazy Norwich dudes.....what about yourself?


    I was your typical Castleton loser, but only for 1 year, 87-88. I skied and partied for a year, then felt bad about spending a lot of my parent's money and not getting much in the way of education, so I transferred.

  8. One of my top 10 concerts ever was seeing them in 95 (?) in Germany. We were living there at the time and while they were starting to play big arenas in the US, over there they were playing really small clubs. In fact, were we saw them was in the basement of the basement of the train station in Cologne. It was a tiny little space and was not crowded at all. I was right up front and had no problem going back for bathroom breaks and beers then walking right back to my spot. Their playing was incredible, the sound that came from only 4 musicians! One of those concerts that lifted you up from the first note and kept you soaring until the last. I have a recording of it and it is as good as I remember.


    Saw them again that last tour at Saratoga Springs; the band and the crowd just seemed out there. I wasn't tapped into what was going on with the band other than the music, but I remember thinking that the kids were doing different drugs than the ones I used to do. I wondered if it was just me getting old, glad to know now that it wasn't that. The whole scene was seedy and the music just wasn't what I had remembered.


    Darkstar, I was in college in VT in the late 80's. Where were you?

  9. Pergammon (?) museum. It was built specifically for 3 ancient wonders, very cool place.

    Top floor of the Ka De We department store for the classiest food court you can imagine.


    It's been 15 years (!?) since I have been there, but those are the two things that stuck out.


    Have fun, the city is HUGE! but both of those things are somewhat near the center.


    Have a great time!

  10. My tickets are at Will Call and i will have an extra if anyone knows someone that needs one. Orch, lift 1


    Couple of questions for anyone that might be familair with the area:


    1.) Any where to get a pre-show cold one near the center?

    2.) Considering traffic from Denver, would you leave earlier to give more time but put you right in the middle of rush hour; or leave later. I live in Stapleton and was considering leaving around 6:00 PM.





    PM sent.

  11. Tanglewood is the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It is in the Berkshire's, sort of a intellectual highbrow second home kind of place for people from Boston and NYC. People have picnics on the lawn during concerts, trying to outdo each other, with fois gras sandwiches and candlabras on their picnic blankets.


    They do a huge summer cultural program, with very little popular music. So Wilco playing there is kind of a big deal. It is a beautiful indoor/outdoor venue, and is known for its acoustics.

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