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Posts posted by RaspberryJam

  1. well, i did make out w/ nels cline post-show...best of luck!


    I dodged a bullet by seeing them right after his bout with the chicken pox. Oh please Concert Gods, no illnesses for Wilco!


    Alison, good luck with the promotion!

  2. i blame what i think i'm coming down w/ on you and tully for engaing me in friendly conversation after the show on friday. i hope you two are happy w/ yourselves.

    Please, I'm begging you all going to the residency, please don't give it to the band. I'm living for Sunday night in New Haven!

  3. 3 of us had it, my daughter first--104 degree fever, then me during the super bowl and a few days after, then my husband with a fever for a week, and generally sick for another. I have known him for over 20 years and have never seen him this sick. I knew he was really feeling bad when he missed 4 days of work, he never misses work. Tons of people I know here in the Hartford area have it.


    Lots of fluids, eat some protein if you can. A spoonful of honey can help a cough. My friend swears by oscillium (sp?--you get it at the health food store). My husband only just got his sense of smell and taste back, he had a glass of wine friday and it totally wiped him out.


    We've never had the flu before, and maybe it wouldn't have helped this year, but, we won't miss shots after this!


    I'm just glad it went through us before the New Haven show!


    Good vibes to you and yours!

  4. I know the band (errrr, Jeff) always comments on it and likes when kids are in the audience. But at a recent Wilco GA show, I was at the stage and the family next to me had 3 or 4 kids ranging in age from about 5 to 11. Then there was a dad next to them with a son, 6 (I know cuz the other kids asked him). ALL these kids proceeded to sit on the floor (yes, even during songs) and it then became mine and everyone else's responsibility to not step on their fingers. It took away from my enjoyment of the show. Not that I wanted to cut a rug or anything, but I literally had to keep my feet planted in one spot for 4 hours.


    Even when these kids weren't sitting on the floor, they couldn't see over the wall in front of us (and had they been farther back they wouldn't have been able to see over the people) and I felt bad for them.


    The one little fella with his dad spent the night sleeping on the floor between his dad's feet. Unlike the other family, his dad kept him well protected (so he didn't bother me or anyone else); but it's still not like he saw the show.


    I don't think GA's great for kids, unless there's a lawn or something to run around in. Or a balcony to go sit in if the crowd on the floor isn't kid-conducive.


    Just my 2 cents,



    I agree with you Laura. While I say I'm taking my kids to the Pines show if they have one, I'm planning on laying the blanket out in the back. The front is no place for little kids.

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