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Posts posted by RaspberryJam

  1. It was hilarious. Regardless of I'm voting for, and yes, I am decided, I found both of the impersonations funny. To me, it really doesn't matter who I side with. If I am lucky enough to have the candidate I am voting for win, I'm looking forward to how they would handle that. All's fair on SNL


    "I practiced a couple zingers where I called you Joe."


    I also thought talking with animals was funny and the most youtubed newscast.

  2. Obviously, Palin is much smarter than SNL is portraying, but I understand the parody of her being a simple-minded suburban Mom. But to me she's too relatable to make me wanna laugh. My Sister reminds me of her. Many Moms I know remind me of her. And these females I know are very smart and capable of handling many responsibilities. These Moms I know are inspirational....much like I think Palin is inspirational.


    I don't think of these people as being dumb bimbos, so I have a hard time believing Palin is. So I don't really "get" the joke I guess.


    OK. So. I am a simple-minded suburban mom and the only thing Sarah Palin has inspired me to do vote for Obama.


    Oh, and this simple-minded suburban mom thinks Tina Fey is brilliant and hilariously funny.

  3. Times are tough man, but if Palin gets to go up against Biden, mark my words..I'm treating myself & buying a shit ton of Lambic for that scene. The good stuff I always stare at in the booze shops but pass up for Boulevard or something affordable.



    I have something to look forward to now.


    Lambic is special. So special that I will seriously consider moving to Belgium if a certain person gets elected. Have you ever been there? You've never met a bunch of nicer, happier people in your life. I'm sure it has everything to do with the excellent beer and french fries and nothing to do with its excellent education system, amazing roads, guaranteed healthcare, public transportation. You'd think that they would be miserable paying so many taxes and with crappy weather, but no! Happy! or just really drunk all of the time.

  4. What you say about never being able to replace aspects of relationships gone is so true. My grandmother has been gone for 7 years and I still find myself going to pick up the phone to call her when something is going on that I need to think about before acting. She was the only person in my life that would just listen to me talk through things without telling me how to fix it. I haven't had that with anyone else then or since. We had the easiest, most natural love. I was so lucky to have her long enough to have an adult relationship with her. I hope my children can experience that. I only selfishly wish they could've met her. Grandma Kate.

  5. I forgot about wisdom teeth too! Actually that was kind of pleasant. Like an excellent nap. I got a recommendation for an oral surgeon and he injected something to control swelling. The next day I had steak cut up really small and a glass of wine!

  6. 2 epidurals+ fentanyl+ pitocin+ percocet+ vicodin, + the magic ketamine= one veryhappy new mama

    Your experience with ketamine was a good one???!!! Mine was nightmarish, literally. Same sort of trajectory during labor, then ketamine during a c-section because my blood pressure went way up and I started bleeding a lot. Once I was on the Vitamin K I had horrible real time hallucinations of grotesque things happening behind hospital doors, and I had to work my way up to the roof to regain my sanity, which I thought I may never do. When I finally crawled into conscionceness, I couldn't see because I didn't have my glasses, and I couldn't talk right, so I asked for my "specs", which is a word I would never say. Oh! and when I woke up in the recovery room I thought it was the morgue. Nice. When they had my husband come down, he said something about having a beautiful baby boy, I said, "Don't be ridiculous, I've never even been pregnant!"


    I'm making jokes, but it was terrifying and life changing. The funny thing is, sometimes I've seen tv shows or movies where something similar is descibed. Like when Tony Soprano was having his near death experience and was going up and down between floors of the hotel, exactly the same sort of thing.


    Later, I was telling a veteranarian friend about it, she said, "we give that to cats! I can't believe they give that to people!" My anesthesiologist told me it was one molecule away from PCP. I can't believe it is a recreational drug. I have it written in red and circled on my file--NO KETAMINE.

  7. The Grateful Dead

    Anthem of the Sun



    Workingman's Dead

    American Beauty

    Grateful Dead (also known as Skull & Roses)

    Europe '72

    History of the Grateful Dead: Volume One (Bear's Choice)

    Ladies and Gentlemen... The Grateful Dead


    and then tons of live shows. . .

    You just described the soundtrack of my adolescence. :thumbup

  8. My husband always checks if there are any federal superfund sites in the area and google earths them to see if the house is downwind or downstream from them. You'd be surprised how many little ones there are around. Nerdy, I know, but considering your health, and less importantly, your resale value, it's worth the few minutes on the internet.


    Also, if your radon is a little high, it is no big deal to get rid of AT ALL. But, you can use the information to get more from the seller.

  9. I know it's been run by already, but I still can't get over the fact that Wilco is stuck behind Jack f-in Johnson. How does that happen. Taking my Wilco bias out of the equation I still don't see how it works. For a headliner you want someone who is going to rock the crowd into the night (ie: Radiohead, Tom Petty) not sing us to sleep with a lullaby. Just don't get it.


    Agreed, but really the only thing that sucks about it is that Wilco has a shorter set. In fact, it would be even better if they overlapped a little so as to weed out the chaff. Also, I'll leave right after Wilco, thus avoiding the mad crush exit.

    See! The glass can be half full! and my husband thinks I'm a pessimist.

  10. I can somewhat see why there is a comparison. Generally, both bands' music is multilayered paired with excellent musicianship. Both's albums get better with each listening, when you can appreciate nuance, which both have alot of. They are also both excellent live bands.


    The fact that the music itself is wildly different aside, I can see why both bands would appeal to the same listener (me).

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