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hardwood floor

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Posts posted by hardwood floor

  1. Would this be the guy that's on the Keene Brotheres album with Robert Pollard I assume? I have been wanting that but they only had the vinyl at the local record store and $25 was too steep for me.


    yep, that's the guy ... member of every post-gbv pollard live lineup as well


    Keene Brothers record is brilliant ... $25 is ridiculous ... just go to the factory of raw essentials & buy directly from pollard: http://www.rockathonrecords.com/keene_brothers.html


    death of the party & beauty of the draft are as good as anything pollard as ever done


    keene's solo stuff is phenomenal, too

  2. I have it on my ipod still but it just isn't gelling for me. Is there one specific track that I must hear? Maybe I will spin it again tomorrow.


    one cut --> smothered in hugs


    but these are all flat-out brilliant:


    tractor rape chain

    echos myron

    gold star for robot boy

    hardcore ufo's

    i am a scientist

    gold heart mountaintop queen directory


    and maybe a tobin cut ... you're not an airplane or ester's day

  3. i guess this is the cool internet position to take now. sourpuss





    yeah, that's me -- Mr. Pitchfork himself


    i don't give a flying fuck what the "cool internet position" is or what that even means


    all i know is after listening to the new record twice through i concluded it's a steaming pile of shit


    hey maybe if you have such a thin skin, don't open up this thread


    seriously, who cares if somebody else out on some anonymous music forum hates what you dig? just laugh about it, dude

  4. the philly show a couple months ago was pretty full, mid-size theater type venue


    walbourne is a beast. the current band is very very good


    my only complaint about son volt live shows is that the set list NEVER varies


    so if you saw him a few months ago, some might feel there's no compelling reason to see them the next time they swing around because you're going to get the exact same set


    i'll go see 'em anywhere anytime, but i can see where some people wouldn't because you're not going to get anything old (except windfall and tear-stained eye -- no uncle tupelo) and you're not going to get anything different

  5. My Morning Jacket tries so hard to be great that they have no clue how to be good.

    Drive By Truckers has never written a good song.

    Guided By Voices > Beatles. Really.

    Grant Hart wrote more good songs in Husker Du than Bob Mould.

    Hair Metal > Grunge.

    All Reggae is boring as shit.

    You can go into any bar in New Jersey on a Saturday night and hear some cover band guitar player who is 10 times better than Eric Clapton.

    World Music blows.


    and Coldplay is total shit

  6. REM edges out Husker Du by a nose. If I had to pick an "other" it'd be Game Theory.


    ya know, game theory (and the loud family) is up there for me too and i'll tell you what ... at least for me, their stuff has held up better over the years than REM and as well as the 'Mats


    unbelievably great band


    and donnette was the hottest rock babe in history



  7. i'll never check a set list before i see a band


    but i am all for getting out of a venue before 3 a.m.


    i don't miss the days of standing in some dinky smoky smelly club with a mixture of urine, vomit and spilled beer coating the floor watching 4 shitty opening bands play 40-minute sets just so i can finally see the band i came for


    but then again, i'm not 22 anymore


    i'm old as shit now, have kids, work starts early, etc.


    picture taking & videos ... i don't notice that. the one thing that bugs me the most is people who talk during a show, but that will never change. i don't understand why the fuck you would pay good money to go see a band and just talk through the entire thing, but you can't go to a show without it happening. dickheads

  8. Hey Hardwood, speaking of, did you ever see any Genesis shows when Bruford was with the band? He is without a doubt my favorite drummer in Rock music ever. I've caught him many times, but not with Genesis.


    i was lucky enough to see genesis with bruford in 1976 either twice or three times. yeah, the guy is phenomenal. also saw him with king crimson once and with UK two or three times. and saw him in a club with pat moraz. never with yes though -- i think alan white was with them the first time i saw yes in february of 1972 at madison square garden


    and the first track i played on my first college radio show 1,000 years ago was Beelzebub, from Feels Good to Me!


    and by the way your user name is my favorite mermaid avenue song

  9. Well, after the epic-ness of stuff like "Supper's Ready"...I mean, where do you go after something like that? All of those great Prog bands started to get more concise and 'radio-friendly' as the '70s became the '80s. Much to my chagrin.


    yeah, it's amazing, ain't it? every single arena-level prog band fell into that trap - yes, elp, genesis, even gentle giant, renaissance, camel, the mighty starcastle ... i guess king crimson didn't


    i do like some of the poppy prog stuff, but love beach? we can't dance? giant for a day? really sad what some of these bands cranked out!

  10. Banks Was a God. Watching the 'Rome' DVD it is amazing how disinterested Banks seems by the whole proceedings. I have a theory that the whole shift in Genesis was more down to Banks than Collins. Phil always had an interest in the soul/pop side of things. For whatever reason Banks seemed to lie down and let Phil take the reigns. Watching the interviews on the box sets it is apparent that Banks is one stubborn monkey so why this shift occurs we'll never know.


    ahhh, ya know, banks always looked disinterested


    he could be playing the insane 9/8 solo in supper's ready and look bored out of his mind


    but yeah, banks has said in many interviews that he believed strongly in the pop direction genesis took. i think they saw how much success phil's solo stuff was having, and phil and tony both wanted to do poppier stuff, and it was just a natural way to go


    i remember a banks interview in which he said he thought the bridge in invisible touch was one of the best musical things he had ever done


    i mean, this is the guy that wrote firth of fifth and the cinema show solo and in the cage and one for the fucking vine, etc.


    very strange

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