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hardwood floor

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Posts posted by hardwood floor

  1. that reminds me ... i saw robert pollard's last show with the narducci/keene/wurster/phillips lineup in philly ... the day before he cancelled the rest of his tour because of his "calf injury" (yeah, right)


    it was pathetic ... in a city that always packed large theaters for gbv and bob's first few solo shows, there couldn't have been more than 50 people there by the end (maybe 125 when it started?)


    bob was despondent, we could see his wife crying backstage, the band was pissed ... was depressing as hell ... a lifeless show from a guy whose live shows are legendary


    two years later, he came back to philly and packed johnny brenda's for one of the best pollard shows i've ever seen - in front of a huge and supportive crowd


    but that night at world cafe live was just unreal

  2. what was the lightest-attended gig of a name act you've ever been to?


    over the years, i've been a part of some depressingly small turnouts for great bands and performers


    but the smallest was a free Letters to Cleos show at a local college ... i walked into the gym at 7:55 p.m. for an 8 o'clock show and the place was ... empty. if not for a huge stage with gear set up, i would have thought i was in the wrong place


    this was just before they hit fairly big with an appearance on i think Beverly Hills 90125 or one of those shows


    so they came out and the only other three people in the gym were students on the committee that organized the gig, and they were way in the back of this large gym standing around looking hip


    so i just stood there right in front of the stage, requesting songs all night, bopping around and enjoying the show.


    at one point they played a song and in the middle, Kay Hanley, the singer, just starts laughing hysterically. when they were done, i asked her what was so funny, and she said she thought they played it already, but then she realized they had actually played it in the sound check -- which had a larger audience


    a few months later, after the TV appearance, they played a medium-sized theater in philly and quickly sold out


    and now kay is one of Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus's singers (and the Letters to Cleo drummer is Miley's musical director)

  3. I'm curious about this statement. Is it the offstage personality? For my money, PG (during his time with Genesis anyway) was one of the greatest frontmen in rock. I've never read any books about the band (unfortunately) so all I really have to go on is the music.


    I DO know Robbert Fripp is a pretty prickly character. Sid Smith's In The Court Of King Crimson is a really good read.


    fripp seems to be pretty much of a dick


    but king crimson was astoundingly great in its initial go-'round

  4. i agree that the R&R H-o-F is a joke, but in a way it's also a pretty significant occasion that a prog band is getting inducted ... it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the core group of hackett/banks/rutherford/collins/gabriel to be together one last time and be recognized for some incredible music, innovative and influential ... for gabriel to shrug it off like this, it's just offensive to a lot of people. suck it up and get up there and do Carpet Crawlers with the old gang and it would mean a lot to a ton of people


    get chester thompson to play drums so phil and pete can share a mike and front the band. i dunno, i just think it would be really cool to see it


    it shouldn't bug me but it does

  5. this is stupid ... milton keyes in 1982 he did the entire set ... in cleveland, he would only be dong one freaking song with them ... i can't beleve peter gabriel and genesis would have to rehearse at all to stand up there and do I Know What I Like or Carpet Crawlers or something


    this is just peter gabriel being contrary

  6. In related news you can now hear Gabriel's version of Arcade Fire's 'My body is a cage' from his forthcoming covers album. Sounds promising.



    i was really disappointed to hear about this, although he did say "probably" and not "definitely"


    i'd rather hear pete sing "In the cage" than "my body is a cage"!!!

  7. One thing I have noticed is how 'Yes' tended to over-complicate a lot of their songs which tends to make them, in my opinion, rubbish!!. 'Yes' were always music-first where as bands like Genesis and Pink Floyd always put the song first and did whatever necessary to make the song great.


    interesting notion, frank ... i do agree that genesis & floyd were more song-based and yes (and elp) was more performance-based, but i think yes made it work. what examples of yes music would you consider rubbish because they get too complicated? their stuff has never hit me that way. i've always felt tracks like heart of the sunrise, close to the edge, perpetual change, starship trooper, sound chaser, going for the one, etc., are great songs with amazing arrangements whose complexity makes them stronger


    Plus, although its an old one, the best of the lot: The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by Genesis.


    great record, although the story is kind of hard to follow


    let's see ... Rael goes to New York, then ... Banks plays a synth solo ... after that i get lost

  9. i think accelerate is the biggest piece of fraud in pop music history


    it's REM product


    it was like, "Hey, we can't write a good song anymore, so let's make a record that SOUNDS like when we were good, maybe people will start buying our records again."


    it sounds like old-school REM but without any of the depth


    REM was once the best band on the planet


    REM is now the worst band on the planet

  10. well if you write 1,000 songs, there is gonna be overlap. i'd say there's far less than what would be expected, but he's not immune from self-repeating at times.



    i think underwater explosions starts with the same chord as ... hmmm, what was it ... something else


    really, for the amount of stuff he writes, nothing sounds the same ... it's remarkable


    could any two songs be more different than, say, wondering boy poet and christian animation torch carriers?

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