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hardwood floor

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Posts posted by hardwood floor

  1. fun topic


    let's see ...


    1. Photograph, Ringo

    2. Mull of Kintyre, Paul

    3. What is Life, George

    4. Smile Away, Paul

    5. Beware of Darkness, George

    6. Love Comes to Everyone, George

    7. Too Many People, Paul

    8. Just Like Starting Over, John

    9. Six O'Clock, Ringo (and Paul)

    10. Maybe I'm Amazed, Paul

  2. 1. First Concert, when?

    Yes, 1972 ... missed Roundabout because we didn't know there was such a thing as an encore. Next day at school, everybody was like, "Dude, Roundabout ROCKED." huh? they didn't do Roundabout. oops.


    2. First Concert you really wanted to go to and did?



    3. Favorite Band?

    Guided by Voices


    4. How Many Times have you seen them?

    25 or so, plus Pollard solo a few times


    5. Worst concert you attended?

    Golden Smog (sans Tweedy). Only time I ever walked out of a gig. They got blown off the stage by opener Marah and seemed afraid to play. When they started, we could see why. they sucked beyond belief.


    6. Favorite?

    GBV, final show, Chicago, New Year's Eve, 2004.


    7. Band you have seen the most?



    8. How many times?

    Didn't we just answer that? mid-20s


    9. Furthest you drove for a concert? How far?

    Drove from New Jersey to Virginia to see the Rainmakers.


    10. Furthest locale from home you have seen a concert?

    Flew from Philly to Atlanta for Pollard's first post-GBV solo gig. Actually, saw the Bottle Rockets once in Arizona while there for work but didn't go there for the gig.


    11. How many concerts have you seen?

    I'd guess 750-1,000? no idea


    12. most you ever paid for a concert ticket?

    hmmm ... Hannah Montana for my wife & daughter? 10th row on the floor ... think they were $125 each


    13. Least amount of people at a concert by a major labeled artist.

    Saw a Rainmakers show in Philly where me and my friend were two-thirds of the audience.


    14. Band you want to see the most who you haven't seen?

    ya know ... I've seen everybody I ever wanted to. Probably Kate Bush, who's never played a gig in the U.S.


    15. Ever been backstage, on a tourbus..which?

    sure, many times. first time ... was working at a record store as a teenager and was at a Boston gig at Nassau Coliseum. as it was ending, an Epic Records A&R guy sitting near us grabbed me and my girlfriend and brought us backstage, where we got to hang out with the band. at 18 years old, that stuff is pretty damn cool...


    16. Longest show by one artist you ever saw?

    GBV, final show ... think they played about 4 hours. I got out of the Metro at 3 a.m. and was on a flight back to Philly at 5:40 a.m., in my house by 10:15 am


    17. Shortest show by a headliner?

    The Monkees played for about 40-45 minutes but it was awesome

  3. The guy in my avatar was the singer in a band called The Bonzo Dog Band, who had a top-10 hit (in the UK) back in the 1960's.

    • What was the name of the song?

    • Who produced it?

    • And what was the producer's real name?


    what a GREAT band


    i still listen to my Bonzos compilation once in a while ... just amazing stuff


    wasn't their only real "hit" I'm the Urban Spaceman Baby? not one of their best tracks but i think it was top-10 for them?


    I assume it was written by Neil Innes but no idea who produced it without cheating


    but it looks more like what I would think Viv Stanshall might look like!

  4. Ex-Blockhead and Clash contributor shares songwriting credit for a track on the best-selling album of 1976 - who is he and what is the song.


    wild guess ... Mickey Gallagher ... and I only guess that because he played with the blockheads & the clash ... beyond that ... no clue


    pretty talented guy actually

  5. all-star game was quick so watching this genesis 2007 rome show in front of 500,000 in rome


    unbelievable how banks is reduced to some disinterested faceless sideman, although i guess cage/cinema show is in here somewhere


    stuermer is playing these incredible complex lyrical melodic solos and banks - the lord god king of complex lyrical melodic solos once upon a time - is content to just sit there and just add color




    collins sounds great actually, surprisingly

  6. 9.20.70 - Great acoustic set.



    i've rattled on and on about this ... some of my favorite dead music ever ... the cumberland is sublime ... the uncle john's is dazzling ... the ripple is the best ever ... etc. ... just essential listening

  7. You'll be happy to know I had a great Pollard mix blasting out from the speakers of my Jeep while running errands today.


    track listing available?


    i just sat down a week ago or so to make a new gbv/pollard mix, and it wound up being 8 CDs and over 170 tracks

  8. You are correct. Windfall, Tear-Stained Eye, Ten Second News, Out of the Picture, Too Early, Mystifies Me, Back Into Your World, Left a Slide, Creosote, Last Minute Shakedown, Been Set Free, No More Parades, Way Down Watson, Strands, Carry You Down, Streets That Time Walks, and Hanging Blue Side are so peppy and make me want to get up and shake my ass.




    p.s. -- I love the Search as much as anything else Jay has released

  9. I sing Everlasting Everything to my 10mo old every night before sleep. Yes, yes, spare me the Dad Rock comments.


    I always sing Chickamauga and Gun to my daughter at bedtime but it never seems to work!!

  10. Why are we comparing these two bands again? All I know is the last REM album was horrible and Wilco have never released anything half as clunky.


    no, i agree ... Wilco at its worst is still very listenable and hardly offensive. REM at its worst is mind-blowingly bad and impossible to stomach

  11. They played Methamphetamine into Afterglow 61 I think it was at the last show I attended. I remember thinking this is how music is supposed to be. Man that was some good stuff. Can't wait to see them again in September.


    i'm torn about going to see son volt on this tour


    the set lists are so frustrating


    wish he would embrace his remarkable early material like tweedy does


    just one tupelo track (looking for a way out? still be around) and one early son volt catalogue track (route? loose string?) would make me so happy, but i know it ain't happening


    i love hearing new stuff ... but i also like hearing artists i love play their best songs

  12. Yeah, I hear you.


    And as an aside, I am listening to The Search now and I like it much better than I remember. Maybe because I was on the L train to Williamsburg last night.


    I was on the L train on Monday and missed 1st Ave. because I was trying so hard not to stare at the most beautiful woman I ever saw


    ended up in williamsburg and wasn't even trying


    and, yeah, Methamphetamine / Highways & Cigarettes = Windfall/Tear-Stained Eye for me


    although I do like the new one, I haven't found anything on it yet that hits me the same way

  13. There's an obvious parallel. Both bands are cursed by the absolute brilliance of their early and mid-period work. Both are fronted by a remarkable songwriter but got big contributions from others. Both lost a critical member and were never the same. Both have released later records that are perceived by many as drastically inferior. Both are still universally acclaimed as terrific live acts, even though their recorded output is uneven.


    But as much as I found Sky Blue Sky average and the new record quite weak, REM's last few records - all of which I revisited recently - are far, far worse.


    REM went from the best band in the world to one of the worst. That's not easy to do.

  14. overall I cant think of one song that I really like...To me it just sounds like a band making a record, just to make a record.


    yeah, same here


    i desperately wanted to like this record but ... i find it excrutiatingly dull

  15. I hear ya, and I could substitute the word "Wilco" for "Son Volt" throughout your post and it would reflect my feelings.


    For me, the Search is superb.


    The new one is growing on me.



    As I former card carrying member of the Son Volt fan club circa 95-2000 I am no longer surprised by uninspired or down right bad Son Volt albums. I stopped purchasing Son Volt records after Okemah. That record made me sad for the Son Volt name and wished the Boquist brothers filed a lawsuit. I picked up The Search at the library and was embarrassed by the entire thing (artwork and music) that I couldn't even bring myself to upload it. All I have heard from the new album is "Down To The Wire" and I was left feeling aboslutely nothing from that. I've read some comment on here about a return to form, and I just have to say that I think I'm done with Jay. It is sad because UT and the real Son Volt meant a ton to me and still do. I just scratch my head how his lyrics could connect so deeply on Anodyne and Trace and even Straightaways and WST, and then completely lose it all starting with the solo albums. It is scary wierd how bad I think it has got and I have a high tolerance for bands that I love (I cut them huge slack). My meaningless two cents. Maybe the library will get a copy and I'll give it a chance before calling it quits.

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