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Basil II

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Posts posted by Basil II

  1. I forget the name of it. Let's put it this way, Clem Burke did not make it very long in The Ramones, and I bet Marky or whoever, could not last five minutes in Blondie.


    Clem was a great drummer fer da Ramones.........the other guys couldn't keep time to him....too fast............oh,and that T-shirt revenue thing did him in too.....






    Peter Pumpkinhead came to town

    Spreading widsom and cash around

    Fed the starving and housed the poor

    Showed the Vatican whats gold's for

    But he made too many enemies

    Of the people who would keep us on our knees

    Hooray for Peter Pumpkin

    Who will pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?

    Oh My!

    Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all

    Emptied churches and shopping malls

    Where he spoke,it would raise the roof

    Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth

    but he made too many enemies...

    Peter Pumpkinhead ut to shame

    governments who would slur his name

    plots and sex scandals failed outright

    Peter merely said

    Any kind of love is all right

    But he made too many enemies...

    Peter Pumpkinhead was too good

    Had him nailed to a chunk of wood

    He died grinning on live TV

    Hanging there he looked a lot like you

    and an awful like me!

    But he made too many enemies....

    Hooray for Peter Pumkin

    Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin

    Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead

    Oh my oh my oh!!

    Don't it make you want to cry oh?

  3. These silly issues distract us from the larger matters at hand. We have become a nation of silly, unsubstantial people concerned with silly, unsubstantial matters. If Abraham LIncoln was running today the media would be focusing on his physical unattractiveness, him nutty wife and the whipserings about his rumored homosexuality. FDR? How can a cripple run the country. His wife is his second cousin and homely to boot. Doesn't he have a mistress...?

    ^^^amen to that....




    I'm reading Friedman's "Hot ,Flat and Crowded" right now.......and it is spot on. we need a national focus....such as a green revolution. coalescing us to a greater purpose than vapid consumerism and entertainment escapism....




  4. re: waste in defense spending brought up earlier, most of you probably know that the u.s. now spends more on our military (and military ventures) than all the rest of the countries in the world combined. strange? lopsided beyond belief? here the years vary only slightly and are all twenty-first-century figures:




    $623 billion -- u.s. military expenditures

    $500 billion -- the rest of the world, including $65 billion by china, $50 billion by russia, and it's downward from there.


    i'm no economist, but really, what does this tell the world about our priorities?



    And.....it's been that way since 1945!!



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