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Everything posted by SewingMamma

  1. This is wonderful, I take back my comment about encores, they can play all the encores they want!
  2. my kids are sleeping too, but I have still been yelling and screaming!
  3. I understand if they need a break, but prefer if they just kept on playing, so good deal on the no encores...
  4. Oh I am totally on that sesame street action! I love that!
  5. sorry im not verry smart but love wilco
  6. once you once were aint what you used to be summer teeth is the best and you changed
  7. i have at bonnaroo niles lit the sky up pink wile the sun was setting so cool
  8. I am looking for the show if anyone know where I can get it, please let me know, thank you so much!
  9. Of course their wives buy their clothes! (I buy my husbands!) We love our men and want them to look good! If they don't like, they won't wear it. I don't buy hats and I don't imagine Sue does either!
  10. Thank you for the tip! I am excited to hear the show as well, taper we are thankful for you!
  11. THANK YOU FOR THE PICTURES mjdr! Last night was great! The music was incredible, the band is so together, from kidsmoke with a little techno thrown in there, to the country roots Jeff started playing, last night was all over the place wonderful, beautiful, extrodinary! Glad to hear there was a taper! Some of the crowd was a little dead, it was funny how Jeff kept messing with them though! It was kind of hard to adjust to a theatre, my husband couldn't even bring in a beer?! Can't wait to see the band play again! Yes, a "second date" (or 4th) would be GREAT!
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