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Everything posted by ction

  1. Live, CBGB, 1982, at the height of their powers. So it's pretty much guaranteed to be great. http://mvdb2b.com/cgi-bin/netlink?co_id=MV...TOCK_NO=DR-4497
  2. I've heard "No Backbone", and it's pretty damn good. Bill and Karl from ALL play on the album, and if I didn't already like the Lemonheads that would be enough to get me to buy the album when it comes out.
  3. SA played live on some dopey MTV talk show thing around the time of Hang Time and totally killed. "Sometime to Return" and a smoking version of "Marionette". I watched a crappy VHS copy of that performance hundreds of times.
  4. I thought she was singing backing vocals.
  5. "punk crap" P.S. That's in the top 5 all-time, Ramones songs. Without a doubt.
  6. Tonight is flank steak and french fries. Grilling in the rain...yay.
  7. I requested this one-man-band dude play "Whip It" for caliber, and he did. Then caliber exposed his buttox.
  8. I bet J is wishing he could telecommute.
  9. I once yelled "have a great day!" to him, and I'd like to think he did.
  10. Could someone please create for me an animated .gif that shows a hurricane, shapped like Pac Man, eating the entire east coast. Bonus points for putting a little animated IRDB at a craps table in TN, with his girlfriend "sigh"ing and "harrumph"ing in the background. Thanks.
  11. I went out at lunch and bought 75 rolls of toilet paper, a 35 gallon drum of whole milk, and one loaf of pumpernickel bread.
  12. Hey hey, ho ho This penis party has got to go Hey hey, ho ho...
  13. "This Little Light" would have been awesome. Hell, it was pretty awesome anyway.
  14. I was thinking the same thing. I'm still going to watch though...
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