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Everything posted by ction

  1. Little known fact - Wookies is 15% african american.
  2. Little known fact - Wookies is 80% arab.
  3. Don't forget the sexual assaults, arson, and awful music.
  4. Counterpoint - today was the first day I've truly enjoyed NFL football since sometime in January.
  5. Megan Ward was pretty goddamn hot in P.C.U.
  6. I think Rivera is more valuable to the Yankees than Jeter.
  7. I'm still more proud of my "hyperbolic chamber" post today in the David Fricke thread.
  8. I don't think the fake PA ID (with the name "John Doe") is really going to work, dummy.
  9. Including "Working at the Car Wash Blues"?
  10. Yoda might. The lady in Finance has what looks like a glow-in-the-dark Yoda on her desk...you want I should ask him for you?
  11. Really guys...I bought an electric edger at Home Depot. For reals!
  12. I bought a Black and Decker Edge Hog or some such thing at lunch.
  13. I need to add River's Edge to my netflix queue.
  14. The bit in the Ft. Reno thing about Ian and the rest of the Teen Idles being there while Bad Brains were writing and rehearsing makes me so jealous it almost hurts.
  15. Pass under 295 (heading towards Richmond) and go a mile, maybe less...it's on the left.
  16. I am a big fan of the Cold Harbor diner on 360 (in Mechanicsville).
  17. I think he must have composed that article while locked in a hyperbolic chamber.
  18. My initial "meh" opinion of this is slowly becoming more positive. (I just finished listening to this as well).
  19. Awesome. And it's now in my Netflix queue.
  20. Morning JUDE. I wish. I have been meaning to look on Dime A Dozen for some Croce, but haven't done it yet. On VH1 classic a few months ago I saw a video of him and his guitarist playing a stripped down version of something (may have been "Car Wash Blues")...I'd love to see the whole show that was pulled from.
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