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Everything posted by Groovylou8

  1. My fifth show Wilco show. Thought the show was good, not great. I will preface by saying I had floor seats, and the floor was PACKED. I am only 5'8'' and with it being so crowded, it was difficult for my brother and I to find a decent sightline to the stage. After moving around a couple times, we settled in the middle by the soundboard, and were able to get an OK view of the stage. This hadn't been a problem for me in previous concerts and definetely hampered my experience a little bit. As for the performance, thought it was good. I thought the tempo was a little disjointed, with a
  2. Awesome show last night... my ears are still ringing this morning. A couple of random notes: - Wilco (The Song) through A Shot in the Arm was a rocking 5-song run to start the show. Band was really into it with intense white noise endings. - The concert was practically two sets. The 1st encore started around 10:40pm, so they essentially played for another hour after the original set was over. - Someone tried to go stage diving TWICE during Spiders, hitting the floor both times. Jeff, nonetheless, had a field day on the guy, saying stage diving was "so 1993" and "for 12-year olds
  3. my first wilco show so i don't have anything to compare it to. But for my first show, i was fortunate enough to see pot kettle black (probably my favorite wilco song which i've heard is a rarity), a shot in the arm, spiders, impossible germany, and the entire second encore. the set was under two hours, but considering they breaked for literally 20 seconds between songs, i wasn't complaining. like my brother was saying, they really didn't allow any time for the crowd to take a breather during the entire show. the fox was a beautiful venue, and andrew bird was awesome. also, did anyo
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