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Winston Legthigh

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Posts posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I think those, along with American Beauty, Working Man's, Reckoning, and Without a Net would be Grateful Dead 101. The list I gave is probably 201.

    I'd drop Without a Net from the curriculum, and replace it with a viewing of the Dead movie.

  2. Sure, maybe they do. And? So?


    You're asking me to compare the impact of watching Last Jedi at 48 years old, versus watching Star Wars when I was 7.


    I don't enjoy watching Star Wars now. I think it's slow.


    I've tried watching Force Awakens a second time, but lost interest. I did enjoy it when I saw it originally. I also enjoyed Last Jedi.


    Rogue One is the one I've been able to enjoy watching multiple times. I think it might be my favorite Star Wars movie of all, but I'm not willing to nudge it ahead of Empire Strikes Back.

  3. Yeah, I get it. I think the people who get pissed at movies for not meeting their expectations (I hate the Lord of the Rings movies...) should take a deep breath and a step back. 


    Was the new Star Wars a kick in the balls to you? I guess so. I'm sorry for that. 


    I loved the fact that Rey's parents were nobodys (and I hope they stick with that). I loved the kid at the end, who force grabbed the broom. That kid is me, in the summer between 1st and 2nd grades, seeing the first Star Wars movie. 


    If you want more Han Solo, guess what - there's a whole new franchise for that. Will the new Han Solo shit be as good as Harrison Ford's take? Probably not. 

  4. Anybody else, who were fans of the original trilogy, feel like this newest go-around of 3 episodes is a big middle finger to fans of the original trilogy?


    No, that's what the prequel trilogy was. Specifically midichlorians. 



    We saw Han die un-heroicly, without fight 


    And how did Obi-Wan die again?


    Luke, Leia and Han Solo were in the original three. Let the next generation get theirs.

  5. I signed up for it, but I got email earlier stating that I was put on a wait-list. Honestly, I didn't think the demand would be that high - I guess it is good for the two that it is.


    Onto 12/14/80 - another decent show. Great Loser - the drums/space has been great during this run, too  -----.Drums/Space with Airto Moriera and Flora Purim - really cool stuff.

    Check your inbox. I just sent you my code, which was sent this morning. It's for the 3/10 show.


    I'm not going to use it. As far as I know, I'm not on a wait list (never got such an e-mail)

  6. Michelle Bachman, duh.


    Former Minnesotan here. Keith Ellison would be ideal.


    They don’t want a Wendell Anderson shitshow to play out again. I have a story about him. Old guy was an old school poon hound. In the early aughts, I was invited to his house to watch one of the Gore/ Bush debates with some classmates. He was on one of my classmates like stink on a monkey. Like openly. He was all hands. And she couldn’t escape because she was in a wheelchair! He kept on offering to take her on a tour of the house, which she would roll her eyes at.


    She wasn’t uncomfortable, and it wasn’t awkward but all of us were like “whoa dude, slow your roll!”

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