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Winston Legthigh

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Posts posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I wonder if JG ever tsk tsked Bobby about his same China>Rider transition chords that he does in just about every version I've heard from the early 70s. 


    Even in the transcendental version from the 6/26/74 show opener, Bobby falls into his same routine.

  2. Winston -- Harmon Killebrew, Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey Jr.?

    1 out of 3 ain't bad...


    Alex Rodriguez is correct. One of the other correct names isn't someone you'd probably associate with HRs, but might be the greatest hitter of all time. 


    Harmon was 39 at his last at bat. 


    Griffey did play after turning 40, but never put one out of the park after that birthday.

  3. RIP Rusty Staub. Le Grand Orange!


    He has some cool records:

    • 8 pinch hits in a row
    • Only player to get 500 hits with four different franchises
    • 1 of only 4 players to hit a HR before he turned 20 and after he turned 40. (Name the other 3)
  4. Was watching bits of the Veneta '72 show the other night, and I have a new theory about Naked Pole Guy. 


    It's obviously a time-travelling Iggy Pop. Why time-travellilng? Because NPG is obviously NOT the 1972 version of Iggy Pop. He's the 2014 version.

  5. Oh yeah, another result from Illinois... A holocaust denier ran unopposed in the GOP primary in the 3rd House district. (3rd House district has been held by anti-abortion Dem Dan Lipinski since 2005, and his predecessor was his own father, who held it since 1993). 


    Fucking Illinois Nazis


  6. Wow - Rauner must have been nervous last night.


    So we get Pritzker. Yuck. At least he wants to legalize. He's cronies with Madigan, so I can't imagine that will do good for the state budget.


    Hopefully Casten can defeat Roskam, but I'm not hopeful. 

  7. Winston:


    My wife and I have attended countless events in the last year to vote out Roskam..  Especially my wife. She actually had a sit-down with him and he made the mistake of man-splaining to her (she's a law professor).  She's kind of lost her mind over this.

    Do you have a preferred candidate to oust him?

  8. I just want someone to beat Roskam in November.


    The other day I received a call from a polling station. They asked if I had 15 minutes or so. Sure, why not.


    First question. Are you planning on voting for Peter Roskam this fall? No, ma'am, I am certainly not.  OK, that's all the questions we have for you. Thank you.


    Strange poll.

  9. Mueller has subpoenaed some of Trump's business records. Whoa.


    Every time I see a new Mueller headline, the story says something like "this must mean his investigation is really picking up steam."


    Is it actual steam, or just hot air?

  10. I would say Bob is singing all the vocals on the studio version of Sugar Magnolia. Double tracked.


    I know they did one of those Classic Album shows on American Beauty. (Anthem to Beauty or something like that) perhaps they talk about it on that doc. I don't remember. 


    But the strange this is - not all of the vocals are double tracked. 


    "Sugar magnolia, blossoms blooming, head's all empty and I don't care" - double tracked 

    "Saw my baby down by the river," - single voice.

    "Knew she had to come up soon for air" - double tracked


    my thought process was - because they switch between two voices and one, it probably would be easier to have Jerry singing alongside him instead of double tracking?



    This is what I meant instead of harmonizing. My bad.


    Whatever dude. I'm over it.

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