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Winston Legthigh

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Posts posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. It's just amazing to me that the line of questioning Cohen, from the GOP reps, weren't even initiated because "he's a convicted felon - specifically convicted for lying to Congress." Basically: "You lied to me before, why would I put value in anything you have to say today?"


    But... Is that all they're interested in? Cohen lied to Congress to protect Trump. Right? I mean, that's a fact. Did anyone from the Trump organization come forward to correct Cohen's lies? No? So, problem solved? You caught the liar, and you're satisfied that yes, indeed he WAS lying, but you're not interested in finding out the truth of the matter? You're not interested in what he was lying about? And the GOP reps on this committee all sat there smug as hell, thinking they're doing the right thing in just wasting time by attacking Cohen, because, you know, he's a liar. 


    It's like if you have an awful stink emanating from your basement. It's a dead rat. But to fix the problem, you just spray tons of lysol. There! No more smell! Problem solved!

  2. Every republican said the exact same thing ‍♂They’re showing their true colors


    Right. It's all "Mr. Cohen, you are a terrible person, but this doesn't reflect at all upon the person who hired you as their personal lawyer for the last 10 years."

  3. all the GOP Reps: "Mr. Cohen, you're a convicted liar, and aren't you ashamed that this is a waste of time?"


    All the Dem Reps: [actually asking questions about his take on Trump's involvement in wikileaks, the moscow deal, and paying Stormy Daniels]

  4. This Cohen testimony has been fantastic so far. He is coming across as credible and truthful while the GOP congressmen cant seem to handle him or even land a glancing blow.

    I don't know. Too little too late. He's had plenty of moments to fess up about Donald, and is going to jail for lying to congress. Not the best kind of witness at this point. 


    Based on everything else that's happened in the last two years, I'm guessing nothing will come of this. 

  5. Been listening to some of 2/26/77 in celebration of the new Dave's, and holy fuck, that thing won't convert a lot of 80s fans to the Donna side of the fence. It's great to listen to that Terrapin live debut and a few of the other tracks, but man oh man. I've always been somewhat of a Donna defender, because when she was on, she added something so beautiful and unique to their sound. But even post-hiatus, when could supposedly hear herself better, she was off so freaking much. She seemed to be more consistently on-key with Jerry's various solo incarnations than with the Dead. It's too bad there aren't more representations of her singing well on live Dead releases.


    I started listening to this show this morning, during my commute - I think I got as far as the Playing in the Band reprise. I'm not noticing anything notable about Donna's presence, so I'm curious as to what you're referring to. 

  6. I was playing with my 2 1/2 year old daughter last night and thinking about the difference between the toys we think are cool, but never play with, and the ones that are an endless source of enjoyment. I remember being a kid and having a closet full of crap that looked flashy in the store, or in a commercial, but got boring really quick.





    Man, play-dough can fuck right the hell off. I'm sick of finding little dried out bits of it everywhere I look. 


    Lego, on the other hand, is the all time best toy ever made.


    While my kids' lego collection is continually expanding, I bought myself the Saturn V kit for Xmas, and put it together with my 5 year old's assistance. That was a blast. Then we took it all apart and put it away carefully, saving it for the next rainy day to do it all over again. 

  7. Can someone explain to me why Trump, and the Senate and the previously GOP-controlled House didn't legislate the Wall funding in his first two years?


    Make hay while the sun shines!


    Earlier this fall, I had a shitload of leaves to rake, and a snowstorm a'comin. I knew if the snowstorm hit, and the leaves were still there, I'd be fucked. So, I raked that motherfucker! Can I be the new Joe Plumber? Asking simple questions from a simple mind?

  8. New Releases

    First Aid Kit - Ruins

    Zappa Roxy Box

    Malkmus/Jicks - Sparkle Hard

    Sleep - The Sciences

    Neko Case - Hell-on

    Grateful Dead Pacific Northwest Box



    50th anniversary White Album Deluxe set with a shit-ton of demos and a fancy-ass hardcover book. Loved it.

    The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society 50th anniversary mono and stereo versions


    And, Albums that were neither new nor re-released in 2018, but I just discovered them, so fuck you

    Ramsey Lewis: Mother Nature's Son - a jazzy instrumental take on the White Album. Loved it. 

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