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Winston Legthigh

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Posts posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. :lol


    There's something to getting so close and never finishing the deal. At least the Lions don't consistently offer glimpses of hope.

    I grew up in Minnesota. My father's from Detroit, and I grew up liking his teams. So, for a very long time, I was the only Lions fan that I knew. Now with online fan forums and blogs/sites dedicated to single teams, I get to see other Lions fans in all their splendor. And let me tell you, seeing them interact amongst themselves, I don't seek other Lions fans out. Holy christ is the world of sports fandom insufferable. I enjoyed, and miss my small world of being on the lonely Lions island in Minnesota. 


    Now I'm living in the Chicago burbs, and my wife's family is a Sox/Bears family, and it's nice to not have to hear some idiot Lions fan bitch about Stafford, or hiring Patricia, or whatever else is wrong with the Lions. I don't want to hear it. They suck, hard stop. 


    I miss the Cutler era of the Bears, but boy are my inlaws starting to get cocky this year. "Hey! Sorry about the Lions this year!!! What happened?!?"

  2. After following this team for 40 years, I can assure you that they are not going to get their shit together any time soon.


    This Lions fan sheds no tears for any "suffering" that Vikings fans have "endured."

  3. I may be in the minority here, but I think 1978 was one of the band's worst years. Keith was a mess and Donna not much better. Keith was either mimicking or basically playing percussion with his keys...


    I enjoyed the 78 July box that came out a couple years ago. And I think the Red Rocks shows from that tour are up there with the best, but generally, I haven't found much else from 78 that I care for. 

  4. Not a perfect election but I will take it. So happy that Lauren Underwood and Sean Casten won. The suburbs of Chicago are turning blue!

    Yes, was very happy to see Roskam voted out. I donated to Casten to help his cause. Today I learned that the 6th district has been Republican since 1972. Roskam was going for his 6th re-election. 

  5. Barnes & Noble is having a 50% off Criterion Collection sale, so most titles are right around $19.99 which is a pretty decent deal.


    Speaking of Criterion Collection, I'm upset that FilmStruck is shutting down shop later this month. They were a streaming service for Criterion Collection films. I almost upgraded to the latest Apple TV to get access to the Apple App Store to download the FilmStruck App, but the price never came down enough to justify the upgrade.


    I'm going to stay in tonight to watch The Other Side Of The Wind on Netflix. That's the Orson Welles film that was in limbo, since the 70s.


    Good to know. Have been meaning to replace my long lost Bande A Part DVD. 

  6. Respect.


    Think about this - how well could LL Rain have worked in place of a post Space Jerry ballad slot? Maybe even out of Space? It might have been MUCH better placed in set 2 if it was late in the show. But, you know, Jerry HAS to take that ballad slot there. Oh well...

     It would have worked as well as the sound of street cats making love.

  7. Hopefully IL legalizes marijuana and finally does something about the pension system and we get back on track sooner than later.


    I am a pretty staunch Dem --- but Madigan needs to go.


    That's the huge "DUH" signpost that I can't believe hasn't happened yet. Illinois was advised that they're either going to have to raise taxes, or cut spending, or a combo of the two, or look at new revenue streams. The whole public pension budget shitshow has us all up shit creek with a turd for a paddle, and I keep seeing headlines of "record tax revenue in Colorado."


    No fucking shit. Legalize it so we can start bailing us out of this mess. When my wife asks me why I'm glazed while grilling and chilling, I'll tell her that I'm keeping this fucking state afloat! Proudly! #MakeIllinoisSolventAgainWhileIGetHigh(again)

  8. Enjoyed Ozarks much more than I expected.


    I've been meaning to check that out.


    Started watching Haunting of Hill House. Was confused as hell when they had 90s scenes dad played by Henry Thomas, but 2018 scenes same dad played by Timothy Hutton. I get that when you go back and forth between eras, and there's kids in the past scenes, you need adults to play the same characters 20 years later. But, Timothy Hutton is only 11 years older than Henry Thomas. Just add some grey to Henry Thomas's hair and call it a day?

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