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Winston Legthigh

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Posts posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Oh! That's all I have to do? Cool, but that's not a tuneup. Tuneups are basically obsolete. Today's cars run cleaner and more efficient than they ever have, which is why this statement is silly.

    Every car out there is a "today's car"?? yes, your statement is silly

  2. 89 words into the review, and I can already tell by the writing style that not only does the reviewer not understand the movie, but that the reviewer towers above all by objectifying all issues. There are unnecessary sentences in that review that doesn't even benefit his/her argument. Starting from the small pissants to the over-generalization of everything, the writer does not want to stick with a topic or a point really. There's nit-picking about the opinions made, not the presentation. This isn't a review; it's a rant.


    Whoever is maintaining that magazine should desperately search for an editor, or a new one.


    Also, "reverse-racism trick"?

    I can't tell if you're commenting on the review, or concurrently writing about your own post...




    So you expect everyone in that situation to panic instead when threatened?

    Everyone? no. But I would expect there would be at least ONE person on each boat screaming "GIVE ME THAT FUCKING BUTTON!!" Odds would indicate there would be at least one "Driver" personality that deemed a vote unnecessary.


    I seriously doubt that both of you paid any attention to the movie.


    You mean there wasn't a boat sequence?

  4. That's what she said.


    I thought the movie was well paced. I found myself wondering how much could be left and really not wanting it to end. It's exciting from start to finish.

    I thought the whole boat sequence lacked any tension whatsoever. People on both boats were way too calm. I felt for that to be the Joker's final act - was a big letdown. When they finally got to Two Face and Gordon's family, I was muttering "don't care, don't care, don't care..."

  5. Oh, I don't think they're out of it at all. Three weeks ago I did. They've got a lot left in the tank though and over the last month or so have been pretty good. They do need some bullpen help, though if Rodney and Zumaya find their strides they could be okay. I wouldn't mind seeing them make a move for a back of the rotation pitcher or some solid relief help though.


    What's the time frame on Porcello's development? Will he see any Sept action?

  6. I'll just ask this: do you have an example, fictional or not, of an efficient market or market sector? And how do uninformed consumers screw up capitalism?

    Market efficiency can mean anything from improving delivery of goods, to improving the market itself (fully electronic stock exchanges, for example). I'm not sure or not the informed-ness of a consumer throws a monkey wrench into the process or not. Seems to me that the gears move either way, as long as we keep comsuming!


    Perhaps the argument for "uninformed consumers screw up capitalism" is because they contribute to conspicious consumption. They are more apt to buy overvalued items. I remember the story (pre 20s stock market crash) of Montgomery Wards - they had a bottle of perfume for sale for $.25. Nobody bought it. So they marked it up to $10, and it flew off the shelves because people assumed that the price-tag = quality.

  7. grumble todd jones grumble grumble


    Since it's evident that the Tigers lack the relief pitching to get into the post-season, it might be time to make the tough decision and sell off who they can - and I think that might be the Gambler and Pudge.

  8. Sometimes I think that the apathy today relates to the fact that people tried to change things in the 60s and largely failed. And now people are resigned to the fact that there's just not much that can be done to change things.


    And then I think that there were some pretty powerful changes in the 60s. The Civil Rights Act, for one, really did change things for people.


    So I have no answers. Just questions.


    Yeah, but today's generation (talking about the 20somethings who are typically the impetus of change/revolution) didn't experience the revolution or subsequent letdown of the 60s.


    I believe the problem is that we have too many creature comforts today. Too many choices - too many trivial pursuits that keep us occupied. We're inundated with products and choices that compel us to be distracted from the rest of the world and to spend our time working and pursuing leisurely lifestyles. Purchasing power and access to leisure products have never been greater.


    As RATM says: "What does the billboard say? Come and play, come and play! Forget about the movement..."

  9. i don't see how letting everybody sue the fuck out of the phone companies for doing what the law of the land told them to do...good, bad or ugly...really accomplishes.


    i have nothing to hide, so it's goign to take a backburner. you can call that daft, but that's my reality.


    Agreed. Well put.

  10. Could someone please define, for me, what exactly a centrist presidency would look like?


    Please refer to Goldilock's third option...


    Clinton's term was pretty centrist, no? (If not a little left of the dial?) Not too liberal, not too conservative?

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