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Winston Legthigh

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Posts posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. A friend of mine gave this album to me - burned a cd for me. Except he inadvertantly recorded them in reverse order. I thought that was the original order, and I still prefer listening to the album this way.


    Still a great album.

  2. I'm pretty disappointed with the festival this year. The lineup isn't nearly as deep as last year, and the few bands that I am excited about are all going up against each other. Terrible.


    And I, for one, am having trouble deciding between Wilco and Rage. I was never a huge Rage fan, but always liked them, have heard they were great live, and have never seen them (though I did have a ticket for the Rage/Beasties/ATDI tour that got cancelled). On the other hand, I've seen Wilco quite a few times, and my enthusiasm for them has waned considerably. However, for a long time they were one of my absolute favorites so it's still really tempting.


    I share the disappointment.

    If you're going, I'd push for Rage. I saw them for the first time last summer with Queens of the Stone Age at Alpine Valley. It was a great great show. If you've already seen Wilco several times, don't miss Rage.

  3. I thought it was 4th from the bottom, whatever, he obviously needed help from the Admiral. Either way, not near the top like our dear, beloved, slick tongued Barack.


    I just watched the 04 Charlie Rose interview, where he mentions a political consultant said he should change at least either his first or last name because it will frighten people. They had a chuckle, but it is sad that idiots are spreading the sentiment of him as a 'muslim' which to them automatically implies he is a terrorist....Idiots.


    Speaking of changing names... has anyone ever met a Hitler? Or has that name been wiped off the census map?

  4. It took the calculated move of a politician. No risk because only his opinion was on the line. And it's real easy to bleat about it 4 years after the war.


    Hey, I said it was the wrong move at the time too. Why ain't I the Democrats nominee?!?


    It was a huge risk, being that his political career depends on votes, and this wasn't a popular position to take.

  5. Has anyone seen "Frank Zappa: Music in Review"? I have it in my queue to rent, but know nothing about it. I would love a good, well-made doc about FZ, but I'm skeptical this is it since I have heard so little about it.


    I haven't, but here's a review from a netflix subscriber: ouch


    I'm a long-time Zappa freak and was sorely disappointed by this disk. They draw from 4 reviewers, all of whom seem to have no significant connection to Frank at all (I have Ben Watson's book, which is "cute" at best, but fairly misguided) and who don't provide very interesting commentary about Frank. Where are the interviews with ex-Zappa band musicians? Where are the snippets of footage of Frank (who was pretty good at speaking for himself)? Where are some of the clips we haven't seen a zillion times already? These guys couldn't be arsed to leave London for any of this. Also worth noting is that this doesn't cover Frank's career past, say, One Size Fits all. There are brief clips from some of the later bands (the Vinnie band on SNL, and also the band that performed on SNL before that one, with Terry), but very little is discussed about the small universe of stellar musicians Frank employed after the original MOI was disbanded. Huge waste of time, even for a die hard FZ fan like myself.


    Other reviews seemed just as harsh. No interviews with his musicians, no interviews with FZ. Only one song in its entirety: Peaches en Regalia.


    I'm still waiting for whatchamacallit to be released - the TV concert with the One Size Fits All era band that the Dub Room Special has footage of. Looking forward to Zappa plays Zappa at Summerfest...

  6. For #5, I might have gone with "Jumpin' Jack Flash" or "Sympathy For the Devil" over "Brown Sugar", but I still can't really argue with that one, either.


    Sympathy for the Devil as a guitar song? It's all piano and bongos, no?

  7. It just means that she's not releasing her delegates. She's basically conceding the race but keeping the delegates for leverage in forming the platform.


    There's also talk that she'll be calling for an oral roll-call (so to speak) of all delegates at the Convention...


    I would assume the negotiations with Obama will include the trade of "you pay my debt, I'll throw my weight behind you, and not run as an independent..."

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