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Posts posted by barbkm

  1. I don't know that I'd consider that an entirely good thing. Wouldn't that mean that they'd be more likely to rush-release albums that aren't as finished as they could be? And play more shows than they want to play, leading to potentially bad performances?


    I think she was being silly.

  2. I have a feeling that the fact it says he's suing Jeff Tweedy is mostly a case of stupid reporting. Jeff Tweedy's not even the one who pays him, and I doubt he produced any part of YHF or the doc. However, the reporting of the situation is very broad and leaves a lot of holes. But who knows, we werent there, so it's definitely possible he got screwed. It's just a little bit of weird timing.



    I totally concur -- "Wilco ex Bandmate sues frontman Tweedy" gets more headines then "Disgruntler Musician Sues Production Company and Record Lable."


    But -- it would soooooooo suck if Jay was right and Jeff was a total douche. It'd break my heart if Jeff was an asshole.

  3. I bought my Wilco tickets while sitting at my desk at work. Pretty convenient.


    I love the online tickety buying experince, especially the older I get the less inclined I am to wait in line for hours just for the ticket. Arriving three hours before the doors open to secure an ideal spot still works -- although after Mccarren Park my knees hurt, my hips hurt, my feet hurt, my head hurt ...you get the picture. None the less, I will be at Duchess Stadium on July 18 @ 2 pm


    Also - I've a regular 10 am meeting at work -- so occassionaly my co-workers will hear "GIVE ME FIVE MINUTES" -- and they either get a happy or sad Barb, depending on my seat. .

  4. All I can say is -- dear god in heaven, please don't let the NYC dates be july 12-15 -- I've a conference I have to work at. It's in NYC, but I have a feeling my boss won't be too keen on me leaving early to see my boys. Especially for a General Admission show when I have to get on line 3 hours (at least) before the doors open.


    Please pray with me . . . not July 12-15, not July 12 - 15, not July 12 - 15.


    PS -- The Wellmont in Montclair would be great. I saw Morrissey there and its a cool venue (and just - according to google -- 18 minutes from my house.)


    Speaking of Morrissey -- he can do magic. He turns a room full of 40ish men into 16 year old girls. Kind a cute to see these balding, paunchy guys swooning when Morrissey took off his shirt. (I swooned too -- he look great!)

  5. So -- my wall at work is covered with photos I've taken at Wilco, Robyn Hitchcock, and Minus 5 shows, or photos of me with Jeff, or photos from the site that I like (e.g., the one with Stephen Colbert). Today, I was taking a brief mental break and gazing at my gallery when I notiched that Jeff's wearing one of these four articles of clothing in each: that wool hat (which I assume is his woobie); the short, blue jean jacket; the either black or dark blue hooded, zip-up sweat jacket; or the black button down shirt -- and various combinations of each.


    And I relizeds two things:


    Someone needs to take Jeff shopping

    I am easily distracted

  6. Those kids were great -- how about the little boy with the shaved head in the back. He looked like he would have rather been any where else but there. And the girl with the page boy hair cut who yawning.


    Jeff and Pete were good, too.

  7. Impossible Germany -- end of the instrumental part when Nels, Jeff, and Pat all play that same riff -- kills me. That's one of the songs that always takes me back to a live show.


    Via Chicago -- at the end, when his voice sounds like it's gonna break on "I'm coming home."


    Poor Places "Someone ties a bow in my backyard to show me love"


    Walken -- that guitar bit towards the end that's preceeded by Glen coming in strong on the drums. And the slide guitar after "I was singing this song about you."


    Non Wilco -- opening chords of REM's "So. Central Rain."


    Scary piano at the begininng of "While my Guitar Gently Weeps"



    There's so much more -- these are just the oof the top of my head.

  8. im big on this. i will not listen to it, and be first in line at best buy the day of. remember the days where you had to do that to hear a record? i dont, but still.


    Remember that crackle when you first put the needle on the record? When you saved and saved for that one album, and when you finally get it, it's a whole ritual -- removing the plastic wrapping, reading the liner notes, looking at the pictures -- and in the best circumstance -- PRINTED LYRICS!!!! And the crackle right before the music starts -- I've got butterflies in my belly just thinking about it.


    What I don't miss is being shaken out of the music induced coma to turn the record over.


    Is it nostalgia for vinyl or just nostalgia for our youth -- when every record, every sound was new and exciting? Especially when we were treading on a new genre; it was like exploring. I guess now with mortgages, bosses, and knee pain, nothing is as new and exciting as it was when I was 14. Sigh.


    Okay, I'll stop now.

  9. I've a hummingbird on my back hip. I did not think my favorite song (I Am Trying to Break Your Heart) would translate into a graphic image (a little guy aiming a sledge hammer at a big heart?), so I went with a hummingbird.


    It has more than one meaning -- it's kind of my ode to Wilco, and in memory of a friend who passed away.


    Side Note: I did offer to show it to Jeff, but he demurely declined. It's not in a dirty place, I even showed my boss and my mom. It's no where close to anything tush like. I guess he's just a good egg. Or he did not want to puke at the unsightly overhang which is my lower back.


    I also have the Toth (raven-headed Egyptian god) on my shoulder -- in honor of Robyn Hitchcock. When I showed him, he said. "Well, now you can't donate your body to science." A very R. Hitchcock response. I was thrilled.

  10. I'm going. I've never officalially met anyone on this site, but looking foward to introducing myself.


    And, boy do I need this! I'm beginning to realize that I work with some realy backstabbing jerks and I feell like I have to watch every step if I don't want to get trambled.


    No need to replay, just needed to vent.


    Whoo-hoo, JT Solo in NoHo!

  11. Your visual caught my dancing style exactly -- my bald, yellow bopping up and down like that.


    Very funny image after a long, rough day in the office. Thanks!

  12. I was listeing to Robyn H before Wilco . . . before Minus 5 . . . before REM . . . since Globe of Frogs in 88. He's tremendous. Sundance will also be showing a film of his recent I Oftern Dream of Trains tour -- which should be fantastic.


    RH and the V5 also have a date at Irving Plaza in NYC on April 11h. These are excellent shows -- these guys may be thinning on top and widening in the middle, but they sure do kick ass. Good ole RH still sounds amazing, and there's a real joy onstage-- they really do enjoy performing together and it makes the show that much better.


    Seeing Peter Buck in such a small setting is beyond words (My love for Mr. B is only surpassed by my love for JT.) If your lucky, he may also be at the merchandise table after the show selling CDs. Hearing Mr. Buck say, "That'll be $10" is worth the price of admission.


    Another CD to add to the list is Spooked, that's the recored with Gillen Welch and Dave Something (names escapes me at the moment). Includes one of his best songs -- Full Moon in My Soul. First time I heard it, I thought it was a John Lennon cover -- which I think RH would take as high praise.

  13. How about that youtube clip where Jeff talks about running into Farrar at the beach on some island while on vacation? Pretty amusing story.


    That was pretty funny -- and the fam staying close byt. I've had that dream, just replace Jay Farrar woith Peter Buck. (Am I revealing too much?)

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