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Everything posted by Sal

  1. That was a terrible movie. I got an e-mail that told me Obama was the one that killed Kennedy. Does anyone actually believe that garbage? By the way, I like the new picture. I am sitting for Olan Mills tomorrow.
  2. He is a huge tool, always has that smirk on his face.
  3. Looks like Lehman is filing bankruptcy and Merrill Lynch is being sold off. This isn't the change I was wanting. They have the best apple pie in Iowa. Good point.
  4. Quoting Kent Brockman is never a bad thing. I wish more media was like him, at least it would be entertaining.
  5. You think she has kegs of Busch Light at those picnics?
  6. With the Dems in control of Congress and the executive they would be more likely to get things passed. Obviously I can't tell you what would change because I cannot see into the future. I heard the same argument in 2000, no difference between Bush and Gore. I heard it again in 2004 between Bush and Kerry. I think there were some serious policy differences between Bush, Gore and Kerry. I don't think we would be in the same position if those elections had turned out differently. Just as there are serious policy differences between Obama and McCain. As far as checks and balances, between
  7. I never said there were only two solutions. I don't even care if you vote. I was just pointing out the fact that there are some serious problems we as a country are facing. Important issues. But if you don't make your voice heard than I don't know how you expect anything to ever change.
  8. Economy - Obama is for pumping in a lot of money for the auto industry to transition to better technology and to be leaders in new fuel technology, Obama is for more regulation of the markets(see the housing market), he is for bigger tax breaks for small business owners, he is for actually making corporations pay their taxes(40% of all US Corps have not paid taxes for the last 6 years); McCain - I am not quite sure what all he is for since he won't actually say, his campaign manager was a lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie he lobbied for deregulation of the housing market, the head of McCain's tr
  9. Here are some reasons to vote: two wars going on, 6% unemployment rate (and that is generous), housing crisis, wall street financials going bankrupt, huge budget deficit, we owe a shit ton of money to everyone, millions uninsured, oncoming retirement of the baby boomers, our waning standing in the world, Russian resurgence, up to three Supreme Court Justices retiring in the next 4 to 6 years, no energy policy and an expanded executive power thanks to the sitting President. If you honestly think that there is no difference between McCain and Obama on all of these issues than don't vote.
  10. Most of them aren't even voting for McCain now, they are voting for Palin.
  11. So anyone who is either a Democrat or a Republican is not worthy of a vote? Are you active in a 3rd party? Do you attend local Democratic or Republican Party meetings and make your voice heard? If not, than you have no reason to gripe. You are pretty much just sitting on the sidelines waiting for things to change. Rove is a parasite.
  12. I would have a hard time watching that show now. All I would be able to hear is her annoying voice.
  13. Isn't Palin the magic woman? Anybody who saw the interview with Charlie Gibson and thinks she is ready to be VP needs to have their head examined.
  14. What would you consider representing the people?
  15. They may not actually want 4 more years of Bush. I think a lot of it comes down to plain old pride and other BS. A good friend of mine is a Republican and she cannot bring herseld to admit that Bush has been a totoal disaster. She makes BS excuses for Palin being stupid and overlooks McCain's lies. A good majority of the voters are too tied to party affiliation and will never budge no matter what. Pretty pathetic way to run a country, but that is what we have. You really should vote in your local elctions. Those are the elections that impact your life the most.
  16. Really? I have heard that he has a certain aura about him. Too much bourbon.
  17. JFK was too Catholic for that time, it is amazing he was elected. His personality definitely helped though. You think Bill Clinton is good looking?
  18. Has anyone here watched "Uncounted:American Elections"? Very good documentary, also depressing and infuriating.
  19. She also said this weekend that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taxpayer funded. This is kind of an important topic right now. Anyone who knows their ass from their elbow knows that these are private companies that the government is now bailing out.
  20. Not getting any bids and selling are two different things. I may be splitting hairs here but I still remember, "We know they have weapons of mass destruction" and the classic "We don't want the proof to be a mushroom cloud." I know all politicians lie, but the Republicans always seem to be at ease with it. Campaign trail and introduction: she sold it on EBAY.
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