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Everything posted by Sal

  1. It's the fact that they picked that story to lie about that gets me. Why? Who really gives a dang about selling a state plane whenever your state has a ton of money to begin with?
  2. Did anyone see Brokaw's interview of Biden on Meet the Press yesterday? He had some of the worst questions I have ever heard. Is he the best they could come up with to replace Russert? Pathetic.
  3. I am going to start a collection for the next Democratic candidate so we can buy God. Maybe then we can win the small town votes. What is funny is that she didn't sell that plane on EBAY. She sold it to a private party at a loss. Great business acumen.
  4. Well put. It seems like a large segment of the population wants a theocracy.
  5. Yes. Dissenting views. Every other program has the same crap on it except for his. This makes it a dissenting view. I don't know if he is an asshole or not. Do you know him? I assume you do since you called him an asshole.
  6. They need to keep that old bastard on the run. He will eventually tire out. She can't be trusted period.
  7. This totally sucks. I guess it is too much for the powers that be to have dissenting views on TV. Corporate owned media is not beneficial for a democracy. Looks like I will be watching PBS on election night. Wasn't Gregory the one dancing and rapping with that butthole Rove at the correspondents dinner?
  8. I can smell the stench all the way up here in Iowa. Seriously, for the first time I am concerned that McCain is going to win this thing. I dare not even fathom this outcome. Hope everyone is ready for more war and god-based initiatives because that is what we will have.
  9. This is the kind of stuff that scares me. We have just been through 8 years of this crap with Bush and look at the results. She sounds just like Bush did when he ran. This may be bad to say, but she just strikes me as wthite trash. She feeds right into the theory that we want a Pres or VP that is just like us. How stupid is that? Don't we want the Pres and VP to be smarter than us. I cannot take much more of this shit.
  10. Couldn't agree more. Conservatives have never met a fetus they didn't love and a poor kid they cared about.
  11. I could say the same about you. Don't know about Dylan yet, going to make the call now.
  12. People tell me I look like Jack Kerouac. I don't see the resemblance.
  13. The Prosecutor would be the House of Representatives. There is no way they would do it due to potential fallout.
  14. Politics. Couldn't have said it any better. The Dems also probably remembered how it backfired on the Republicans in the 90's. Clinton's approval rating actually went up.
  15. Liberating millions of Iraqis? I think you have that backwards. We have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and displaced millions more. And for what? Saddam was our ally up until the day he invaded Kuwait. It is all about the oil and Bush's machismo. We also violated International law. Oh yeah, is President Moron still looking for Osama or does that take too much work?
  16. I agree. While we are at it, I am tired of Shot in the Arm. They need to put a different song in that spot.
  17. I arrived right before the opening act went on and I ended up about three feet from the stage. Who cares if they waited all day in line? I don't want to sound like a jerk, but waiting all day entitles one to nothing. This is why it is called General Admission. I have never understood this feeeling of ownership of space at a concert. I have experienced it a few times myself and it is extremely annoying. I could understand if I took someone's seat, but I didn't. But I am not going to bow down to someone who waited in line. I don't care if the person next to me sings every word to every s
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