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Everything posted by JohnO

  1. Here's what went down when Obama's biggest supporter was notified of Scott Brown's victory. Viewer Rating: Graphic Language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4aQCiRjvZY Enjoy!
  2. No I condemn it for being directly responsible for the deaths of 100's of thousands of Americans over the past century, consuming trillions of dollars of our wealth and thumbing their collective noses at us in gratitude. They have nothing I want and the communists and facists they nurtured still exist there awaiting their next opportunity. Screw them, I'll spend my hard earned money here thanks. But we hardly knew ya! Oh well.
  3. You know I really don't like the use of the word 'rape' in this context as it cheapens the actual meaning which should never be done. It is particularly inappropriate in this case as the corporate entity needs a willing participant. And in this case both participants are lured by the same motive, greed. However I do agree a happy medium should be found that doesn't trample on the 1st Amendment.
  4. Only once and I wasn't impressed. Though I might give Italy a shot one of these days.
  5. So when you say believing is that like a religious thing? Does it really matter if your not from there if you believe they have something superior that you desire? After all that's why our ancestors came here in the first place. I don't think I missed anything significant but I could be wrong.
  6. What? Did I miss a big story about everyone hopping back on boats and being welcomed back to the homes of their ancestors? Everything I read here makes it sound like the place to live. Seriously(???) why aren't people moving back if it's so great?? By the way my people were starved out by those people of whom you seem so fond. On that we do agree!
  7. Ya don't let a little thing like the Constitution get in the way of your coup.
  8. I read all perspectives on a subject that interests me. Your source actually supports some of my contentions. It also completely ignores two significant differences that impact healthcare delivery, population density and geography. Not to mention the cultural differences and expectations. There's a reason our ancestors left Europe and I don't see many of us signing up to immigrate back to that hell hole.
  9. People have known that smoking will kill them for the past 50 years. TV and radio advertising was banned in 1971 and we still have 20+% of the population smoking. Anyone who took out a mortgage on a house they couldn't afford is just... The nanny state isn't going to protect you from being stupid. "There's a sucker born every minute" was never truer than it is today. People open themselves up to scams in many more ways than they did in the past what with the internet, twitter, texting, iPhone, online banking, credit cards, etc. There's a very simple creed that will protect you in life if
  10. And the vast majority of Americans rate their health coverage as excellent. The people I'm talking about are ex-pats that worked over sees for a number of years. They unlike you have a valid point of comparison. "Britain has only one-fourth as many CT scanners per capita as the U.S., and one-third as many MRI scanners. The rate at which the British provide coronary-bypass surgery or angioplasty to heart patients is only one-fourth the U.S. rate, and hip replacements are only two-thirds the U.S. rate. The rate for treating kidney failure (dialysis or transplant) is five times higher in the
  11. I used Down Them All to downloaded the audio to my puter. No need to insert DVD...
  12. Stop acting like CNN. I'm no more angry than you. The point is if you were paying for this service out of your own pocket you would not make the same choice. That is what's driving up the cost curve in health care! It's still an expense for the employer and I'm willing to bet that only a fraction would find it's way into salaries. Hmmm and you know that how? The people I know that have lived under universal coverage all had private insurance as well because the government plan s*%$ed! With the private plan coverage they went to the front of the queue because the doctors and hospitals
  13. “Although the freeze would shave no more than $15 billion off next year's budget -- barely denting a deficit projected to exceed $1 trillion for the third year in a row…” Yup he’s mad as hell and isn’t going to take it anymore! At that rate, not accounting for inflation, it will take roughly 73 years to balance the budget. And that’s change we can believe in? Seeing as how he isn't submitting any legislation to back this up is he going to form a committee for recommendations or punt it over to Congress like he did with Healthcare in order to maintain plausible deniability when ultimately
  14. And there in lies the source of our disagreement. No my employers contribution is not part of my "salary". I don't have the option to take that as income. I could refuse the benefit and keep the premium as salary but not my employers contribution. Get it? That's a joke right? If you believe that they're not going to raise our taxes more than what we pay today then I've got a bridge just for you. No that was a proposal straight from the messiah's yap. In reality it's just more of the class warfare crap that he's been pushing forever. He is the most devisive President in history
  15. You'll have to ask the three that I raised who show up at the house every few days with their kids to hang out with us.
  16. She consented. Two weeks to pay my premiums and out of pocket expenses. My employer pays half. But I'm only talking about comes out of my salary. My employer also has to match SS/Medicare/Medicaid. I'm at an age where I'm using more services. I've paid into these programs for 40 years and it doesn't bother me a bit. What bothers me is the attitude that we're just going to have to pay more. I pay enough thank you. Health care cost are high but government has never shown that it can run a program without bankrupting it (SS & Medicare) because they continually pass unfunded mandates
  17. Unless I include quotation marks it is my informed opinion.
  18. You guys should take a closer look at your paystubs. They take much more than Fed Income taxes from you every week. Add up the Fed Withholding + Fed MED/EE + Fed OASDI/EE + State + Local Withholding and tell me what % it comes out to. The crazy income numbers you guys are throwing around just proves you haven't got a clue what the government is stealing from you. Which is why we have turned the old proverb on its head. The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a foo
  19. Let's try this again, "factcheck.org is a mouth piece of and funded by the left so it is hardly an unbiased representation of the facts" is a statement of fact and opinion. That doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be used as a source. It was auctioneer69 that stated that the information at factcheck.org supports some of my contentions. Just given the way this little discussion has evolved any source I put up will just generate more of the same kind of foolishness so what's the point? My opinions are formed from a variety of content and sources. The facts and figures are everywhere help your
  20. You're missing the point. This health care debate has been going on for over 2 years now. If you don't already know that the uninsured are not a homogeneous group then you should first get educated on the topic. And just so we’re clear here I am not an educator, I’m just another idiot offering opinions on a message board. Someone here has already posted a source at factscheck.org so you can start there if you like. There are all kinds of academic, media, government and health industry research available that you should seek out and read as well in order to draw your own conclusions.
  21. Well it was first espoused in Jeffersonian liberalism and the Jacksonian push for universal manhood suffrage, later to be resurrected as Democratic pluralism which has been the mantra of the left for the last 70 years and codified in the mission statement of the ACLU. So if you're correct about Beck's dribbles it's basis is firmly grounded in left wing rhetoric rather than 'warmed over right wing hysteria'.
  22. The fact of the matter is special interests and corporations tend to support the incumbent. Incumbents only remain incumbent with the support of the people. All the money in the world isn't going to get you elected if you're not doing the will of the people. Obama is proof of that today. He has spent trillions trying to buy support for his agenda and the people aren't buying it. Many seem to have more faith in some piece of legislation that has so many loop holes it resembles a block of Swiss cheese than in the wisdom of the people. Don't sell the people short. There is great wisdom in t
  23. Sure corporations are going to attract more customers and make more money by poisoning the environment, killing, maiming or poisoning their customers by creating unsafe products and by selling diseased infested foods. Is that really your point?
  24. I hate the Jets but I hate the Colts more! J - E - T - S Jets Jets Jets
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