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Everything posted by JohnO

  1. What it really does is eliminate the exclusivity Media companies enjoyed under the old law to spend unlimited amounts of money expressing political opinions and preferences. The likes of CNN, Time, Newsweek, News Corporation, et al will now have competition when it comes to political speech. They will also benefit from the additional ad revenue. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech..." I'm in agreement with Justice Thomas's dissenting opinion that the ruling didn't go far enough.
  2. So let's see if I've got this right. The SC has overturned a 20 year old ruling that puts us back under the same rules that gave us Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Kennedy and Reagan and we're supposed to be scared to death? What a bunch of wimps we've become!
  3. I was bummed when Keith left the band but I enjoyed the harmonies Brent sung. I never have gotten into Brents tunes. Over time I came to enjoy his keyboard playing but Keiths period with the band is still my favorite keyboard sound. My order of preference is Keith, TC, Hornsby, Pig, Brent and Vince.
  4. I know, it cracks me up when these so called "professional news organizations" reference some unauthenticated website as a source for their reporting. There are much better sources on the topic but pretty much any numbers can be fudged. Liars, damn liars and statistics! In healthcare efficiency and low cost are not quality metrics. It's very difficult if not impossible to do a straight comparison of health care between countries because geography and population density play a vital role in the delivery of services. For example the only other countries that compare to us in size and popul
  5. Ahh where exactly in those quotes did I state, "we needed no reform because there were no problems"? My eyesite's not the best but my reading comprehension is excellent. The way I read it is bjorn_skurj's question was very broad, as health care is a multi-faceted topic I asked for clarification to which he responded "the uninsured". I then respond with my "solution" on the uninsured and threw in 2 cents on perscription drug costs as well. I'm afraid in this case the inferences you've drawn are all your own.
  6. Accept them or contest them, the numbers are what they are. I never said "we needed no reform because there were no problems". You've confused me with a different poster.
  7. Obama has thrown the full weight of his Presidency behind this initiative so yes it is Obamacare. Monstrosity is an apt description so if the shoe fits... I completely agree with you about Bush's Medicare Prescription Drug Act. Which is precisely why we should not give government any bigger role in health care. Politicians just cannot say no. They'll align with anyone who will help them get reelected no matter what it costs the taxpayer. They have bankrupted Medicare and now they're going after another 1/6th of the American economy. Enough is enough. Oh and factcheck.org is a mouth p
  8. You can research it for yourself. The question to me was, "What is my proposal for the uninsured?" Try to stay with the thread. If you can't tell the difference between what I've proposed and the monstrosity that is Obamacare then yes you are daft.
  9. As far as the uninsured go about a third of them can afford insurance but choose not to, another quarter are below the poverty line and qualify for SS/Medicare, another quarter either can't qualify for or cannot afford insurance and the remainder are illegal aliens. The first group is made up of young healthy adults and I would do nothing with them except send them the bill if/when they show up at the hospital for treatment. They're rolling the dice and for the most part it's a good bet. The second group is all set as far as I'm concerned. Maybe Obama can get his ACORN mafia to go out
  10. That's the Democratic response to everyone who disagrees with them. Keep calling the voters ignorant, homophobic, racist, reactionary, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and you'll be in the minority in no time. You are correct, it is the economy. But it's about Obama not having his priorities straight not about George Bush. It's about deficit spending at historic levels, back room deals with special interests and the buying of votes with THE PEOPLES money. So yup were justa bunch o dumby's out har.
  11. Oh there was much more at play here. Brown tapped into two of the biggest concerns of the electorate. First being the abomination that is Obamacare with all it's back room shenanigans and sweet heart deals for Unions and bribes for certain votes. The second being the ludicrous level of deficit spending being promoted by the Democratic majority in Washington. November is going to be a bloodbath for the Democrats unless they change direction asap. Personally I think they should keep listening to MSNBC and keep trying to cram their ill advised programs down the throats of the American voters
  12. I Can't Explain is the only tune I still crank. The rest are like Charlie Brown's teacher blah blahblah blah blah. Dizzy in the head and I'm feeling bad The things you've said have got me real mad I'm gettin' funny dreams again and again I know what it means but
  13. Van Morrison is a musical genius. Charlie Parker changed the course of music. The music of the Doors and the Who has not aged well. Bob Dylan is the poet laureate of the past 50 years. His music is ageless and will be reinterpreted for generations to come just like Gershwin. I love and I hate the Stones. At the moment I think I love them. The only thing worse than the Band breaking up was the Clash breaking up. The early loss of Duane, Jimi, Janis, Mama Cass, Lowell, Lennon, Richard Manual, Jaco, Jerry, Mark Sandman, Rick Danko, Joe Strummer has left a hole in the music that can't be filled.
  14. Come on they were Awesome!!! :rock Springsteen
  15. Little Feat - Preferably '70's Feat with Lowell. There's plenty up on LMA Woody Guthrie - The just released Dusty Road box is awesome. The disk with Sonny Terry and Cisco Houston sitting in is special. The Band - Pretty much anything or you could check out Levon Helms latest releases Dirt and Electric Dirt Roseanne Cash's new release The List Enjoy!
  16. that's the absolute worst cover of a Dead tune in existence. My vote for Wilco does Dead, if Jeff could learn the words, would be for a nice Box of Rain or Scarlet Begonia.
  17. They've got Buddy and Julie Miller's - Written in Chalk at #27 which I absolutely loved. I'm hoping to catch Buddy soon now that he's recovered from triple bypass.
  18. Well let's see I remember the first space shots. I remember watching Howdy Doody. I remember the death of Pope Pius XII. I remember where I was when JFK was shot. I remember watching the Beatles first appearance on Ed Sullivan. I passed out handbills when the Beatles came to my city. That was the time of my youth. How about you?
  19. I really don't understand the context that the term "pop" is being used in this thread. If we're talking about 2009 then there's no way W(TA) can be placed in the same category as the material that is being produced by today's "Pop" artists like Britney Spears, Owl City, Fireflies, Iyaz, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, Jay Sean, Lil Wayne, Ke$ha, Beyonce... The band certainly writes tight, structured and thoughtful songs which they have done consistently through out the years. Summerteeth reminds me so much of the "Pop" of my youth which were the Beachboys, Beatles and CCR. W(TA) is consistent
  20. Currently listening to this awesome Charlie Miller production. I'm seeding here http://www.shnflac.net/details.php?id=6ae9539af4e1f8a306f583596ce031ed26f820cf You can give a listen here. mp3 sample Grateful Dead - May 20, 1973 Campus Stadium - Santa Barbara, CA University Of California Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel (7 inch reels @ 7.5ips 1/2trk) -> Dat -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> EAC -> Samplitude Professional v9.11 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net Set 1: d1t01 - Bertha d1t02
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