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Everything posted by Panther

  1. Im not saying I agree with this but I just thought people should know there is a debunking the debunking article to. Popular Mechanics Debunked 9/11 Blogger /Jon Gold | September 27 2006 A few weeks ago, I went into a Barnes & Noble looking for Barrie Zwicker's latest book, "Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11." Before I got to the counter to ask if they had it in stock, I saw several copies of Popular Mechanics' new John McCain endorsed book called, "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts." They had them prominently displayed so every
  2. yea Ron Paul definetly dislikes the govermant but that guy lives by the constatution, well suposedly anyway, so you cant blame him for that. But yea Ive read that he has some sketchy ties, you know nothing compared to Clinton, but what politican is clean.
  3. I agree with you that if the goverment was going to attack itself to go into war they would do what they did in the gulf of tonkin for example and not attack NYC, but that dosent explain who did it or who paid for it.Its sad that there still hasnt been an offical charge on anyone yet.
  4. this woul have made summerteeth a perfect album theres just no room for magazines on YHF THIS IS O AWESOMEEEE
  5. yea maybe, it sounding on que though
  6. is that new noise or is my feed fucking up
  7. this song is so much better live(I mean if your there)
  8. jesus christ for prisedent would be really punk
  9. Dirty is a great record Butch Vig who produced Nevrmind produced it check out the song Youth Against Facsim
  10. yeaaaaaaa... dog crap jk I really like this song
  11. www.coasttocoastam.com ok Im being an ass thats clearly a total conspiracy site but I dont get what ur asking me for , are you trying to imply that I get my opinions form consiracy theorist cause I dont. I form my own opinions threw thought and reading....yea reading if you want a good book i'd suggest reading The New Rulers Of The World its a british bestseller and not a conspiracy book, at all.
  12. nothing crazy about that, I think apreciation for this record is more widespread than you think. for me its a classic
  13. Super delegates only exist in the democratic election and they can vote at any time notwithstanding their state, their votes combined would overrule the popular vote or the existing delegates. Talk about democracy. Super delegates for the most part are elite members of society.
  14. well everything I said I believe is 100% accurate , western governments do worse things in the open than killing 3000 people. Your making it sound as if I said it was an inside job which I did not, so please don
  15. how can you acuse what I said as a conspiracy theory, I simple dont follow the michale moore bush is an idiot theory. Well he might be an idiot but the intelligence around him certainly is not.
  16. what? lol I dont know what you mean, you want a link to a site thats not a crazy conspiracy www.cnn.com
  17. ohhhhh i didnt no that, how stupid so what time is that eastern time lol
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