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Posts posted by ih8music

  1. This is all starting to feel very suspicious to me. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but Trump's "health watch" will now eclipse:

    - NYT acquires Trump’s Tax Returns
    -"Stand down and standby" 
    -The debate debacle and/or avoidance 
    -Melania Tapes
    -Brad Parscale suicide watch 
    -Kimberly Guilfoyle sexual harassment
    -Sinking poll numbers


    He lies so much that it’s hard to believe he’s now telling us the whole truth. 

  2. On a less-culturally astute vein... I found myself watching ESPN 8: The Ocho for a couple of hours this weekend.  I witnessed strongman competitions, marble racing, and best of all, Norwegian Døds (bellyflop) championships.  It was awesome and surreal and only a tiny bit depressing...  :stunned

  3. Hell, I'd watch solo competitive hackysack at this point.


    Last weekend, I watched the 2006 Heavyweight Championship of Arm Wrestling on "ESPN8-The Ocho" (ESPN2, really).  It was sadly, very sadly, satisfying.


    But I fully expect e-sports to take an even bigger foothold if this continues.  That's pretty much all my 16yr old son watches these days - and while it's a little tough for old guys like me to follow initially, it's definitely exciting and checks many of the boxes that watching "real" sports checks.

  4. I realized that if I'm not able to find time to exercise during this self-quarantine period it's never going to happen.  So yeah, things are pretty much the same for me in many ways -- not the least of which is my ability to find more clouds than silver linings!


    (Going for a walk this afternoon, weather-permitting.)

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