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Posts posted by JessieOK

  1. That's not my point!


    If you had read what I posted and went to great lengths at trying to get you to see my point you wouldn't be asking me again.


    I'm speaking about this PARTICULAR film. (And in a little bit the effect that it had on certain people & critics)


    Let me give you one more example. And then I'll tread down a road that I don't want to, since that may open up the flood gates on that particular topic.


    Think of the SOURCE MATERIAL as a balance that you see in courts. And it is just that: balanced. (obviously not true but let's play with it, so that I can use this as a point)

    Now when the screenwriter sets out to adapt they can keep that balance or change it to suit a particular performance.

    They took away from Michael (including the BIGGEST THING - the guy knows how to play football. He said this on 60 Minutes and was upset that this was CHANGED for the movie.) and

    ADDED to Leigh Anne's character to make her seem like the Savior to Michael. By changing this so dramatically it seems a bit unfair to the REAL Michael Oher for the benefit of making white people feel good about helping a poor "helpless" black kid from the ghetto become a sports star in a spectator sport. And by doing this here are some reviews that responded to this criticism of the film.


    Claims of racism

    The film has been subject to claims of supporting racism. Mark Blankenship of The Huffington Post wrote of the trailer, "[it] begs us to feel sorry for black people and feel grateful that there are white people in the world who can take [care] of them."

    Melissa Anderson of the Dallas Observer said the film "peddles the most insidious kind of racism, one in which whiteys are virtuous saviors, coming to the rescue of blacks who become superfluous in narratives that are supposed to be about them... The filmmakers would like to lull you to sleep with this milk of amnesia, hiding behind the fact that this bewilderingly condescending movie is based on an actual person—but one who you end up knowing almost nothing about."


    Now take that and then think of the little seen Precious and what that was about. It was kind of a similar story, but it didn't catch on like The Blind Side did. I'm saying there may be some truth in the above statements as to why it did so well at the box office. If it was more of an honest adaptation, I wonder how well it would have been received.


    This is my overall thought on the film from a previous post by me: "I guess my main gripe is changing the story around to serve Leigh Anne and have Michael take a back seat."


    Have to say, I kind of agree with your logic. To me, that's one of the downfalls of watching films that have been adapted from real life stories, or that have been adapted from books that I have read before a screenplay was ever even dreamed of. If I liked the story, felt empathy for the protagonist, then I'm automatically emotionally invested in that character, whether real or created. With that emotional investment comes loyalty, and on the day that character is brought to life on the big screen, I want to see that character as I already know him. To take that character and strip away what he his to bolster another, more commercially viable character is a disservice to the actual story that ought to be told, and as you said, it becomes a different story altogether, playing to a completely different demographic. Did Sandra Bullock earn her accolades? Absolutely. I don't blame her. But it's easy for me to see how she might not have gotten that opportunity if the story hadn't been altered in the way that it had.

  2. Add me to the list of those who deem it necessary. The pretty parts are made prettier by the noise. Yin-yang sorta thing. And yes, it is appropriate to the song.



    Is there really a place called this? If so, where?


    for sure... Best place for live music in Tulsa, OK! You can get your own taste of Cain's in the opening sequence in Ashes of An American flag...

  3. Via Chicago without the aural mind fuck would be like fireworks without the boom- pretty, but not altogether outstanding. The first time I ever heard the song was also the first time I ever saw Wilco live. The song was going along, nice and pretty, and then all of the sudden the world sounded like it was crashing in, at least inside Cain's Ballroom. My mind was blown and that's when I knew Wilco was, without question, the best live band I'd ever get to see in my life. That being said, I also love the studio version of the song, it just depends on the day which version I prefer more.

  4. I'd wager even Penn didn't know what he was talking about.




    ;) True!! I just hate those moments where I feel like I have no idea what just happened, like maybe I had a mini stroke or something and just missed the important part of what was said...



    Also, Crazy Heart was the exact same premise as "The Wrestler" just a year later. Guy, substance abuser who used to be on top, meets a younger woman who has a kid (who reminds him of his own kid) and falls in love with them (for whatever reason, cause they're way out of their collective league) and ends the movie ambiguously back on top. Why is no one talking about this?






    To each , his (or her) own...There are many films that follow a similar story arc. For this particular story though, it's the actors and the music that brought it to life and made this particular film stand out more than others similar in kind. I'd say the reason no one is talking about it is because the heart and soul Jeff Bridges poured into his character far outweighs the unoriginal story argument. But that's just me!! For me, it's one of the best films I've ever seen and I'll be watching it for the rest of my life

  6. Um. OK. I've been to several Wilco shows, and thankfully, only one of that handful was a "seated" venue. I didn't enjoy that aspect of the show, because one, without upfront tickets, there's little chance for getting up close and personal, center stage, and two, it's only natural to want to stand. Of course, if EVERYONE around me had remained seated for the whole show, then obviously I would have. But at this particular show, as with many, I"m sure, it was a bit of a conundrum. Everyone in front of me was standing, including the 6'5" dude directly in front of me. Directly behind me, two girls chose to sit the ENTIRE night. I realize that's their choice, but I felt bad that they had to stare out my ass all night as I rocked out (appropriately, of course) right in front of them.


    So, I obviously have no wisdom to add to this that hasn't already been said. Stand if you want, sit if you want, just don't be an ass about it either way!! Most importantly, though, have FUN!!! And, I can only name three things that are fun while sitting...seeing a rock concert isn't one of them! But that's just me ;)

  7. I'll be pulling hard for the Dude for his nomination, as well as Ryan Bingham and T-Bone Burnett for their nod for "The Weary Kind." I will never watch Avatar but fully expect the disappointment of watching this film sweep every category it has been nominated for. And then I'll vow to never again watch the Oscars, just like I do every time they have given Leonardo Dicaprio the shaft. But the next year, I'll watch again. It's just what we do, right?


    And I totally agree that Crazy Heart was worthy of a nomination. I've seen it twice already and though the story is not overly complex and could be anyone's story, it's that very fact that makes it an amazing story. It's real, and aside from the fallen-star aspect, it could be the story of anyone with a substance abuse problem, and those who want to love them.

  8. The Outtasite video is the one with stunts / skydiving. You can tell that they use stunt doubles but through the magic of some pretty great editing, it's not easy to discern that unless you look closely.


    Real John:



    Stunt Double John:



    aye me...yes, I meant Outtasite! Thanks for the info though :) I was pretty sure that was the case.


    And yeah, on closer inspection, that is obviously not John...Not even close!

  9. well....I have to say, that while the guys really look like they were having a great time, I am more than glad that they no longer make music videos. At least videos like those anyway!! Have to admit though, this one is far easier to watch than the Shot in the Arm video...


    And, I wonder, did they do their own stunts in the Boxful of Letters...? If so, then for some reason, this raises Wilco even higher in my esteem and from here on out, they will remain the best rock band ever ;)

  10. Thanks!


    You know I had an idea about VC making some sort of communal donation to Haiti, but I'm not sure how to get around the logistics of it.


    I was thinking of maybe getting Owl & Bear involved and making a "Tree" of their shows to the VC members and then donating money per disc or show.

    Say one person takes show A and makes some amount of copies and sends it to those who "donate" for it. Then someone collects the money after it's been finalized. I obviously don't speak for Owl & Bear, but I don't know if people would be willing to go for say VC calendars instead. People might want live music more.


    Anyone else have any ideas?


    how about just setting up a paypal account with one person as the admin or whatever, then everyone send funds to it. I'd be happy making a donation without getting anything for it, though extra music is always cool!!

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