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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. Rosebud is just dull as shit though, no matter what vocal style


    For the meaning of the song alone (Garcia's guitar), Rosebud is one of my favorite Ryan songs.


    90% of Easy Tiger sounds like a bunch of B-sides. I have no idea why the critics are fawning over this one. It sounds like Ryan on autopilot trying to have a hit record. It doesn't feel sincere to me and I have a big problem with that.

  2. Anyone who needs a copy, PM me.

    Anyways, I really really like this. It's almost psychedelic. I love how all the songs connect into each other. "Carousel" is kind of a surreal moment, to imagine that Iron & Wine also released "The Creek Drank The Cradle". It's cool to listen to the evolution of The Creek Drank The Cradle/The Sea and the Rhythm --> Our Endless Numbered Days --> Woman King --> The Shepherd's Dog.


    I do like it but at times I think there is almost too much going on. I personally miss the sparce sound he used to have.


    I really think the guy can do no wrong though. I just love his overall sound.

  3. a simple Google search found this


    Digital watermarking is a technique which allows an individual to add hidden copyright notices or other verification messages to digital audio, video, or image signals and documents. Such a message is a group of bits describing information pertaining to the signal or to the author of the signal (name, place, etc.). The technique takes its name from watermarking of paper or money as a security measure. Digital watermarking can be a form of steganography, in which data is hidden in the message without the end user's knowledge.:



    WOW thanks. That totally clears it up....

  4. Nah, its a studio track called Nobody Listens To Silence. Doesn't really fit in with the rest of the albums 'sound' but its still pretty good all the same.


    I'd upload it but my copy is watermarked and I don't want my balls busted. :)


    I sure would love to hear this tune.....what is watermarked??

  5. I am a huge fan, but I am not getting all the praise this is receiving. I am really disappointed with this disc. I hope it grows on me but I am not feeling it. I don't like the "clean" production or his singing. I heard live versions of these songs from a recent show and his voice sounded much better live. He sounds like he's faking it on this disc. The overall sound to me is so sterle.


    Plus I think the lyrics are territory he has coverved much better in his back catelog. These songs sound like Ryan throwaways to me.


    I sure hope this grows on me like 29 did. I'd even say I like that one better at this point!

  6. Maybe they WILL make a good album again!




    U2 working with Brian Eno again Thu Jun 7, 10:00 AM ET


    U2 have been working on new material in Morocco with Brian Eno, they have revealed.


    The group are understood to have been in Africa writing songs for the follow-up to 2004's How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb.


    They have been joined by long-term collaborators Eno and Daniel Lanois, who have produced some of their most important recordings.


    In an online posting, Bono explained how sessions were coming along. "We have no plans for the music yet. We're just going to make it until we can't not put it out!"


    Meanwhile, Larry Mullen commented on U2's official website: "It's the first time we've worked with Brian and Dan in a purely songwriting capacity. So it's very different, quite experimental and kind of liberating because of that."


    The last "original" piece of music released by U2 was "The Saints Are Coming," a cover of the Skids' classic with Green Day, which was produced by Rick Rubin.

  7. Halloween Head is a decent song with a dumb name/chorus, that's all.


    a bad song with a dumb name/chorus/lyrics/melody/everything. I seriously dislike everything about it...


    has there been an answer to this that I didn't see?


    I didn't grab it from SoulSeek. I just know it is on there in 160kbs only.

  8. I use to have dreams of getting everything they put out - but I gave up on that. I think the last cd I bought was Ladies and Gentlemen: The Grateful Dead: Fillmore East, NYC, April 1971. I may get this new one - I also may get Steppin Out' and Rockin' the Rhein at some point.


    The thing that pisses me off is ever since Rhino took over the catelog, the releases have slowed to a total crawl. And what happened to that great Download Series they had going?? One killer show every month or so. Guess Rhino put the kabash on that too.

  9. So, is this up anywhere else other than Soulseek?


    The one on SoulSeek is 160kbs. Not piggable.


    and yes, "Halloweenhead" is the worst Ryan song on record. Ok, it's better than "The Sadness"...

  10. so tickets went on sale for the presale at 10am sharp Central time, i checked in at that time and there were no tickets available. how can this be true?


    "At this moment there are not enough tickets available to fulfill your request. Please try again using a lower quantity or tickets or choosing a different ticket type.

    Currently there are not enough General Admission tickets to fulfill your request."


    and the same thing is going to happen tomorrow at 10:00am with Ticketmaster. I bet this is already sold out and the tickets haven't even gone on sale....

  11. looking like a tool comes from the hair. it is just stupid to stand there looking like cousin it. i saw them once and was just embarrassed for jim james. (not to mention the ridiculous blow up ghost).


    another citique. no guitar solos, just playing chords really loud. there's a place for that, but come on.


    I'm not even a huge fan but you ripped on the guy's voice and I must say Jim James has a beautiful rock voice. I think he may be the best "singer" out there today.


    And I thought musicians were supposed to have long hair?? I find it really strange that when asked about their music, you bring up what the guy looks like. Who gives a crap?? How old are you?


    And MMJ have tons of guitar solos. They also don't only play chords. There is a ton of notes being played on their tunes by both guitarists. You either need to listen harder, or have no idea what you are talking about.

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