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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. Two of my favorite albums, Dylan's Modern Times and The Jayhawks-Rainy Day Music are mastered so loud that there is distortion throughout. I first thought it was my speakers or my system, but it happens on every system I play them on. I can't believe no one heard that when they were mastered in the first place.

  2. "Twisted Ear Writers' picks of 07 in full

    Kev Acott

    1. Lucinda Williams - West"


    Finally, SOMEONE else that loves this disc.


    I certainly wouldn't have called it #1, but top 10 of the year for me. Of course I have 2 slots open that most people don't this year because I don't get the whole Animal Collective thing.

  3. Most dissapointing album of the year: Wilco- Sky Blue Sky (Not that it was bad, but when a Wilco record doesn't change my life, it falls under "dissapointing".)


    Try harder. I actually feel bad for people that cannot "get into" this album.....

  4. That material was re-worked, and can now be found on The Grateful Dead Movie Soundtrack. I don't think I have ever heard it.


    That soundtrack is my favorite live material The Dead have released. Sound quality is amazing and the music on it is some of the best stuff they ever perfomed. I would say it is essential and I already had all the shows the soundtrack is taken from. The sound quality alone is worth it.

  5. Yeah, it's really sad that huge chunks of stuff from Brent's first 4 years are not in the Vault. They just didn't give a shit at the time. Thank God Dick Latvala came on board in '84 or so.


    Well, at the rate Ryno is actually releasing stuff (NOT), it wouldn't matter what is actually in the vault or not. And this new "Road Trips" idea they just came out with is just stupid.

  6. I wont overintellectualize the band. I just know it sounds great while working out and driving.


    I mean, if new bands had to influenced by anything, African and early Talking Heads music sure isn't a bad way to go. And to my ears they sound like they are trying to do their own thing unlike some other bands whose influences are the whole thing they have going (cough, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, cough).

  7. The whole album sounds like some half-forgotten childhood summer.


    See, my childhood summers wouldn't sound like acid-baked Beach Boys interpretations. Maybe that's my issue with this Panda Bear I cannot stand The Beech Boys. My childhood summers would actually sound like a AM Radio Hits>Kiss>Tom Petty>Grease Soundtrack nightmare.


    And is the disc really mostly samples? Maybe that's another reason I'm not "feeling" it.

  8. OK, so this Panda Bear is on many top 10 lists of the year and I thought I'd check it out. I have tried about 5 times now and every time I listen to I keep thinking that I need drugs to appreciate it. I'm not making assumptions about anyone who digs this, but I cannot listen to it. Am I wrong in assuming it must sound better with chemicals?? To me, it sounds like a acid-influenced Beech Boys experiement gone wrong.....

  9. lol... no doubt.


    please try and defend the lyrics to "What If" off West... you can't


    i think Beringer is one of the best lyricists post '00 honestly... what's so laughable about them? they're not obvious and at times somewhat obtuse, but so was Dylan...


    That song about bringing her a cold drink and doing a slow dance for her....what's up with that? It isn't even romantic.

  10. I can't believe the hate for "West". When it came out and people were dissing it I thought, certainly people will come around to this like most did with Sky Blue Sky. I think it is one of the top 5 discs of the year for sure. I love the beat-poetry/alt country vibe on it and can't understand fans of hers NOT liking it.


    The National? I don't get them much at all. I think the lyrics are borderline laughable and the singing way too uber-serious.

  11. Does anyone know if the neighbourhood around the theatre is relatively safe? What's the chances of catching a taxi around there? Most likely I'll be getting a hotel in the Loop area, not exactly close, so I'll proabably train it up, but taxi it back.


    Unless things have changed since I left town (about 6 years ago), I wouldn't walk 3 or 4 blocks in either direction of that place alone.

  12. It worked for me.


    If you're interested in an alternative, you can register at the oink memorial forums. One of the members has a thread going where they're giving out waffles invites if you provide a link to your oink proof.


    Here's the link, but I think you have to be registered to view it.




    In light of recent events, do you really want to prove that you were an Oink member? And also, what methods are folks using to prove it?

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