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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. The band sounded great, there wer technical difficulties that didn't make the show as enjoyable as it could have been (its hard to get sucked in when the audio gets really distorted every few min.) overall i was impressed.


    I will say that I think the event was soley politcal BS. I don't if it was just me but I didn't feel that "blood thicker then water" talk bob metioned. I think this event was tottally politically driven. Personally I think Phil went over board during the set break.


    Its so ridiciouls the way artists go around promoting politicans. I'm all for artists speaking "their" minds but I didn't get the feeling that they were all the more knowlegdeable on Obama so much as they feel the country needs change. It was hilarious during the press conference when the boys were questioned about obamas relations with the nuclear power industry and none of them knew what to say.


    I wish theyd do what they do best; play music. I'm all for them telling people to get out and vote but this seemed like your run of the mill political event; and from what I rember the dead claim themselves to be anything but run of the mill. It just feels like event tainted the music.


    Not sure how the band's choice of political candidate made the music sound different to you then it did to me. What difference should it make to anyone when musicians take causes like this? If you like Obama, it was great. If you don't like him, just go for the music. A win-win, yes?

  2. It doesn't really redeem it for me because no one, other than hardcore fans, are gonna hear this. To the general populace, they're still a joke.


    Not sure why they would be considered a "joke" to the general populace. Weren't they one of the biggest acts around way back when? Anyway, that's why I posted this; I was worried no one would hear them based on the horror that was Zeitgeist....

  3. The EP was okay. It makes me wish they had more acoustic numbers on Zeitgeist. What hurt Zeitgeist was the lack of their softer side. He tried to hard to prove that the pumpkins "rawk." Yet, they also knew how to turn it down a few notches and put out some decent music while being quiet. Apparently they're gonna record soon, so they had better remember that.


    The b-sides and leftovers from Zeitgeist are the best songs in my opinion.


    You are spot on with this. What made the Pumpkins so great was their balence of soft vs quiet. Zeitgeist sounded like Billy trying too hard to get all the Lincoln Park or My Chemical Romance fans to realize where those guys learned their tricks from in the first place. This EP almost redeems that for me....

  4. why do they always have to have a bunch of players with them? i would love to see bob, phil, mickey, bill with bruce hornsby and steve kimock. that would be a true tribute. as a rule, hornsby sings all the garcia tunes and bruce only plays piano.



    I think there was some falling out between them when they did "The Dead" thing at Alpine. "Dick Clark Presents The Dead" is how Hornsby saw it if I remember right...

  5. I'm satiated. Van was among my holy trinity for artists who needed complete remasters; Beatles and Zeppelin, I'm waiting on you!


    Didn't Page remaster all the Zeppelin discs a long time ago? I thought they were all remastered. I'm not going to have to buy those AGAIN am i?

  6. just a brief first (and a very VERY major) complaint from my first 20 seconds on your blog, your embedded mp3s all auto-started here on my computer, causing a horrendous mashup of songs :lol:


    so i'd fix that first :)


    Thank you and sorry for that. What browser do you use? Did the songs actually play or just load?


    Either way, I may stop embedding the clips and just post links to the files...

  7. I'd like to buy you a beer sometime.


    Those Simple moments are definitely top moments for me too. I think my favorite is that moment in YEM. There was some crazy dude who used to review YEMs on andy gadiel's page in the old days. I think he called it the "nirvana" moment? Jeez, andy gadiel. I am dusting off some cobwebs. Did anyone else here check out gadiel's page? Haha, oh man. I can't believe that was 13 years ago...


    (NP: 12/6/96) :)


    Charles Andrew Dirksen did those crazy reviews.


    I got so many tapes from that dude. Oh....the days.

  8. I remember reading about them in Rolling Stone before the first album came out with Duritz proclaiming that he wanted their music to be remembered 100 years from now.

    That and the story told about their first performance on Saturday Night Live. The got the obligatory two songs. The producer/music director wanted them to lead with their hit Mr. Jones. Reasonable request, right? Reportedly, Duritz pitched a hissy fit wanting to lead with Round Here. "We're trying to build a career!"


    See, that story makes me dig them a bit more. How could you possibly have a problem with that as a music fan? I remember seeing that SNL performance. The "Mr. Jones" was rote and lame but that version of Round Here I still remember to this day....


    In fact, I actually saw them play with Cracker on the August tour and they didn't even play "Mr. Jones". I couldn't believe it and we all commented on how cool that was even if it pissed of 99% of the people there.

  9. never had a problem understanding any of his lyrics to be perfectly honest...


    See, I think I must have a problem. There are just certain bands/singers that after like 2 minutes, I just sort of zone out on the whole package. The Shins, My Morning Jacket, Radiohead, and this Bon Iver fella come to mind.

  10. Am I the only one that can barely make out a word this guys sings? I mean, it makes it kind of tough to listen to sensitive acoustic ballads when I can't understand the words. I do love the overall feel of the disc; I just wish I knew what he was singing about. It also kind of makes me want to go throw on some Iron and Wine....

  11. Bob needs to get back to cruising toilets for guys and get an edge back into his music. This album isn't bad but it could have been so much better.


    This is about the most dickish thing I've read on this board yet....

  12. Come on, seriously? He sounds bored, old or sick. Maybe even a combination of all three...


    Not kidding, my first thought, beyond "Wow, this first track sounds like bland, generic top 40 shit" was, "Man, dogg sounds rough as heck."


    Wow. Different strokes I guess. I may too big of a fanboy to be objective through. I actually liked "Modulate".

  13. I have to disagree about the production. I don't hear any vocal issues at all. There is not a lyric I can't understand on this disc. In fact, I think it may be Mould's strongest disc vocally at least.



    He's playing the tiny Shank Hall in Milwaukee on 3/6 btw. I'm so there!

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