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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. I did manage to record the show in it's entirety... including all the skipping and whatnot. Other than that bit though, it sounds great. I'm not much of an audio techie, but if ya'll want me to upload what I have, I can...


    Here's another vote for an upload. I'd love to hear it again in great quality. The sound in Section 3 was a bit distant. What is this skipping all about? Is it through the whole thing or just a portion? Thanks!

  2. :dontgetit


    How can no "blisters on my fingers" be better? I would miss that SO much. As well as the stereo plane in the beginning of USSR. I can't even imagine the Post-Rubber Soul stuff in mono. I've never heard it that way so who knows.


    I do know the CD mastering of the last White Album sounds so much lower than all the other discs. Put 6 of them in a changer and hit random. When The White Album tracks come on, you can barely hear them.


    OK, so I downloaded all the Dr. Ebbetts Mono transfers and gave them a good listen. As someone who grew up on the stereo albums, I really missed it on the Post-Rubber Soul stuff. It was like watching a classic technicolor movie in black and white for me. I mean, "I am the Walrus" and "Strawberry Fields" in mono? I so missed the panning and separation of everything.

  3. for example the mono version of helter skelter has a much better drum roll from ringo when it all collapses in on itself, before coming back in again - and there is no "i've got blisters on my fingers" on it either. personally, little things like that make the mono version better




    How can no "blisters on my fingers" be better? I would miss that SO much. As well as the stereo plane in the beginning of USSR. I can't even imagine the Post-Rubber Soul stuff in mono. I've never heard it that way so who knows.


    I do know the CD mastering of the last White Album sounds so much lower than all the other discs. Put 6 of them in a changer and hit random. When The White Album tracks come on, you can barely hear them.

  4. Anyone heard this yet? I know I'm in the minority, but I thought his last one was amazing. It might help if you're going through a divorce or break up, but the lyrics on that disc just slay me. Totally underrated release. I hope this new one is even half as good.

  5. This is sad because what made the Pumpkins wasn't Billy at all, it was Jimmy. Does anyone remember Adore or for that matter, like it? Didn't think so.


    Jimmy made the Pumpkins, not Billy?? Um....no.


    And yes, Adore is my favorite Pumpkins disc behind Gish. A great record from start to finish that happened to not sound like the old Pumpkins, so it got dismissed.

  6. While I'm sure I'm in the minority here, I still think Corgan is an amazing songwriter. And the best things I've heard from him are all those acoustic tracks he wrote on tour last year. Jimmy is an amazing drummer no doubt, but trying to redo the old Pumpkins sound on that last tour just didn't work anyway. Me thinks Billy will do just fine without him and maybe be able to rid himself of the expectation of trying to sound like the old Pumpkins.

  7. The Cure sucked balls, but I was only there to try and tag a goth chick anyway.

    White Stripes last year wasn't so hot.

    Dylan not so good both times I've seen him, but I'll forgive him b/c he's old and I don't really like him anyway.


    1. Credibility loss right off the bat

    2. Stripes didn't tour last year

    3. Why would you go see Dylan if you didn't like him and then expect to?

  8. Anyone ever have that happen to them? Where they get into a band long after it seems the whole planet has been loving their work?


    Ah, new discoveries! It's what makes life worth living in my book. I'm just now getting into Nina Simone. Where has she been all my life?!

  9. Currently jamming along to 03/28./1990 Nassau (were you at this one lammy?). Branford sitting in for the whole second set and a killer Bird Song in the first set. Which got me thinking. Was curious what everyone's favorite sit ins with the band were, anyone?


    You just mentioned my fav.


    I loved the Steve Miller/James Cotton sit-in from Soldier Field 1992 as well.

  10. I can't believe I've seen Bob Mould-acoustic AND Husker Du in this thread. Here's mine anyway;


    (Sorry I missed the title that said only 3!!)


    Bob Dylan with Heartbreakers-Hoffman Estates, IL

    Petty was so much better than Bob that night. I was stunned.


    Bruce Hornsby-Northwestern U

    I thought it was going to be a solo piano gig based on the venue but he had newly formed "Noisemakers" with him. The venue is designed for classical music, not pop/rock. All I heard all night was pounding drums and bass which was the last thing I'd expect from a Hornsby show.


    Counting Crows-The Rave, Hard Candy Tour

    A band I thought was destined for greatness had turned into a teenybopper fan characture of themselves. And the sound at The Rave was just horrible.....


    Jane's Addiction (w/Smashing Pumpkins surprise opener)-Aragon Ballroom Reunion Tour

    Perry was way messed up on who-knows-what and after The Pumpkins killer opening set, they seemed really lame. Plus we all know how bad the accoustics are there. I will never go to the Aragon for anyone again......

  11. Well, shit. I may have to buy one of these game platforms, just so I can buy this game.


    Just arrived in my inbox:


    The Beatles: Rock Band - More Details Released


    More details on THE BEATLES: ROCK BAND are being announced today. Here is the lowdown from today's press release:

    • We have a worldwide release date: 09/09/09.
    • The game takes players through an "unprecendented experiential progression" of the musical career of the band.
    • The game will be available as standalone software and hardware, as well as a limited edition bundle. The game will be compatible with all Rock Band instrument controllers and other current music-based video game peripherals.
    • There will be limited edition hardware modelled on instruments used by John, Paul, George and Ringo.
    • The numbers:
      - The Beatles: Rock Band Software - Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, Wii: $59.99 MSRP
      - The Beatles: Rock Band Standalone Guitars - Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, Wii: $99.99 MSRP
      - The Beatles: Rock Band Limited Edition Premium Bundle: Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, Wii: $249.99 MSRP
      - International pricing to be announced at a later date
    • Giles Martin, co-producer of The Beatles innovative LOVE album project, is providing his expertise and serving as Music Producer
    • Fans who pre-order the game will get access to exclusive content created by Apple Corps, MTV Games and Harmonix over the next few months.

    To register for updates about the game, visit thebeatlesrockband.com.


    For the full press release click HERE.


    Well, I guess this officially renders my PS2 obsolete! Crap.....

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