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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. Sorry about that, I should have pointed that out.


    Speaking of Dylan and The Dead, did you see this on etree?


    This is a MUST have for any Dylan or Dead fan. Much of this is more interesting then the shows were. Weir singing Paul Simon's Boy in the Bubble is really cool too.

  2. 1 Ashes of American Flags

    2 Side with the Seeds

    3 Handshake Drugs

    4 The Late Greats

    5 Kingpin

    6 Wishful Thinking

    7 Impossible Germany

    8 Via Chicago

    9 A Shot in the Arm

    10 Monday

    11 You Are My Face

    12 Heavy Metal Drummer

    13 War on War


    Anyone else bummed that these are the only tracks?

  3. He did. The biggest slap in the face is they only nominated 3 songs instead of 5. They can't even argue there was no room for him on the ballot. But then again it's the freaking academy. The Boss don't need them.


    Let's not forget the one he got for the inferior "Streets of Philadelphia"....

  4. One of my favorite version of "Visions" they ever did (there's one a little more magical but I'm forgetting where it's from right now):


    Proof that even towards the end, when Jerry wanted to he could still bring it! Making his death even more tragic....

  5. I agree, no way this is a mashup. If you listen very closely you can hear Yoko a few times come in on the chorus. You can hear her throughout the song. That makes it real for me. On a polished mastered recording they would of pulled those vocal bits out of the track. But since this was a quick recording from the session all that stayed.


    But it obviously isn't a "quick recording from the session". There are a TON of overdubs so this either is some mash-up, or the band played with this a lot and just choose not to release it.

  6. Yeah, that would be great. It's a shame no video footage of Jim playing with the band during that tour is out there, I guess the Letterman "War on War" sort of counts but I'd love to see the full Soundstage at some point.




    I was at the Soundstage taping as well. That was one great night. Has this really never shown up anywhere? Bummer.

  7. So I think we're all on board with the meaning of the song. With that said, anyone else feel like it was strange to sing that yesterday then? Bruce may as well have kicked into Born in the USA.


    And besides the chorus to "City of Blinding Lights", I thought that was a way weird choice lyrically. I realize it was used in Obama rallies, but at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

  8. Like Van the Man, he's one classic artist who's been in steady decline for decades and sorely lacks a late career renaissance a la Dylan.


    That might be true if you're comparing their new releases against their back catalog (which is totally unfair). In that case, you can say the same for just about any great act whose been around for 10+ years (Ryan Adams, Bob Mould, Pearl Jam, U2, Neil Young, and a thousand more).

  9. P.S. Queen of the Supermarket is about where I threw in the towel the second time. The f-bomb not only doesn't save the song, it serves as the nail in its coffin. I've never been one for self-parody.


    Well, if you use your skip button on that one song, I'd say this is a great disc. As Bruce fans, don't you guys love how different sounding this disc is? That alone makes me dig it. It's so much better than "Magic" which sounded like a E-Street band cover band to me....

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