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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. This is one of those lights off, headphones discs. Like Fleet Foxes, it didn't click with me until I listened to it with full attention. It can't just be on in the background or when you rushing to work in the car. But when it clicks with you, oh boy!

  2. i just hope it has more of a live sound than the last few records. brenden obrien tends to overproduce. magic had so great songs on it that went past production, but most of it sounded like it was playing from a tin can 5 miles away.


    That guy has ruined the last 3 Bruce discs (Rising, D&D, Magic). His production is just terrible. The instuments have no separation at all. It all just sounds like a mess. Does Bruce listen to these when they are finished? How can any musician possibly like how they sound?


    Listen to Further on up the Road from D&D. It's so bad it actually gives me a headache after a minute.

  3. I'm definitely concerned about the shocking laziness that's overtaken her songwriting over the last two or so years. Here's hoping it's just a brief slump!


    I guess I don't see it as laziness at all but a different writing style. I think West and Little Honey have a very "Neil Young-ish" writing style about them. Simpler, less cluttered lines if that makes any sence. Not saying it's better or worse, just different.

  4. Sgt. Pepper was mixed in mono originally. Mono is the amazing production value on that album. Just to reiterate what everyone else has said. The Beatles mixed it mono, so mono is the best (or for me only) way to go.


    This is all news to me.


    So are you saying that they recorded the whole thing in mono and then George Martin changed it all for the release or was it originally released in mono the day it came out and then changed to stereo at some point? I find it hard to believe the guys were not involved in some of those stereo tricks used since it was their names on the release.


    My Mom claims my Sgt Pepper album was bought the day of release and it is in stereo.

  5. Am I the only one who finds nothing at all wrong with the sound on the US CD releases? They certainly sound better than my 40+ year old scatchy albums.


    And what is all this fuss about Mono versions? All the older releases were already mono, no? And wouldn't a mono version of say Sgt. Pepper, detract from the amazing production value on that album? I mean, the amazing stereo sound was part of the whole deal wasn't it?

  6. the cold irons bound is fuckin' amazing. and trying to get to heaven. i'm obsessed with both right now. the whole 3rd disc actually.

    i also love the live ring them bells off disc 1. gah, i didn't think my dylan obsession could go higher.


    My only issue is that collecters have heard those live versions for many years now. I would have rather had alternate takes from the sessions. A minor quibble....

  7. Jackie-O: Sinead O'Conner

    Icky Thump: White Stripes

    We Belong Together: Rickie Lee Jones

    Debasser: Pixies

    Love Vigilanties: New Order

    Misunderstood: Wilco

    Earth Died Screaming: Tom Waits

    Just Like Honey: Jesus and Mary Chain

    Dry the Rain: Beta Band

    Contructive Summer: Hold Steady

    I Am One: Smashing Pumpkins

    Radio Free Europe: -REM

    Love Sick: Bob Dylan


    Far too many....need to stop now.

  8. :lol I was thinking the same thing but then realized he probably meant, was he around for the Chicago appearances on Saturday night. Not that Milwaukee doesn't rock and whatnot. Go Brewers. (I'm a huge fan. I have a towel and everything.)


    Gary was talking about calling Jeff for the next night in Chicago.


    The Turner is a really nice venue BTW, except that it's small and they have a bar in the back. So for most of Gary's set, I got to listen to really drunk people talk which was totally distracting. Gary seemed not to notice.


    Also, Ike Reilly was really good. I will have to check out some of his stuff.

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