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Posts posted by imsjry

  1. Yo La Tengo rolled out "Fourth Time Around" (with Georgia Hubley singing lead) and "She's Your Lover Now" with Buckwheat Zydeco on organ.


    For the record, Yo La Tengo DID NOT play "She's Your Lover Now" but "I Wanna Be Your Lover". I find it funny that they got the title wrong and replaced it with a pretty obscure track.

  2. This idea that Bob Dylan has only been doing this re-imagining of traditional songs for his last three records is hilarious. He's been doing it from the beginning. I would think that if you examined almost every "new" song recorded by anyone since recording began you'd find a framework inherited from the past, be it the chord progression, the melody or the lyrics. Wilco have many songs where melodies are closely related to traditional songs, chord progressions that have been used many many times before and lyrical themes that have been around for hundreds of years. It is in the re-contextualization of these well worn forms that something individual is created. Bob Dylan has often been very good at this. So when he writes a version of When the Leveee Breaks or takes a Carter Family melody (which AP Carter took from someone else) it isn't so much a steal as it is an extending of the song, he is taking it out of its time and adding to it, giving to the song not just stealing it and that is art.


    I was going to respond but this post above sums it up.


    I don't really care what all the influences were. The fact that Dylan can take all that stuff, put it in a pot, and come up with something as great as Modern Times is all I need.

  3. I am looking forward to this reissue. Hopefully, you I will be able to buy the unreleased tracks only on I-Tunes. I think like lots of people I have a love/hate relationship with U2 who were the first live band I saw at 13 on the War Tour. For fun, I looked at youtube clips of the Joshua Tree tour which I never personally witnessed. Talk about love/hate! It's a wonderful album but seeing them on stage makes me want to puke. The Joshua Tree back-drop, the waistcoasts, Western style hats all look so desperately contrived. It's so obvious that after the album was recorded that the band and Paul McGuiness decided that this would be the album that took them to superstar status in the States. Let's see? Release the band's first love song as the first single, makes the videos for 2 or 3 of of the other singles in iconic American cities and have the band endlessly talk about their love for all things American. Mmm the transformation of a new-wave influnced European band into a roots influenced American rock band. What sticks in my throat about U2 is their guile in trying to market their music as authentic. Pah. Even now their continued existence only seems to be for commercial reasons as Bono and the buys vie for the status of some of the richest and most powerful people in Ireland. Their last album was truly awful, Bono's voice isn't much more than a reedy whimper unable to hit the high notes and their live shows have grossly crossed the line into political agitprop. After hearing the latest live versions of REM's new album in the making I would be very surprised if U2 can make a similar rebound from the worst album of their career.


    Wow, sounds like you have it all figured out.


    Jesus, talk about cynical! Lighten up, it's only rock and roll.

  4. that DVD is kinda blah honestly, their live show is waaaaaaay way more fun than that. Jim was sick for quite a while when that was filmed.


    Don't get me wrong. They rip it up on that movie but I sure wouldn't say it looks like they're having fun. It looks like they are working really hard which I totally appreciate.


    As far as Tweedy goes, I've seen him have fun onstage but let's be honest, he isn't known for his "fun" attitude live.

  5. Fun is good, it's just that her brand of fun is very annoying for me to watch. The boy bands and the Fergie's of the world always seem to be having fun and enjoy being in front of the camera, but they annoy the shit out of me too. Wilco and My Morning Jacket, my two favorite bands, seem to have fun, but they don't annoy me.


    That's funny because to me, Wilco and MMJ usually look like they would rather be at the dentist then onstage.


    I guess we need to now define what it means to look like you're having fun. A smile once in a while works for me.

  6. She loves the camera, for sure. When she shoved Tim a la Elaine from Seinfeld, I just rolled my eyes and thought, "Okay, honey, it's not ALL about you..."


    I think she's adorable and talented, though, so I can tolerate her acting like a complete jackass sometimes. Heh.


    Yeah, how dare a rock star actually have fun and enjoy being in front of the camera/audience?

  7. If you're a Band fan, you'll probably love hearing the songs on the disc, too. Lots of old classics, like Little Birds and Blind Child, and there are plenty of new ones in the mix that are perfectly suited to Lee's voice, like Steve Earle's The Mountain and Buddy and Julie Miller's Wider River to Cross.


    This is definitely another one of those records that I'm depressed to see so few people on music boards touting. :no


    It could be because it just came out. Or it could be because Levon Helm doesn't fit in with the Pitchfork-Indie-Hipster flavor of the week band that people usually pick on end of the year lists.

  8. Holy crap do I feel out of the loop...I've never even heard of The National. Guess they're good huh?




    1. Wilco-Sky Blue Sky

    2. Rickie Lee Jones-Exploration Blvd.

    3. Lucinda Williams-West (I will never understand the lack of love for this)

    4. That new Sigur Ros disc

    5. Kevin Drew-What if


    Props to Levon Helm, Son Volt, White Stripes, Thurston Moore, Paul McCartney

  9. Seriously? I felt like those are two of the best tracks on it.


    James sings that track like a funeral durge (like most MMJ stuff). He misses the humor that Dylan had in his voice on that tune.


    The Iron and Wine sounds like it was pulled from the new disc of his. I was hoping for the quiet acoustic thing.

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