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Everything posted by D-Dogg

  1. oops my bad, did not see the whole link. Will read later, have to go make dinner.
  2. So it is debunked because of semantics? There are plenty of other links I provided that are not by the founder of the weather channel who is now diagnosed by this board as criminally insane. If y'all cannot get past Mr. Coleman there is plenty of other evidence that contradicts the evidence that too much CO2 is going to make the world explode.
  3. I gave you several links and two other articles in case you did not want to go through the extra step of pressing a button. Treating cancer with radiation is ridiculous. Calling the guy mental is attacking the messenger. Dropping all significant points because he believes there is an attempt to form a one world government is childish. We have a pollution problem (air, land, sea) We are going to have a water problem this century. We do not have a global warming problem created by our cows and cars.
  4. I am not amazed that you all attack the messenger. Why do you think the last Global summit failed? The UN does want more money from the US. Always has and always will. Humans are not contributing to the end of the wold via climate. One day, 35 years from now you are going to wake up one morning and think, wow that whole global warming hype was ridiculous.
  5. Ok.. you win, but I am not wiping your ass though. By John Coleman (Founder of the Weather Channel) January 28, 2009 (Revised and edited February 11, 2009) The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax us citizens for our carbon footprints. Only two details stand in the way: the faltering economic times and a dramatic turn toward a colder climate. The last two bitter winters have led to a rise in public awareness that there is no runaway global warming. A majority of Ameri
  6. Try again. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,944914,00.html
  7. Evidence is all over, you have all the answers as to why there is global warming, there are just as many as to why there is not global warming. Step out of your element and do some research against your ideals. It is a mind blowing experience. In the 1970s we were in a hysteria about global cooling. Our answer was to melt the ice caps. There is no harm to research and employ alternative sources of energy. The harm is subsidizing less efficient fuel sources and raising oil costs to force a change. I also want all energy sources to have the same playing field as in no Governme
  8. CO2 emissions from humans (natural or man-made), will not change the world for worse. A volcano the size of Siberia that erupts for a millions years will change the globe, not humans and our vehicles. And no I do not hate the environment, nor am I an evil businessman.
  9. ih8music I cringed when I heard that. Tom Tancredo is one of those crazies, and I hope he gets voted out of office. But I do not think T. Tancredo is going any farther than his District in Colorado. If the tea movement and other republicans cannot combine their ideals than Dems have nothing to worry about, and they will not gel their ideals if they keep cheering for rhetoric that is filled with bigotry. For the most part, all they want is lower taxes and less government intervention. To lay blame on immigrant voters for Obama's win is more of a denial than those that believe Ob
  10. Of course those signs are ridiculous. I have no problem with people who carry guns. I have problems with people that entice fear onto others. Be it with guns or words.
  11. You guys need to relax. Sure some of the Tea Party group has some crazies, but so does every group when it becomes so large. BPP partook in some violent actions. I agree though Palin is terrible. But what is so revolutionary about a group of people that think the government should rely more on the constitution? The media will find the crazy people and put them on TV. Palin will say shit in her speech to raise the level. To get excitement in the air, but it is all trivial. She knows not meaning of her words.
  12. Wow, always thought it was showtime that started the series. First time... feels kinda of strange.
  13. The Wire is excellent. The best drama / cop / criminal show ever. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but The Wire was a Showtime production, however the first season is now on HBO. Just watched the first episode again last night. The opening scene to start the series sets the tone for the whole show; superduber.
  14. That sounds like a fun class. How are you going to interpret Dark Knight around War and Peace?
  15. My suggestion, highhorse, is to relax, it was a joke.
  16. Maybe it is just the fact Lil Wayne is on the cover.
  17. They absolutely would approve of it. I want to know what do you have to fear by watching another commercial lobbing for your vote? What's the difference? Oppressing many voices is oppressing one voice, and is absolutely in violation of the 1st Amendment. I also believe you have the facts wrong, only American base companies can contribute. So a company based in London (or any evil country that is currently terrifying the US) that has many subsidiaries here in America cannot contribute (not that it does not happen with both sides).
  18. Fixed. Other reasons among the 1000s: Unfair competition Prices are hidden / no transparency Employer based health care Tort costs (having 1000 of plaintiffs asking for millions and one defendant can be pretty expensive) Individuals going to the Doctor for a cold and paying with their insurance Overall health of Americans.
  19. Come on guys it is something that does not happen over night. There was a government option, and then there was not one, and then there was one, and no one really knows because they prohibit anyone to see it, read it and negotiations were behind closed doors. The leaders of the house, senate and Obama all wanted a single payer system and they were making every effort to get one. The senators and congress have no idea what they were voting for. Which is of course not out of the ordinary with any bill. Hence Kerry's problems in 2004, and many other senators when facing a governor when co
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