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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. She and McCain are still telling this story LIE today in KC. Does this matter?
  2. She's not talking to media because she can't be trusted. Yeah, we may see a few easy interviews, but that's it. Obama tonight on O'Relilly. WHat does that say about him?
  3. Good, this should be fun. So jules, what days do you have me on ignore again? I forgot the schedule you set up
  4. Part of Obama's strategy is to campaign in all 50 states, tiring out old McCain. So far it's worked & McCain's been forced to take a lot of R&R. Obama and Bidden are splitting up the country but McCain cant leave Palin on her own. How sad for Palin, she can't be trusted alone. She's can't avoid the media forever.
  5. That was awesome & so true. McCain is so Bush & it's gonna come out. I'm still amazed some McCain voters haven't taken a look at his voting record. But then again, I still see Bush bumper stickers out there.
  6. I agree Moe, it's very sad. McCain sold his soul to the republican party to get elected and this is the #1 issue we should be looking at, his voting recors this year, full of 80 some HUGE flip-flops that proves he is a new McCain. He is exactly like Bush and votes almost 100 % with him. He has no right to even mention the old McCain anymore, that's not who he is, and the not the direction he would take this country. Our town smells today..just hours ago McCain/Palin in my town http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLIhvkFKauk
  7. I just read Cindy bought God on Ebay for McCain & Palin.If they don't win, he's going up for sale until the next election.
  8. Is being Muslim against American law now? Really, is being a conseravtive Christian fundamentalist evangelical nut job what it takes to be president today? Obama said, ""Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian.Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian." He was raised by a christian mother. As far as him attending a mosque 2 times with his step-dad when he was a kid, get over it please. Obama is a Christian, and unlike the McCain/Palin camp, is not using this to win the election and hide lies behind.
  9. I want some of what your smokin'
  10. Just like a demon possessed little undead dead little baby to cry "no fair".Lynn, here's a little Gage for ya..enjoy. Now that I'm a mom, it's even creepier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN6qKOIRL00...feature=related
  11. Palin telling her church god and companies must work together for Alsaka...very sick! God's plan Palin? Warped stuff when politics and church mix.
  12. They look like cool kids!The bottom pic is beautiful, and looks a little chilly. Where is it?
  13. This does have the reality show feel This says it all... Palin has been honest about what she doesn't know. When asked last month about the vice presidency, she said, "I still can't answer that question until someone answers for me: What is it exactly that the VP does every day?" When asked about Iraq, she said, "I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq."
  14. can that be on the back of the t-shirts? I want one. I just ordered this on cafe press http://www.cafepress.com/cp/viewcart.aspx?s=search Obama has Poon Power!
  15. I think this is such BS with a capital BS topped with a handfull of BS! How is a chick that majored in journalism with an emphasis in broadcast news & went to 5 colleges in 6 years before graduating from the University of Idaho in 1987, going to go up against Biden. Better be a damn quick study, or write a sweet cheat sheet on her ass.
  16. So, since you are somewhat wasted, does that mean I can take advantage of your posts? Have my way with them and such? Okay, nevermind.I'm getting drunk, and this typing thing is getting harder, and I'm getting stupider.Is that how you spell it?Dumb.I can spell that. Edit-we shouldn't be doing this in a baby thread. My kid
  17. Ok, this one has over 5,000 bugs and 7,000 images http://davesgarden.com/guides/bf/
  18. I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think I may be sick of tomatoes. We have so many & I feel like I have to eat them before the bugs do. I'm not cool enought to can them, although Fatheadfred made some salsa and tomatoes sauce...we have way too many. Oh well, guess there is far more horrible things that could happen with tomatoes. Here's mine
  19. I hear ya. I like paying with change these days, but it seems to piss people off. It's like not really money to me anyway, so it feels like I get stuff for free.
  20. What's that bug? http://www.whatsthatbug.com/
  21. No prob, I guess I just haven't presented my self to be left enough in my gazillion election thread posts. All those kids that puked with my nonstop liberal poo must have been faking it. Damn righty tighty liars!!
  22. Do we have half dollars anymore? I tried to use 6 silver dollars to pay for chinese food back in college $ they refused it for $$$????? I had to go trade them for bills in a back alley. I'm still pissed I did that, they were old.
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