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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. Don't assume I mean that Kwall. That's BS and you know it. Imagine a world if every unwanted child is born.
  2. Well voting people like Palin and McCain will certainly keep us from moving forward. It's one of the main reasons Bush sits in office right now. God just told me to stop talking bad about Palin. He told me to go take my kid to the park..so I'm out!
  3. No I didn't. It needs to stop. I don't see anyone in this election using God to get elected except for McCain and Palin. Obama has never done this period. Nor has he used his race, his kids, or a list of lies.
  4. What? Rape, incest, teenage pregnancy, spouse abuse... Oh, and by the way, there are millions of children out there with dick head dads that don't pay a dime, or "deal with the consequences." Also, check out state run foster care and group homes, orphanges etc. Nice job our government does with unwanted children.
  5. Again, God has no place in politics! The batshit crazies need to knock this shit off or they will fuck this country up.
  6. This woman is a weird sicko. Why would you need to personally slaughter 40 caribou? Good thing God likes guns, I can only imagine hunting in heaven.
  7. Yes she did, it's in one of her church videos on utube.
  8. I don't trust a government to be truthful about 911, or anything if they believe & spout they are doing God's work thru his "plan". GOD HAS NO PLACE IN POLITICS! Ivasion of Iraq came from God? If anyone here can not see how sick that is then please go read about what happens around the world when politics and religion mix. Is this what you want for the future of this country?
  9. No, you hit the nail on some dumb dudes head with this one.. I suspect that some folks post things that they don't believe just to get a response.
  10. Reparations for black people will never happen. It's about the stupidest idea I have ever heard.
  11. Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and I'm stilll voting for him.
  12. Hateraide, I love that! Your words are so right on John Smith. I guess we should just toss out separation of church and state because it pisses off God.
  13. How would a man feel if the government told him what he could or could not do with his body? I'ts not the most imp issue to feminist, but it continues to be a worthless issue in elections. Pro-lifers keep throwing in women's face on a daily basis. Religion is in my face every where I go. I don't see non-religious people knocking on doors trying to convert. One more Mormon comes to my door.... Good post!
  14. They didn't ask me bobbob. And don't just believe any poll Bobbob, most are worthless anyway. In a poll, in a study...all that jazz means very little if you don't check where their info comes from. Sample size etc. This site offers the most info and analysis on polling http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/search/labe...day%27s%20polls
  15. I agree 100%. But, I haven't seen any worthy polls to show this.But, you will see some people vote for Obama because he is 1/2 black. Voting should should have 0% to do with sex, religion, or race. I'm just amazed how how she's been around a mere 2 weeks now, and somehow these voters are convinced she's fit to be VP and Prez if McCain kicks the bucket????????????
  16. These are bigger issues than "fighting them bad terrorist". Katrina is not finished yet BTY. Terrorism is not the # killer of Americans, or the #1 threat in this country. It matters yes, but issues at home are the real issues republicans seem to ignore. I'm sick of this idea Bush protects us, and now McCain will.It's complete BS. War presidents? That's BS. What issues did McCain/Palin talk about at the RNC, how about now? And don't include the lies please.
  17. Obama? Really..I know this, and did not imply he was. great post!
  18. I'm not so sure. Palin is pro-life and anti gay. Most women see this as 2 BIG strikes against being a feminist. Conservative Christian woman love her, but true feminists are not conservative like that.
  19. Palin's speech @ the RNC was hateful and sounded like nails on a chalkboard. She seems to be just repeating this speech on her travels this week. Scary person all around, and not a feminist what so ever. She believes she is on a mission from God. That is not someone we want to run our country. America is not some chosen land, and our politicians are not God's little helpers.
  20. Very beautiful pics! And cool blog, I may have to save that one.
  21. So many Americans. My mom for one. She told me yesterday, "I don't like politics, but I'm voting for McCain because he was in the military, and so was his family. Obama won't fight terrorist." Sorry, seems to me things like Katrinia and poor health care kill more Americans than terrorism.
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