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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. I know this is bad, really bad, but I just want to. Hey, Palin let it be taken..
  2. Stop the war and start focusing on issues at home. Obama will do this, not overnight, but he will.
  3. It's the bureaucracy I'm talking about, it's what keeps the help away from the vets. Not all vets, but enough. Our aging vets in poorly run & run-down VA homes are sad. I've been to a few during college for observation.
  4. It Is Just Not Walter Reed' Soldiers Share Troubling Stories Of Military Health Care Across U.S. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/04/AR2007030401394.html
  5. McCain voted for veterans funding bills only 30% of the time, according to a scorecard of roll-call votes put out by the nonpartisan Disabled Americans for America. Under the same system Obama has a 90% rating . Hypocrite, thy name is McCain http://www.mydd.com/story/2008/5/26/19303/1486
  6. That's a joke right? Have you ever had experince with a vet hospital? Please research that one.
  7. Thanks. Good luck on your thesis. I have a family memeber who is homeless, so it's a hot subject for me. In doing research on it, I was astounded by how many young Iraq vets are now homeless. As far as PTSD, it can takes years for that to show up, same with suicide. What I mean't to say, is most of the vets with PSTD that commit suicide are the young kids, not the seasoned vets. In my research I have also found this to be true of the homeless. Those that are older are less likely to recieve and accept the help and support they need, and they are older and mature enough to better process thing
  8. I am all of the above except 12. I used the word Vagina cause I got slack from you and someone else for not spelling it out in full vagina form on another thread.
  9. Nice thread. Palin is a stinky vagina and so is O'Reilly. Obama on O'Reilly tonight, should be fun
  10. Then go away. That's what people do in this thread. If we are clowns than why are you here so often?I think you love us. This should be read over and over and over and over and over.
  11. If you read the Obama's history he is the same man of character now, that he has always been. McCain has changed his character and everything he stood for when he put on his new clothes for this election. Here is the master list of how McCain changed his stance on 75 or so issues since running..all with links to the original link http://www.bi30.org/wordpress/flipflopper.htm#randi
  12. You never really say, you just bash the Obama side. So tell your side, your side for the way you will be voting, or not voting....with links to facts please, no one liners
  13. No, I made it up. Do you know how many of our younger soliders committ suicide, end up homeless, have a lifetime of PTSD? More American military veterans have been committing suicide than US soldiers have been dying in Iraq, it was claimed yesterday http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article2873622.ece 120 War Vets Commit Suicide Each Week http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/68713/ Suicide Epidemic Among Veterans http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/13/...in3496471.shtml
  14. Ok, here it is FHF, you saw it for real & know I didn't make this shit up! What I received from one of my rural Missouri McCain supporters. I highlighted the new spelling of words for ya.. democrat Propaganda From: War Machine (matt) Date: Sep 3, 2008 4:08 PM How many lies have they told about VP Gov Sarah Palin? She is takeing care of he doughter Kid? she got her borther enlaw fired? SO what if he is not doing his job then that shows she does not care who they are if there not geting the job done there out of there. They call her that WOMAN ....THAT woman has a name...you do
  15. Prove your side, just try a little. One liners and liberal bashing=nothing. It's all I saw @ the RNC last night. Issues?
  16. Ecaxtly!We are only proud of our kids if they serve us well in the military??That's one thing I got from Palin last night. I'm so happy for your 19 year old going off to Iraq, he has so much experince for such things.Most of the younger ones come back in a body bag, try suicide, have years, if not a lifetime of PTSD...great.
  17. Not to mention that there was actually people, and lots of them @ the DNc. People from all parties. The RNC can't even fill the seats with their own party?
  18. I agree. I'm hoping they were drugged perhaps, or pods as you say.Where do they store the real people I wonder?
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