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Sparky speaks

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Posts posted by Sparky speaks

  1. Another good boring article that really has nothing to do with the birth certificate issue but how both candidates are not very different from each other...


    Why Romney Is Raising the Birth Certificate Issue

    by Jacob G. Hornberger


    While the Obama camp and even some in the GOP ranks are upset with Mitt Romney for bringing up the issue of President Obama’s birth certificate, the reason Romney did it might well be that it’s the only issue on which he and Obama disagree. On all the fundamental issues, with the exception of abortion, the two candidates are on the same page.


    Take foreign policy.


    While they’ll squabble over this intervention or that one, or over the amount of foreign aid given to any particular regime, the fact is that they both share the same perspective: that the U.S. government should continue in its role as a worldwide military empire, with military bases strung all over the world, and continue in its role as a world policeman, intervener, interloper, protector, and welfare provider.


    They both believe that the U.S. government should continue providing foreign aid, in the form of cash and armaments, to foreign regimes, including pro-U.S. dictatorships.


    They both believe in assassination, torture, invasions, occupations, embargoes, sanctions, and interference with foreign elections, especially as a way to bring pro-U.S. regimes into power.


    Indeed, they both ardently believe in the entire concept of the national-security state, the vast military-intelligence apparatus that was engrafted onto the American way of life in 1947, purportedly to oppose the “communist threat.”


    Indeed, both Obama and Romney embrace the “war on terrorism,” which they both acknowledge is endless, and also favor continuing to grant extreme deference to the Pentagon and the CIA in foreign policy. Neither of them would ever consider challenging the ever-increasing military and intelligence budgets, much less the very existence of the military-industrial complex, the CIA, the NSA, and the entire national-security state apparatus.


    Most important, neither candidate will even consider the possibility that the paradigm of imperialism, interventionism, national security, and militarism to which they are both so devoted is one of the root causes of America’s woes in both fiscal policy and the constant threat of terrorism. Thus, they end up arguing over silly inanities about who would make a “tougher” president.


    Take civil liberties. No difference there either, owing to President Obama’s full embrace of the Republican denigration of civil liberties practically from the start of his presidency. Gitmo, indefinite detention without trial, immunity for U.S. torturers, immunity for U.S. telecoms, denial of trial by jury, assassination, military detention, kangaroo tribunals. Both candidates embrace all these hallmarks of totalitarian regimes, in the name of “national security” and the “war on terrorism,” the magic buzz terms that dictatorial regimes throughout history have cited to justify anything they want to do both citizens and noncitizens alike...



  2. A cool story but supposedly not true...


    On July 20, 1969, commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words after stepping on the moon, "That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind", were televised to Earth and heard by millions. But just before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark:


    "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the "Good luck Mr. Gorsky" statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.


    In 1938 when he was a kid in a small Midwest town, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his neighbor’s yard by the bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky.


    As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. "Sex! You want sex?! You’ll get sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!"

  3. Lou, sorry to bore you again. No matter where you stand on the issues mentioned below, they are both the same, no matter how much you deny it. Where is the choice? Why should anyone vote for one over the other? Party affiliation? Race? One's less rich than the other? One might be a legal citizen of the US? This election, like most is like choosing between Coke or Pepsi. It doesn't matter. They are both bad for you...


    The following are 40 ways that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are essentially the same candidate….


    1. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported TARP.


    2. Mitt Romney supported Barack Obama’s “economic stimulus” packages.


    3. Mitt Romney says that Barack Obama’s bailout of the auto industry was actually his idea.


    4. Neither candidate supports immediately balancing the federal budget.


    5. They both believe in big government and they both have a track record of being big spenders while in office.


    6. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both fully support the Federal Reserve.


    7. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are both on record as saying that the president should not question the “independence” of the Federal Reserve.


    8. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both said that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke did a good job during the last financial crisis.


    9. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both felt that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke deserved to be renominated to a second term.


    10. Both candidates oppose a full audit of the Federal Reserve.


    11. Both candidates are on record as saying that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has done a good job.


    12. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both been big promoters of universal health care.


    13. Mitt Romney was the one who developed the plan that Obamacare was later based upon.


    14. Wall Street absolutely showers both candidates with campaign contributions.


    15. Neither candidate wants to eliminate the income tax or the IRS.


    16. Both candidates want to keep personal income tax rates at the exact same levels for the vast majority of Americans.


    17. Both candidates are “open” to the idea of imposing a Value Added Tax on the American people.


    18. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the TSA is doing a great job.


    19. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the NDAA.


    20. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the renewal of the Patriot Act.


    21. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the federal government should be able to indefinitely detain American citizens that are considered to be terrorists.


    22. Both candidates believe that American citizens suspected of being terrorists can be killed by the president without a trial.


    23. Barack Obama has not closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised to do, and Mitt Romney actually wants to double the number of prisoners held there.


    24. Both candidates support the practice of “extraordinary rendition”.


    25. They both support the job-killing “free trade” agenda of the global elite.


    26. They both accuse each other of shipping jobs out of the country and both of them are right.


    27. Both candidates are extremely soft on illegal immigration.


    28. Neither candidate has any military experience. This is the first time that this has happened in a U.S. election since 1944.


    29. Both candidates earned a degree from Harvard University.


    30. They both believe in the theory of man-made global warming.


    31. Mitt Romney has said that he will support a “cap and trade” carbon tax scheme (like the one Barack Obama wants) as longas the entire globe goes along with it.


    32. Both candidates have a very long record of supporting strict gun control measures.


    33. Both candidates have been pro-abortion most of their careers. Mitt Romney’s “conversion” to the pro-life cause has been questioned by many. In fact, Mitt Romney has made millions on Bain Capital’s investment in a company called “Stericycle” that incinerates aborted babies collected from family planning clinics.


    34. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the Boy Scout ban on openly gay troop leaders is wrong.


    35. They both believe that a “two state solution” will bring lasting peace between the Palestinians and Israel.


    36. Both candidates have a history of nominating extremely liberal judges.


    37. Like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney also plans to add “signing statements” to bills when he signs them into law.


    38. They both have a horrible record when it comes to job creation.


    39. Both candidates believe that the president has the power to take the country to war without getting the approval of the U.S. Congress.


    40. Both candidates plan to continue running up more government debt even though the U.S. government is already 16 trillion dollars in debt.





  4. Ain't no difference twixt the two...


    The VP candidates agreed on 52 substantive bills


    Partisan politics drives us to look at differences. But during the time Rep. Paul Ryan served along side then-Sen. Joe Biden from 1999 to 2008, our VP candidates voted the same way on 52 substantive bills.

    Here are the 52 bills which the two candidates both supported:



  5. Hell yeah! I agree 100% on Toad. Bread & Circus (written when Glen was 17), Pale , Fear and Dulcinea was an incredible run with hardly any missteps! Coil is great too..on a similar note I would add Del Amitri (around since 1983) great pop writters!


    I don't know where you live but I recently purchased tickets to their show at Infinity Hall in CT...



  6. Parks with first year I visited them as best as I can remember...


    Old old Yankee Stadium 1963 saw my heroes at the time Mantle and Maris with Ford pitching

    New old Yankee Stadium 1976 4th game of 76 Series

    Fenway Park 1966 Tony C hit homer and Boog Powell hit three

    Shea Stadium 1968 also 7th game of 86 Series

    Camden Yards 1992 Boggs homerun

    Fulton County Stadium 1993

    Jacobs Field 2003

    Minute Maid Park 2008

    Wrigley Field 2010

    PNC Park 2012

    US Cellular Field 2012

    Miller Park 22012

  7. I was there last week and stayed at the Best Western on North Broadway. For three nights it cost us a total of $600 for three people. Nice place. They had a nice continental breakfast and was a short walk to the Red Line elevated train which was on Addison by Wrigley Field. I used my government employee discount and saved almost $100 a night. (Are you a teacher?)You park in the garage right next door and can access your car when ever you need it. Lots of bars and eating establishments within walking distance. There is a per day fee for parking but it is very convenient. Try Al's Italian beef sandwiches. I think there are three locations around town. One is directly across from Gino's East Pizza. Maybe Lou can give you the exact addresses or streets. I can't quite remember them. We got a three day CTA pass for $14. Used it way more than its' cost to me.


    Link to hotel...



  8. In case you were wondering...




    Social Security has been running a deficit ever since 2010. There is no trust fund. The trust fund is a pile of IOUs from the Treasury. Here is the wording from the 2012 report from the Trustees of Social Security. "The Department of the Treasury currently invests all program revenues in special non-marketable securities of the U.S. Government which earn a market rate of interest."


    Therefore, every time the trust fund sends an IOU back to the Treasury, the Treasury must borrow money to be able to send money to Social Security. The deficit in the general fund rises.


    How much in the hole is Social Security? First, there is the red ink from insufficient FICA tax revenues. Here is what the Trustees of Social Security say.


    Social Security's expenditures exceeded non-interest income in 2010 and 2011, the first such occurrences since 1983, and the Trustees estimate that these expenditures will remain greater than non-interest income throughout the 75-year projection period. The deficit of non-interest income relative to expenditures was about $49 billion in 2010 and $45 billion in 2011, and the Trustees project that it will average about $66 billion between 2012 and 2018 before rising steeply as the economy slows after the recovery is complete and the number of beneficiaries continues to grow at a substantially faster rate than the number of covered workers. Redemption of trust fund assets from the General Fund of the Treasury will provide the resources needed to offset the annual cash-flow deficits.


    Second, there are interest payments on the IOUs in the so-called trust fund. These payments go from the Treasury to Social Security. The Trustees failed to mention this in the body of the report. That would make things look a lot worse. To find this figure, you must do some digging. I have done it for you. It is reported in an unnamed table about one-third of the way into the report. Social Security's interest income from the general fund in 2011 was $106.5 billion. Add this to the $45 billion deficit, and we get $151.5 billion. That was the total deficit in the program in 2011.


    We can see where this is headed: deeper into the red-ink lake.


    At some point, there will be calls in Congress for a tax hike for FICA. My guess is that the earned income subject to the FICA tax will go from $110,000 a year to at least $150,000. This way, the average wage earner will not pay more than what is already scheduled. It will come out of the pockets of the upper middle class. But this is a political issue. Members of Congress will have to test the opposition to any increase. They will make a cost-benefit analysis – for their careers, not the victims' income.


    All of this is political. It is short term. It is sound and fury signifying little for the total unfunded liability of all of the federal welfare programs. The relentless growth of the unfunded liabilities dwarfs anything that Congress is willing to discuss.



  9. I know they didn't write them but I can't stand Mr. Moonlight, Anna, Taste Of Honey, Three Cool Cats, The Sheik of Araby, Clarabella, Boys and Searchin.


    Those they wrote, only a few, Baby's in Black, Being For the Benefit Of Mr. Kite, Good Night, If You've Got Trouble, Revolution 9 and You Know My Name, Look Up the Number.

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