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Sparky speaks

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Posts posted by Sparky speaks

  1. Sorry Sparky, I frequently write posts and then delete them, I thought I commented on what you said to my inquiries. My bad. You appear to be a very thoughtful and you spend a lot of time trying to express your views. I really don't happen to agree with you. Others expressed counter arguments better then I could. And you even said you might take heat for being crazy, so I went with it. Joking aside, what you are suggesting is off the rails ask not very likely to happen. If come spring we are in a deep depression I will be the first to say I was wrong. But until then I am going to focus my time on the election and my interest in that.


    Hey, don't sweat it. I'm used to the abuse. I teach high school kids, remember? But, non the less, I get the feeling I have ranted enough here. You all know where I'm coming from. Nothing much left for me to add. Just trying to get you guys to see things a little differently and maybe win a few converts. You are a tough crowd. Just as stubborn as I used to be on these very same issues. I figured one or two would show a tiny amount of agreement or support. Maybe in a few months. Enjoy the debate over the non-issues... :D


    By the way, he could be Obama's running mate...



  2. My students are just fine. Critical thinking and alternative history is what we lack. My conservative friends used to harass me for teaching about gun control in my Crime and Violence classes. I guess they were worried about my students too. I try to give my kids a wide variety of views on issues. They appreciate not getting the same old crap they get in every other class. Do yourself a favor and read up on how our monetary system actually works. I guarantee it will change your outlook on things and how you present topics in your classes in the future. What is wrong with telling the truth about our banking system? They can handle it. They actually grasp the concepts pretty well. Show them the clip from South Park when one of the characters deposits his money in the bank and Poof!! It's gone. Start there and build a nice lesson on fractional reserve banking and the creation of money out of debt and thin air. You can talk about bank runs, the FDIC and all sorts of good stuff. You'll have some fun.

  3. 3 posts by Sparky in a row, and none of them any less condescending or crazy.


    So back to reality, I read this article on HuffPo and it really did amaze me, there is little or no foreign policy experience on Romney's ticket. I know it seems to be a bit of back burner to the economy, but we have to contend with Iran, North Korea, etc. It would be nice to have a bit of foreign policy experience on the ticket.


    The more and more I think about it, Ryan was not a smart choice. It sure does look like this is setting up for a 2016 run by Ryan.


    Look, you asked me a question and I tried to answer it in a serious manner. Then you failed to acknowledge anything I posted. Then you go back to your Sparky's crazy shtick. Why bother?

  4. Sparky you need to look at history. Our debt is not gonna hurt us one damn bit. We can and WILL balance the budget in these next few years. Republicans will have to come to the table in some way after we win reelection. Democrats are the ones that write balanced budgets. We had to save the economy by spending more in 09 and we did. Things are fine and to think the "system" is going to collapse is absolute poppycock my friend. Youre being sold doo doo


    Here's another nut case...


    Alan Simpson Confirms Reality: “All The Things You Love Will Not Come To Pass”



    "Let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen. Either you start to do something now, or pay me now or pay me later. This country is on a trajectory of debt, deficit and interest that is totally unsustainable, unconscionable and totally predictable. If everybody wants to talk about old people and the kiddies and use the stuff that Dave Axelrod will shower on the American people while Obama’s plan, pretty sweet — have a go at it. It is your country.”


    'Medicare is on automatic pilot. It will use up every resource of the government and squeeze out all the things you mentioned. They will be completely squeezed out. The discretionary budget will be borrowed. We are borrowing $3.6 billion per day. For every dollar we spend, we are borrowing 41 cents. We owe $16 trillion and no one understands what that is. If you want to get to the old playbook out and use infrastructure, airplanes and all that stuff, that is great. You will not even see it because of what will happen with Medicare. You will not even perceive it. It will not come to pass. All the things you love will not come to pass.”


    I have always said if you torture statistics long enough they will eventually confess. I was in Washington for 18 years and never saw any projection of any of economist ever come true in 18 years. The next year, greater growth will be this — never happened. This will happen — GDP. All you have to do is use the math. We don’t use Powerpoint. We do not use graphs. All use is your head. If you want to go into all of the horror stories using emotion, fear, guilt, racism, class warfare, you can kiss it off. It is your country.”



  5. Weird, I did and it was delicious.


    I didn't mean you any harm, I thought you knew and would get the joke...

    Fukushima radiation seen in tuna off California





    Tuna contaminated with Fukushima radiation found in California


    Scientists amazed that bluefins swimming in Pacific five months after Japanese disaster contained tiny amounts of caesium



  6. The dollar not being backed by gold and the dollar being printed essentially out of thin air is a bit uncomfortable for me to think about. When you look at the mess that Europe is in......what insures we won't be as bad as Greece at some point. Something pretty drastic will have to take place for us to steer out of the direction we're headed.


    We are actually worse off than those countries when it comes to debt, yet our Federal Reserve is supplying much of the money to keep those countries afloat. That is why they do not want an audit of the Fed. It will expose how it has become the world's printing press. They only increase a countries indebtedness to the central banks when they rework their debt payments. Remember what one famous central banker once stated, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws". The world is fast becoming the playground and the property of those very same bankers. They destroy national sovereignty and what is left of representative government by making a countries' leaders dependent on them for survival while they extort their natural resources as a condition for the loans. Have you read John Perkins' book Confessions on an Economic Hit-man? He explains how the system works. Another eye opener.

  7. If you had to choose between taking a pile of 1,600 dollar bills or one ounce of gold which would you take? I think we all know the answer. We did fine as a nation on the gold standard. We were taken off of it to enable the Federal Reserve to print more money for the US government to borrow at interest to spend on wars, social programs, etc. and as a result we have deflated the value of our money and plunged our nation into a pit of debt we will most likely never get out of. Money is created out of nothing. There is nothing backing our currency except the government's word that it is worth something. I really suggest you read that book which is a watered down version of the Creature From Jekyll Island. It is an eye opener. You'll never view politics and economics the same. It is very liberating to finally understand how the system has been rigged in favor of the central bankers at our expense. You'll understand why politicians, no matter which party they belong to, support and promote basically the same policies. Do you ever wonder why they never seem to make decisions that benefit the people? They always take the side of the bankers who fund their campaigns, wars, etc. They keep perpetuating the system which is mathematically doomed to fail.


    Look, it took me 54 years to figure this shit out for myself. I had the same doubts and questions you have. It just takes time to gather the facts and to put all the pieces together in your head. But when it finally clicks you'll see the world through a whole different prism. Like I said, it is pretty liberating but frightening at the same time when you realize the whole system is nothing but an illusion or for that matter a lie.


    The expansion of the money system is possible under the gold standard. But it also acts as a self regulating instrument on government spending. It's complicated only in the sense that most don't understand how the system we have now works. Once you have that under your belt the rest is easy to grasp. The current system offers too many benefits to banks and politicians to mess with it, which will result in a bigger collapse in the end. They know there is only a fixed period of time they can get away with inflating the money supply to pay for their crap. That is why the Fed has been doing QE 1, QE 2, TWIST, and now are talking about QE 3. All they are doing is kicking the can down the road. But as that article stated, the road is about to come to an end.

  8. Boon, give this a read. It sums things up pretty nicely...




    When mainstream economists examine bubbles, manias and crashes they generally concentrate on short-term bubbles that last a few years. But some bubbles go on for decades and some busts have lasted for a century. The largest bubble in world history continues to inflate at a rate of $3.8 billion per day and has now expanded to epic bubble proportions of $15.92 trillion, up from $9.65 trillion in September 2008 when this current Wall Street manufactured crisis struck. A 65% increase in the National Debt in less than four years can certainly be classified as a bubble. We are currently in the mania blow off phase of this bubble, but it began to inflate forty years ago when Nixon closed the gold window. This unleashed the two headed monster of politicians buying votes with promises of unlimited entitlements for the many, tax breaks for the connected few and pork projects funneled to cronies, all funded through the issuance of an unlimited supply of fiat currency by a secretive cabal of central bankers running a private bank for the benefit of other bankers and their politician puppets. Crony capitalism began to hit its stride after 1971.





    You might want to check this out too...


    Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession



  9. Sparky the anti central bank folks have been preaching this same stuff for fifty years or more now. During the 90s it was a sure thing. Im pretty sure were gonna be fine and things are gonna get better.


    Based on what? Your gut feeling or some miraculous event I might have missed? Those folks from 50 years ago knew what they were talking about. It has taken that long to get us to the point we are at right now. The dam is about to burst. The game is almost over. The music is about to stop and there are no chairs to sit in. The fat lady is about to sing. Wishing it wasn't so will not stop it from happening.


    “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”J.M. Barrie – Peter Pan

  10. Sparky when the economic collapse comes you can look down you nose at us with your piles of can goods and whatever you got stored up in your bunker and say I told you so.


    But then again, I am going to bite. So you offer up all of these doomsday scenarios, so what am I to do about it? Or am I just screwed because I am ill prepared and don't listen like you do?


    You asked, so I will give you my two cents at the risk of being ridiculed and treated like a crackpot by some of you. Remember, up until a few years ago, I believed the same stuff as most of you, who think I am nuts, believe.


    Basically, we all pretty much screwed IMO. One has to get an understanding of where money comes from and how it is manipulated by the central banks (Federal Reserve) to their advantage, not ours. That book, I mentioned a few pages back in this thread is a great place to start. http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/1439214115 It will describe how money is literally created out of thin air and that all fiat paper currency is nothing but debt that must be paid back with interest. It seems complicated but it is very simple to understand. Once you get a grasp of that, you will understand that the politicians support the system because it creates money for them to fight their wars, expanding the welfare state which then makes people more dependent on them thus perpetuating the cycle, etc., etc. without raising taxes. In reality, they don't really need to tax us at all. They (the Fed) could just go on printing money for the government to use. But of course that means less value for your currency through inflation. Inflation is the actual tax we all pay now as the price for this system. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the dollar has lost over 95% of its' value. But you can still buy a gallon of gas with a pre-1964 silver quarter. That same quarter is worth $5.02 right now as we speak. It is not the value of the gas that has gone up, it is the value of the purchasing power of currency that has gone down.


    We could never pay our national debt with tax income alone.The Fed just prints the money for the the politicians to use as they please with the interest due passed on to the next generation of taxpayers. It is a big Ponzi scheme. Ending this system would put limits on how much a government can spend on imperialistic wars, bank bailouts, crony capitalism, etc. A currency based on gold and silver reigns in government spending.


    The goal of the current crop of politicians looking for your vote is to keep this crooked system going as long as they can. They do not want to make the hard decisions that need to be made on their watch. But, by kicking the can down the road, so to speak, the inevitable disaster will be made even worse.


    You have to realize there are problems bigger then the ones being discussed here. Information is the key. I really don't think there is an answer to our problems in the current political and economic system we are living under. Someone like Ron Paul was probably our last chance but he was marginalized. If he did show any signs of winning I'm sure he would have been eliminated.


    In the short-term, you can investigate what you might be able to do to protect the value of the wealth you currently have left. Having physical silver and gold if you can afford it is a good place to start. Silver is the poor man's gold. Buy it whenever the price dips. It will hold the value of your money and protect it from hyper-inflation.


    I would take any large amounts of cash out of the bank and store it in a safe in your home. You are not making any interest on it now anyway. When the banks fail, there will be no ATM's, check cashing, credit cards, direct deposits, etc., etc. Cash might be good for a little while, until folks realize that it is worthless, but having things to barter, junk silver coins, food, etc. will come in handy I'm sure. See this...


    Warning: Get Your Money Out: ‘All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone’


    If the shit hits the fan, as it might eventually, obviously the welfare of you and your family becomes the number one issue. As a former anti-gun nut I would buy a gun for self-dense. The police will not be there to help you when and if the shit hits the fan. There is nothing wrong with having a months supply of canned goods and water. You're going to want to eat. We mostly live in urban areas and don't grow our own food. Super markets only have three-four days supply of food on hand. You know what happens when a snow storm is predicted.


    Hey, you asked. I took your question as a serious inquiry. I have given you what I believe is my best answer at the moment in that spirit. Obviously, I am opening myself up for the usual comments, but I'm a big boy and can handle it.

  11. You are ignoring the reality of what is coming and continuing to focus on the trivial. The global derivatives market, which is estimated to be worth between $800 trillion to $1,500,000 trillion, has collapsed. (It actually collapsed in 2008) That is $1.5 quadrillion on the long estimate.The GDP of the entire world is $65 trillion. They have been plugging the leaks in the dam for the past few years with massive money printing (mostly digital) by the world's central banks including the Federal Reserve and pumping some of that money into the stock market to give the illusion of prosperity. Unfortunately, much of that bailout money (our money) was put right back into the derivatives market. As a result, the world's banking system is on the verge of collapse as is our backed by nothing but faith, fiat currency. The economies and the individuals with the most gold and silver will do better when this happens. Russia, China and India are accumulating gold and silver like crazy and control the most. Look it up. They know what is coming. The banks know what is coming. The government knows what is coming. We, as a nation, are not being told the truth, resulting in the false belief that things will get better because they always have. Obama's tax plan will save us. Romney's tax plan will destroy us. It doesn't matter. It is window dressing to keep us all distracted.


    We are fast approaching a worldwide Enron moment. JP Morgan alone holds $90 trillion of the derivatives market which has gone bust. They claim to hold $140 billion of market capital. But reports show they are actually $30-40 billion in the red. Do you have money in a Chase Bank account? Bank of America holds $70 trillion worth of the failed derivatives market. Do you bank there?They are both about to collapse. There is not enough money in the world to bail them out of this mess. The FDIC is broke. And yet we argue about Paul Ryan's tax plan and how many push-ups he can do.


    Do you hear any of these two candidates talking about this??? They act as if the problem doesn't exist. It is getting some mention in the mainstream media but not much. Look, I don't want this to happen. But the math doesn't add up to any solution that is good. By spring of next year, we won't care who the president is or if his VP received his Insanity T-shirt in the mail.

    Exclusive: U.S. banks told to make plans for preventing collapse




    Roubini On 2013's "Global Perfect Storm" And Greedy Bankers "Hanging In The Streets"




    Derivatives: The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks





    Economist Richard Duncan: Civilization May Not Survive 'Death Spiral'



  12. Sparky again proves to be condescending and completely insane at the same time.


    I love the part about "Your banking system" Keep your gold in coffee cans in the back yard?


    Condescending, I might give you that. But not insane. You might want to consider it yourself before your Bernanke bucks pass their expiration date...




    It's easy. Just send your worthless fiat paper money for some hard currency while you still can. You'd be insane not to...




    Not to get off topic...


    100 Ways Mitt Romney Is Just Like Barack Obama

  13. For those who are not wearing blinders...


    "Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, the oligarchs will win."


    The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues


    The election of the next puppet president of the “world’s only superpower” is about two and one-half months off, and what are the campaign issues? There aren’t any worthy of the name...






    Here's another...


    The Dispossessed Majority


    The same brainwashed Americans who rage against Obamacare and are lined up to vote for Romney are oblivious to the fact that Romney, while governor of the eastern liberal Democratic state of Massachusetts, had his version of Obamacare enacted at the state level.


    The greatest irony about Obamacare is that it was written by the private insurance companies and diverts Medicaid and Medicare funds to their profits. It is socialized medicine alright, but it is socialism for the private insurance companies.






    One more. Did you think they would?

    DOJ Will Not Pursue Criminal Case Against Goldman Sachs


    The U.S. Justice Department has announced that it will not be prosecuting Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs or its employees following an investigation into financial fraud. A Senate panel had been investigating allegations that Goldman marketed four sets of risky mortgage securities without informing their clients that the securities were risky.






  14. You still don't get it do you? It doesn't matter who Romney or Obama pick as their running mates. It doesn't matter who paid what in taxes or who made what gaffe in a speech. These two candidates are approved by, purchased by and controlled by Goldman Sachs, the Military Industrial Complex and the globalists. They give you the false illusion that you some how selected these candidates and that there is a real choice between the two. Many fall for it. You are going to get the same policies from either of these two Bozos. Follow the money.The left has never been satisfied with Obama and they never will be and the right will be just as disappointed by Romney if he wins. Your banking system in on the brink of collapse, we are on the verge of a massive war in the Middle East, the economic situation is getting worse every day and all you focus on is the same bullshit they have used to distract us from the main issues for decades and what is really important to us all, peace and our economic and personal liberty. Both parties care not one iota for the middle class. They both will raise your taxes in their own way, continue to oversee the exportation of jobs overseas and expand the welfare state to make the population more dependent on the government. They've got all of us by the proverbial balls.They are turning us into mindless slaves who bicker and argue over how much we are entitled to of the crumbs that are left after they rob our nation of its' wealth through the debasing of our currency, the ensuing inflation this causes and the inevitable escalating taxes we all pay. This cannot continue much longer. The music is about to stop and there are not enough chairs, folks. The more government we have the less freedom we have. It is as simple as that. Both parties believe that the state knows what is best for you. They differ in degree only. They both are puppets controlled by those who care nothing for us, the little people. Good to be back. Did any one do their reading assignment while I was away?

  15. Nothing wrong with what you just stated. I am a former registered Democrat who never voted Republican in his life and always disagreed with my Republican and conservative buddies on must issues. But I started to look into many of the inconsistencies of some of my arguments as well as the merits of some of theirs plus I was always bothered by the scam both parties play on all of us around election time, of promoting the issues they feel they need to, to rally the base and then never deliver on them once they get elected. They both are big government supporters, statists, (each in their own way they believe government has all the answers),they both bog industry and business down with tons of regulations that stifle economic growth, they both promote socialist economic programs, the both support war, they both spend like it's going out of style, they turn a blind eye to growing executive power, they both profit enormously from their inside knowledge on investment matters, they have no problem voting on bills that limit our freedoms and privacy and other constitutional rights, they both have no problem taking money from Goldman Sachs and other such interests, they both throw money at issues with no evidence any of it will solve the problem and on and on and on. It's time we all recognize the con they are playing on all of us. Read Ventura's new book on the political parties for a detailed and well documented look at this issue. It is pretty informative and eye opening for those who are stuck in the left/right universe. Step outside of the box and you might realize you've been had. Are things getting better since 2008? Are you satisfied with "The Change"? Will Romney actually be any different? You've got to be dreaming. It's pretty obvious isn't it? It's never too late to look behind the curtain to see who the wizard really is.


    Link to Ventura's book:



    I'm not looking to start any arguments with folks here. Can't be bothered. Just trying to provide some differing views and perspectives. Stop watching FOX, MSNBC, CNN etc. and find out things for yourselves. Use the internet and alternative news providers while you still have the freedom to. Don't forget CIPA, CISPA and all those other "bi-partisan" bills before Congress that are trying to put an end to that privilege.


    Leaving for vacation so I won't be able to "debate" with you again for a week. Have fun...

  16. We have to get beyond right wing and left wing, folks. This is a distraction that allows the political party mafia to divide us while they divide the loot. We all believe in freedom, liberty, capitalism, peace, personal privacy, sound money, private property, national sovereignty, etc., etc. They don't. They only pay lip service to them. We all have a lot more in common than we all believe. Romney and Obama are different sides of the same coin. Both were selected by the oligarchs that run this country or they wouldn't be where they are today. Who ever wins, it doesn't matter to them because they both are controlled by the same people. They both believe in big government. They both believe in the welfare state. They both support the militarism of the US and NATO. They both support the bank bailouts. They both support the printing of trillions of dollars by the Fed to pay for wars, bailouts, welfare state, etc. They both oppose sound money. They both support the growing security police state we are living in. Do you get it??? There is no difference between the two. They only differ in the matter of the degree in which they wish to implement these common principles which are wholeheartedly supported by the military-industrial complex and their financial oligarch backers. We need a game changer or we are doomed.

  17. The Senate has not voted on it yet if I'm not mistaken. Reid is refusing to bring it to the floor. Obama would veto it anyway, unfortunately. At least some are talking about such matters. Kucinich gave a rousing impassioned speech in favor of it last week. Give Ron Paul credit where credit is due. At least he understands the ramifications of a private banking cartel running our monetary system, at least until recently, in complete secrecy. Every dollar they create physically or digitally and lend to the government comes with interest attached that you and I and future generations will be paying in taxes or through inflation. We are talking trillions here. All created out of thin air with nothing backing it except their word that it is worth something.





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