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i'm only sleeping

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Posts posted by i'm only sleeping

  1. My theory is that the abrupt ending has been fully deliberate, so not to force Nels to exactly repeat the (inexistent) guitar solo in exactly the same way in performances to come, as it has been the case for Impossible Germany for the last 2 years. I would then expect that, depending on the band mood and Nels inspiration, the song will evolve into unpredictable and lengthy jams, and be recorded for future bonus material.

  2. Apologies to all for my poor English. I am not only a dad, but a granddady in fact! A guy who started in rock and roll by buying the twist and south single of Beatles at age 12, the like a rolling stone single at age 14 and who became a huge daddy Wilco fan with ST, believe me or not ! Now, the second grandaughter is on her way for August. And yes, I enjoyed SBS a lot, could not understand the accusations of dad rock :stunned and all that crap. Not with that album.


    That said, W(tA) does not convince me. I am not sure on production details, but I do think that a producer external to the band is badly needed for future Wilco albums, be it O' Rourke or George Martin. As a scientist, I fully recognize the improvements to my work made by mostly unknown, generous and knowledgeable people (the referees of my papers). In music, the same could be surely said for many records, Wilco YHF included. And I am not saying necessarily edgy.


    Anyway, I will enjoy W(tA) as another step in an awesome trajectory of musicianship, honesty and poetry. And, yes, I downloaded the album, as an eager teenager. And as all other Wilco projects, I will buy the CDs, DVDs and vinyls when available. And in a few weeks I will be seeing them twice in two different Spanish venues.


    I am so sorry :cheekkiss for showing Wilco is not only dad rock but a grandaddy rock band indeed! Long life Wilco!



  3. I can't help but throwing this out, does anyone else realize what a great song On and On and On... is? An amazing song, I've never seen it live though. I'd love to hear Tweedy play this one at Foellinger.


    Wilco played it in Madrid, November 2007. Jeff sang it out of tune, however :ohwell

  4. "GOD or GODHEAD(CREATOR) is more logical than no creator given creation or existence anyone have a better logic?"


    Yes, there are several better logics: physics, chemistry, and evolutionary biology.

  5. Personally, I have never understood Atheism. I can understand someone not brought up in Christianity or religion or any higher power belief system to not believe in God or a god. But eventually, how does one not conclude that SOMETHING beyond our imagination or comprehension is over-seeing or looking upon everything?



    Just the fact we exist and can see and can think and can care and taste the sweetness of a strawberry....NO WAY is that all an accident.



    The thought of death being final...lights out...nothing....black.....I don't believe it.



    Plus, I've always thought that infants or children who lose their life to an accident or disease got totally screwed. I've gotta believe they go somewhere to live life....or maybe they get to come back as Mick Jagger or someone who's got to live an amazing life.


    A perfect example of wishful thinking. All superstitions, sorry, I meant religions, are based on the same incredulity, already predated by bishop Paley, desperately seeking for a watchmaker


  6. Yes, we've discussed this topic before at VC, and so I searched on the word "religion" and here are some links to some previous threads on this subject which might shine some light on your discussion.








    Oops, sorry! My own searches for "religion"in VC were unsuccesful. Thank you! Anyway, I bet that Tweedy is an agnostic. Someone said that an atheist is simply an angry agnostic...

  7. There should be no guilt whatsoever in loving the Dan.


    I first got hooked by an old, old reel-to-reel mixtape that my father had cobbled together off of radio broadcasts in the late 70's. It had "Peg" on it...that was my entry point. Still one of my favorite songs ever, even moreso because I understand what the lyrics mean now. :)


    I've been on a kick here lately, trying to collect all of the available torrents from the 1974 live shows. It's a shame that there's so little bootleg live material out there from the band. Despite Becker and Fagen's loathing of touring in the 70's, they put on a hell of a concert. "This All Too Mobile Home" FTW!


    Hi, go to http://qualityboots.blogspot.com/2008/08/s...in-1974_09.html

    And enjoy an early Steely Dan bootleg

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