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i'm only sleeping

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Posts posted by i'm only sleeping

  1. The word they're using is "batiburrillo" I am not familiar with it, nor I had heard of it before. (They use a different Spanish in the peninsula).


    According to the Spanish Royal Academy, a "batiburrillo" is: "a mix of unrelated things that have no relation to each other".


    (The French would say "un mélange").


    Stirrat is comparing the albums Sky Blue Sky to Wilco, saying that while the first had a clearly defined theme that ran through the album, the second (Wilco) was a "batiburrillo".


    "batiburrillo" is a word of very common use in Spain for things that do not mix well at all. No good connotations...

    Not sure whether that is the verdict of John, the journalist or both on W(TA)...

  2. The crowd in Madrid was amazing. They had so much energy. So much fun.

    Yes, way too energy to my taste...Too much clapping in the middle of songs they thought ended (Art of Almost, OSM; obviously, many still don't know the songs from TWL). In fact, Jeff had to tell the crowd to stop their ovations for a while: "you'll have plenty of time for this later.." Not sure, but maybe their planned setlist was changed according to the crowd mood

  3. Hope they're cooler than the Black Moon Alt Version, I'm fairly sure they will be.

    My guess is that they thought 'hey, we'll cannot play this with the strings arrangement, let's include it without strings as a bonus so that the kids hear how it will sound in shows'

  4. Anyone else get a Theologians vibe off this song?? No? Just Me?? Okay :worried


    I feel the same Lennon connection here ('I'm in the other side...) and in the bridge of Theologians. :twitchsmile

  5. I went back through the thread and tabulated the results. Obviously, this is far from definitive. There were around 60 rankings.


    1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot


    -- By a pretty decent margin


    2. Being There

    3. Summerteeth

    4. A Ghost is Born


    -- Only 6 points separated these three, meaning any subsequent rankings could alter this order in any direction. Remarkably close.


    5. Sky Blue Sky

    6. A.M.

    7. Wilco (the album)


    -- These last three are not remotely close to the first four. Sky Blue Sky does have a pretty healthy lead for this spot, though, and the margin between all three is about the same as the margin between YHF and BT. It's safe to say that WTA is clearly the least favorite here.


    I didn't include The Whole Love because most people didn't include it in their rankings.


    It would be interesting to know not only the mean ranking score but also some measure of dispersion (e.g., standard deviation or variance of ranks). The higher the dispersion the more divided would be VC users/posters on a particular Wilco album. I bet that SBS would rank first (=more variable rankings) and YHF last. But...

  6. On further reflection, I can't see this happening.

    I believe the litigation tha Jay instigated is being pursued by his estate; therefore, I don't imagine either side is very interested in revisiting this.

    I read a interview with Jeff in a Spanish magazine (http://www.elpais.com/articulo/portada/musica/tiempo/elpepuculbab/20110910elpbabpor_3/Tes) that the litigation has been archived. Also, when asked for his 'cool' reaction to Jay's passing he says 'what else could I do?...It's better being cool than overreacting, giving the circumstances'

  7. I've just discovered where exactly the inspiration for Capitol City may come from: "East St. Louis Toodle-Oo" by Steely Dan, a cover of Duke Ellington in 'Pretzel Logic'.


    Lazy and deaf music journalists!

  8. 1. Art of Almost - 6/10


    2. I Might - 8/10


    3. Sunloathe - 1/10


    4. Dawned on Me - 8/10


    5. Black Moon - 5/10


    6. Born Alone - 6/10


    7. Open Mind - 6/10


    8. Cap City - 6/10


    9. Standing O - 6/10


    10. Red Rising Lung - 5/10


    11. Whole Love - 10/10


    12. One Sunday Morning - 10/10

  9. But I digress. . . A question for the board: Wilco Spain consistently has some of the best quality videos around. I assume there's a story behind this strong connection between Spain and Wilco. Anybody care to enlighten us?


    Last week there was a fine report/interview with Jeff Tweedy in Spain's most important newspaper (http://www.elpais.com/articulo/portada/musica/tiempo/elpepuculbab/20110910elpbabpor_3/Tes). When the journalist asks Jeff what does he think about the reasons for Wilco's success in Spain he answers: "I've thought much on that, I think there is a hint of sadness in all Wilco does, the same - in a sense- of Spanish people when they look at the world, an underlying melancholy, It is not pessimism, rather a distrust in human condition, a certainty that, sooner or later, all will get f*****d."


    Another gem: "love is fine but what really unites (people) is hate"

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